The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1307 After being cleared of memory 26

Chapter 1307 After being cleared of memory 26
Naturally, Jiu Xuan would not take the initiative to ask such a person he is not very familiar with at all, after all, he is the one who added him as a friend, not his friend added by himself.

So if he wanted to ask so much, he would definitely ask, and he wouldn't keep silent like this.

Maybe there is some work to do now, so I temporarily put down the phone, and also let go of what I said to myself.

Jiuxuan continued to brush his teeth while playing with his mobile phone, and also watched some interesting trending searches, which was something Jiuxuan would often do on weekdays.

Because Jiuxuan is so boring, he is so boring that he wants to try anything interesting.

After all, Jiuxuan is really not a person who likes to live in a boring environment. This may also be a habit developed because of the various living environments in the past.

Jiuxuan is scrolling through Weibo, and the news from the latest contact has also come over successfully, but there is no way to understand what he means from his words.

Because it was very calm, so calm that Jiuxuan felt that this person might not be able to chat, and he was also someone who didn't really want to chat with him.

"Are you that person from yesterday?"

Jiuxuan knew the meaning of Xiao Huan's words, but he pretended that he didn't know what it meant, and put a question mark in the words quite seriously.

It seemed that he really didn't know what Xiao Huan meant when he asked himself, and he didn't even know who the person he was talking about was, so he might have identified the wrong person.

"What? I'm not quite sure who the person you're talking about is, but I think you must have made a mistake."

"Because I didn't give anyone my hand yesterday, and my WeChat didn't go through anyone's friends."

"So you may have identified the wrong person, so well, I have deleted my friend now."

Jiuxuan sent the three consecutive messages very quickly, and he was also waiting for what Xiao Huan would say later.

Because Jiuxuan didn't quite know why this person who had introduced himself added him as a friend.

But I don't feel that he is a person who wants to fall in love with me. After all, if he really wants to fall in love with himself, then he must have agreed yesterday.

Xiao Yangyang had said so much yesterday, but he still had no intention of agreeing, so this matter must not be what he imagined.

But it's not too clear what the real thing is like, so I can only extract some useful information from him, and I don't know if he will be willing to tell himself.

If he doesn't tell himself, then he can get out of it slowly. Anyway, it will just take some time, and it's not that difficult.

After Jiuxuan finished speaking, he didn't intend to continue to speak. It seemed that Xiao Huan's friends had already been deleted, so if he opened his mouth to send a message, he would definitely not be able to send it.

However, a message came from there very quickly, and this message was successfully sent to Jiuxuan.

So it means that the friend has not been deleted by Jiuxuan for the time being, and there are two consecutive messages coming over there.

(End of this chapter)

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