The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1355 The Big Devil's Little Baby 9

Chapter 1355 The Big Devil's Little Baby 9
So it seems that there is no big mistake in doing things in order to live well, at least many people think this way, and many people recognize it this way.

It didn't take long for Jiuxuan to bring his disciples here, and these people rushed out to defend, but no one dared to attack Jiuxuan at this time.

Because they know that even if they do something to Jiu Xuan, it is absolutely impossible to have any impact on the previous ones, maybe it is just as aggressive as tickling Jiu Xuan.

Moreover, it is impossible for the master to do this, so he should follow the master's arrangement carefully and stay behind very simply.

Not letting Jiuxuan rush in directly, this is the only thing I can do, and I must not be impulsive, because only people like myself can pay the price after the impulsiveness.

Jiuxuan definitely doesn't need to pay the price, because Jiuxuan is like a big devil, so he will definitely not feel that he can't do it to anyone, so he should arrange things like this. sex.

Jiuxuan really didn't know exactly how this person scolded him in his heart, but when he saw the attitude of these people looking at him now, he also knew that he must be really a little scary.

Because of the fear of oneself from the heart, and the expression of having to stand on the battlefield, Jiu Xuan really felt a little cute.

But the appearance after being cute is indeed sad, because if the person standing here today is not me, or the little sister of the original owner, but anyone other than myself.

There must be a lot of people who will directly get rid of these people, because no one likes to look at people who have very big suggestions for themselves, and they are majestic in front of them, and they always want to put themselves If it is disposed of.

And the slogan is these words to get rid of yourself, after all, who is not an angry person?
After all, who is not a person who can play a little temper, so these things really sound quite funny.

Jiuxuan thought about it and wanted to make a joke, but he was not sure if these people would listen to his joke, because it seemed that no matter what he did, it was wrong in their eyes.

And even if they are all a good thing, it will definitely make them feel that they are planning or calculating certain results.

"It doesn't matter if anyone wants to leave here and not participate in this war. I'm in a good mood today, so even if you leave, then I won't do anything to you."

"After all, I know that everyone loves to live, and I also like to live, because you can do a lot of things while alive, and if you die, you really have nothing."

"So it's still too late to leave now. I'll count to three to see how many people are willing to leave."

Jiuxuan's words sounded like he was comforting someone, or maybe he wanted to really give these people some chances to survive.

But it really gives people a feeling that Jiu Xuan is looking down on his opponent, but there seems to be such a layer of meaning mixed in Jiu Xuan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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