The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

200 Chapter 35 The Demon World Demon Girl [-]

200 Chapter 35 The Demon World Demon Girl [-]
After the flushed cheeks, it turned out to be such a sentence, so it can be seen that this sentence is very important to him.

Jiuxuan asked his own doubts, and also asked everyone's doubts.

"Do you have any secrets to maintaining your appearance? Because no matter how you look at it, you are still a child. Why don't you like others to call you a child? You must be hundreds of millions of years old, right?"

The cheeks of the young man in the blue shirt turned even redder: "I'm not a child, I'm really not a child anymore, but I'm not hundreds of millions of years old, this year is one thousand and nineteen..."

When he heard the last two words, Jiu Xuan really didn't care about the occasion of the competition and laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, hey, you are only 19 years old this year, so what is it if you are not a child? Could it be that you have some special hobby? You don't like people calling you a child, or is it because you have suffered from some kind of shadow before? I feel that the word child is an insult to you."

But the young man in the green shirt said very persistently: "It's really not a child anymore, and you are three years younger than should be the real child."

Jiu Xuan: "...??"

So according to the young man in green shirt, he is now 16 years old?
Wow, I didn't expect to be so young.

When Jiuxuan thought about how young he was, he subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his clothes, and looked at his wrists that he could see when he rolled up his sleeves.

Seems to be quite young indeed.

In fact, Jiuxuan really has no concept of young and old. If she doesn't think about it carefully now, she can't remember how old she is.

Because whether it is a year or two or tens of millions of years that have passed, she has always looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, so if you want to see how old Jiu Xuan is from the changes in appearance, it is really a It is a difficult thing, not an easy project.

But Jiuxuan would not allow a child who is only over 1000 years old to call himself a child, it would be too embarrassing.

She is a majestic empress, and she is the kind who has lived for a long, long, long time. She must not be called a child by a child.

"Hey, kid in cyan clothes, can I ask you what's your name? I have to tell you, it's very rude of you to behave like this, because my mentality is much older than my actual age, so no matter How about it, you are a little brat in front of me, you understand the brat."

At the beginning, the two were in an atmosphere of drawing swords and fighting each other, and their moves were killer moves, but now they have calmed down so inexplicably, and they even have a wonderful feeling of becoming friends.

This feeling is really inexplicable.

Originally, everyone was waiting to see a good show, but now that the good show is about to end, and it feels like it's unfinished, they are naturally very unwilling.

The young man in the green shirt finally gave his name: " name."

"Your name is just one word. It's just a nice name, but I think it doesn't match your temperament. You're obviously quite gentle and elegant. Why do you choose such a fierce name? Your name is your parents. Is it for you? Does it have any special meaning?"

Seeing that this is no longer a contest, and the two people who have completely stopped their movements, everyone felt anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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