The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1348 The Big Devil's Little Baby 2

Chapter 1348 The Big Devil's Little Baby 2
The task is actually to fulfill the wish of the little sister of the original owner, that is to completely unify the decent and the villain, and make there no longer any struggle between them.

In this way, there will be no more smoke of war in the world, which is the best result for either side, because it means that no one will lose their lives in the war.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to be destroyed by these wars, and there may not even be a burial place.

Jiuxuan actually likes this kind of thing, because Jiuxuan also feels that he should do it like this. If he didn't get this task, he would definitely meddle in his own business and deal with this matter.

Because there are too many wars on this plane of comprehension, and there are also too many struggles between various factions and races.

But the people who died were all little people whose names were not qualified to appear in front of everyone, so these people were really miserable, and they didn't really want to do this.

The reason why they do this is just because they have to do it, because this is the arrangement of their superiors, so they can only perform the task.

If they want to violate this task or violate the rules, it seems that they may die even worse, and if there is a possibility that their family members will also sink in this war.

Jiuxuan is definitely not a caring person, and she is definitely not a person who will sympathize with anyone, but she is also very funny, but she is so funny that she will take care of some nosy things very carefully.

Jiuxuan called someone to ask about the recent events, to see what the recent wind direction looks like, if the wind direction is not too good, then it should be reversed.

Even if the reversal is not thorough, it is still a sign, otherwise, more people will be more courageous, and they will not take their decent leader seriously.

At that time, if I was thinking about collecting my prestige, I would have to go through another process.

So it's better to catch this process before it completely dissipates, this way it can save a lot of time for everyone.

When Jiuxuan called Qing Huai, the eldest disciple who was sitting down, over, the eldest disciple really trembled all over.

But because I know that my master is very powerful, if I really want to resist, I must be resisting with my life, so I can only come here very sadly.

And he didn't dare to show the slightest look of fear on his face, because he was afraid that his master would kill him if he was unhappy. At that time, he really had no place to cry.

The identity of Jiuxuan, the big devil, has really been engraved in everyone's hearts, so even if she does it more gently one day, it will definitely make people think that this is some little things she did before she wanted to get rid of certain sects. Just a small sign.

So if Jiuxuan really laughed, it would be a more scary thing, so Jiuxuan's handling of things with an attitude that is no different from usual is really good, at least not giving People have a very big gap and change.

(End of this chapter)

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