The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1344 After being cleared of memory 63

Chapter 1344 After being cleared of memory 63
Yu Guimei originally thought that her daughter would definitely not be able to accept her heart, because Yu Guimei must be clear about what kind of person her daughter is.

After all, he was born by himself, and he was raised by himself, and now he is still by his side, so what should be understood is almost understood
But I didn't expect that such a person who I met in front of the door to look for Jiuxuan would be able to win the heart of my daughter. It seems that this person is really not too simple.

Jiuxuan can naturally guess what Yu Guimei is really thinking now, but she is actually a little helpless.

Because Jiuxuan also thought that it was impossible for him to be sincere to anyone, because he would definitely not like anyone.

Even if there are really a lot of people who have been pursuing me, and even if those people are really excellent, it is impossible to have any emotional connection with me.

But he didn't expect that there was still such a layer of things in him, and he also saw the connection between himself and Xiao Huan, so this is why he made this kind of thing that can be called a bit weird, and It's a completely different thing from before.

So no matter who sees Jiuxuan now, he may feel that there may be some problems in Jiuxuan's brain, and it may be that there is some deliberate change in his behavior.

Otherwise, such a big change will definitely not happen, because once a person's handling style is finalized in the first instant, then even if there are any changes in the future, there will definitely not be much change.

But Jiuxuan's current change is really not a little bit, because it is really very big.

However, Jiuxuan is completely different from the original owner's little sister, so it is normal for these changes to happen.

Because everyone in this world has a different soul or something, naturally it is impossible to be exactly the same as the little sister of the original owner.

If it is really the same, then it is completely meaningless for Jiu Xuan to appear in this world to do these tasks.

It all makes sense now though, and again it's not completely consistent.

Xiao Huan knew why Jiuxuan had such a sudden change, just like why Jiuxuan suddenly changed his name just now.

In fact, only the two of them who have not talked about this matter know what the reason is, and Yu Guimei, who has been intervening in this matter, is just a bystander watching from the sidelines.

Even if Yu Guimei really wanted to intervene in this matter as a mother, she could only deal with it with that very unclear attitude.

After all, Yu Guimei is a very open-minded mother, so when she heard Jiu Xuan's words, she didn't say anything more, and left directly.

But thinking about it, it is impossible to ignore this matter directly, because Yu Guimei will definitely care about what kind of person her daughter likes.

If it's just a good job on the surface, then no matter what, I must ruin this marriage, otherwise the one who gets ruined may be my daughter.

And this world has never been fair to girls, even if they are noble girls, once they are hurt emotionally, they may never have a chance to get out of the hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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