The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 209 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 7

Chapter 209 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 7
"Brother, you heard right, I just said those words."

Mu Qixian: "..."

"Who, let, you, shout, I, brother!"

"I'll ask who allowed you to call me brother!?"

"If you want to die, I can send you there at any time, but only if you keep your mouth shut! Do you understand?"

Obviously, this matter can be passed, but this guy actually interrupted here again, so now it can be confirmed that this matter really exists, and this sentence is really said, it is not a hallucination, nor is it wrong.

But Mu Qixian has only one thought now.

"I don't allow it." It was a very calm sentence, but it was of great significance. Mu Qixian had already sorted out all the emotions in those words with a very loud tone, and now there is no abnormality.

Mu Qixian met Rong Hanbei's gaze, and spoke in still calm words.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to agree to this matter, but I also know that since you said this, you must have decided to do it. Even if I say something, I can't stop your decision, but I will definitely stop you As."

"I really can't watch things like this happen, and I'm sure you understand those things too."

Rong Hanbei licked the corner of his mouth: "So what if you understand, do you have to do it?"

The corner of Mu Qixian's mouth curled into a bitter smile: "If you don't do it, is it difficult to try to resist? If you really resist, no one can predict the end at that time, but the people will definitely be displaced. In such a situation, I'm sure neither you nor I want to see."

Although being in the royal family is high and high, there are too many things that you can't do according to your own ideas. You can only follow the necessary path, otherwise the common people will be sacrificed.

Rong Hanbei lightly twitched his fingers: "Why can't I resist? What if I don't want to see such a situation? I don't understand righteousness and want to protect the gods of the masses who have nothing to do with me, so why can't I do it? What do you want to do?"

Mu Qixian sighed and shook her head, with helplessness in her eyes: "You are really crazy, but this is indeed you, no matter what you do, as long as you can do it yourself, but the thing just said I will definitely stop it, because I don't want to see Jiu Xuan become the only victim."

Mu Qixian's words fell silent, and neither of them spoke again. The atmosphere was so stalemate, and there were signs of continuing the stalemate.

In the end, it was Rong Hanbei's chuckle that interrupted the gloomy atmosphere.

"Oh, then I can always make friends with her, right? There seems to be nothing I can't do, right? Even if you are her brother, even if you are His Royal Highness, you can't stop her, right?"

Mu Qixian also smiled lightly: "Okay, but we have agreed, we can only be friends, and it depends on whether Jiuxuan agrees to be friends with you, if not, then I will There is no way, after all, you are not likable."

There was a hint of certainty in Rong Hanbei's eyes: "If you can't even be friends." Then how can I talk about marrying her?

This seems to be just a joke, but a decision that was just made on the spur of the moment has already fallen behind.

Every spring, the royal family of the Northern Kingdom will go hunting, and this has lasted for thousands of years. It has always been a rule in the Northern Kingdom, and the first hunter will get a reward that can be requested from Emperor Beimu.

(End of this chapter)

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