The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1313 After being cleared of memory 32

Chapter 1313 After being cleared of memory 32
And even the circumstances that should be said are completely lost, as if there is really a little bit of inexplicable situation.

Jiuxuan struggled for a long time and also did not give any reply, but he was also waiting for a sudden inspiration in his heart, or even a little inspiration.

In this case, you can quickly give a little reply, and then let him know that you don't want to reply to him, and you are still staring at the screen here.

But Jiuxuan felt that he didn't have this function for the time being, so he could only wait and wait, but he didn't know how long he would wait in the near future, and his time must not be wasted all the time.

Jiuxuan didn't know if Xiao Huan was the same as himself, time can't be wasted, but most people's time can't be wasted either.

Because in the eyes of most people, time is the most precious thing in this world, and it is something that cannot be bought even with money.

And how precious this kind of thing is, we can let everyone know clearly from now on. After all, money seems to be something that people have to fight for when they live in this world.

Because only if you have this kind of thing, then you can buy more things you want and accomplish more things you want to accomplish, but although money looks good, it is not universal.

For example, time is not something that can be bought with money, and there must be countless people who know this very well, so time has become an existence that everyone will rush to use crazily.

Even if there is only a little bit, it is absolutely impossible to waste it. This is the most important reason in the heart of time.

Jiuxuan is really wasting time for no reason now, because Jiuxuan is completely in a daze now.

And after this daze is completely over, it will definitely make Jiu Xuan feel very funny, because why do you have to be in a daze when it is not necessary?
And you are still spending the most important time in a daze, what do you think you are for?Is it possible that because you don't like so much time so much, you just plan to be so boring and waste it in this way?
But even if you are really wasting time, then you should use the most worthwhile means, such as reading books or doing homework.

Although you don't have any homework to write, it can be a good time-consuming, isn't it?You say why are you so stupid and are?So boring?

Could it be that you don't know that time is the most important thing in the eyes of others? And why are you in a daze in front of Xiao Huan?

Could it be that he is important to you?He doesn't seem to have any important place, does he?

It's just that you look a little better, and then give you a slightly special impression. Did you also become a beauty control at some point?

But Yan control doesn't seem to be very good, after all, sometimes Yan control is just a creature that can only stare at other people's faces, and it is very likely to be beaten up by others.

So why do you say such a thankless thing?And you're not too ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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