The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1316 After being cleared of memory 35

Chapter 1316 After being cleared of memory 35
In fact, what Xu Jing said is not completely narcissistic, because Xu Jing Xu Jing is indeed quite good-looking, and this face has indeed attracted the likes of many girls.

But if you really want to say that you are better looking than Xiao Huan, then you are deliberately exaggerating, because Xiao Huan's face is really good to see, and it is hundreds of times stronger than Xu Jing.

Xu Jing is not a person without self-knowledge, and he is also clear about what his face looks like, and how handsome he can be.

So those words just now were just for self-entertainment, and I also wanted to know more information from Xiao Huan's mouth, but I felt that if I just asked like this, I might not be able to find out why.

So I plan to ask this kind of weird question, maybe this way I can get what I want, but now it seems that every treatment method I choose is not very accurate.

Because it won't make me get what I want, maybe it will make me more embarrassed, in fact, because what I said now can be regarded as inquiring about other people's secrets.

Although it is not impossible to inquire about other people's secrets, most people do not want their secrets to be known to anyone.

Because if a secret can be called a secret, it means that there must be very few people who know it, and, in many cases, only you know it.

Because this is what allows the secret owner to be sure that his secret will not be stolen by anyone, and will not be known by anyone.

This is really a very good way to protect secrets, and it is also a result of being able to treat your own secrets with peace of mind.

Xu Jing was still talking non-stop on the sidelines, as if he really wanted to finish all the words in this life today, because if he didn't say it today, then there would be no chance to speak in this life.

That's why he was so excited, and also very anxious to speak.

"Xiao Huan, Xiao Huan, Xiao Huan, why don't you just talk to my good brother, anyway, I won't gossip and tell others about these things."

"I'm just a little curious about who is the person who can make you lose your mind, and how this thing happened. After all, this is an explosive news, okay?"

"If I can get this news out, then I will really grab all the headlines and get a huge sum of money."

"Although I'm not too poor, I feel very uncomfortable when I think that the money is not for nothing, so how about I get the money back?"

"You just need to admit this matter to me now, then we can get the same amount of money. At that time, we can get [-]-[-] points. At worst, I will get [-]% and you will get [-]%."

"If you think it's not good, then it's okay to give you a little more. Anyway, you should think about this matter carefully. Maybe you will regret it tomorrow and come to me."

"But at that time, whether I would still do this thing, and whether I would continue to cooperate with you, was not certain."

(End of this chapter)

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