The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 225 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 23

Chapter 225 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 23
Jiu Xuan tried to change the subject and stop talking about this: "Why did you come here suddenly? I was still curious about why that person died suddenly. I didn't expect that it was you who shot it. Thank you buddy."

Rong Hanbei's eyes flickered slightly, and Jiu Xuan also retreated from his embrace, after all, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

But he told himself in his heart that he was just a kid, and he didn't do anything serious, so it would be fine to just pretend that he didn't exist, anyway, leaving this plane would completely eliminate everything.

Rong Hanbei also followed Jiuxuan's words and didn't dwell on the last question, but kept it in his heart.

"I asked people on the road and heard that you were coming in this direction, so I rushed over because I wanted to stay with you forever."

Jiu Xuan: "..."

It feels like something big is going to happen, or run away?

But I feel that if I want to slip away now, it seems a little bad.

After all, Rong Hanbei saved himself just now, although he could dodge it, but if he didn't appreciate it, it would be too villainous.

So stay here for now.

Jiuxuan didn't know what was wrong with his mentality, anyway, it was inexplicably different from before, and inexplicably felt that Rong Hanbei was cuter than before.

However, since it is said to be inexplicable, it means that it is not known what the reason is.

Then this matter is really difficult to deal with, and it is a bit annoying.

"You stay with me and you have no sweets and no fun. Why do you want to abuse yourself? You should hurry up and find a cool place to stay. It's quite hot here."

When Rong Hanbei met Shang Jiuxuan's eyes, he somehow felt like a puppy, perhaps because of his wet eyes now.

When Jiuxuan saw these eyes, he knew that his guess just now was not wrong, Rong Hanbei actually cried, and he cried because he was worried about himself.

Jiuxuan was a little irritable in his heart, he didn't know how to deal with this matter, he always felt like he had harmed a good boy in the North Kingdom.

"Rong Hanbei..." Don't cry, it makes me feel really uncomfortable.

"He is him!"

Before Jiuxuan could comfort him, there was a voice in his head telling Jiuxuan.

"He is him."

The comforting words that have not been fully spoken, stop completely.

Jiu Xuan didn't even feel any pain from the wound on his face.

But this voice did not come from the ancient scrolls in the system, but from the depths of Jiu Xuan's heart, it was her own voice, not someone else's.

Jiuxuan didn't know why such a sentence popped up in his heart, and it couldn't be erased now.

Rong Hanbei gently took Jiu Xuan's hand and put it on his face.

He whispered softly: "Xuanxuan, do you feel it?"

The hand that Jiu Xuan put on the cheek by Rong Hanbei suddenly had his own consciousness at this moment, and gently stroked it.

"It's really you..."

Although Rong Hanbei's appearance was completely different from that person's, the expression in his eyes was the most clear to Jiuxuan for thousands of years.

In his eyes, no one but himself will ever let go, because people other than himself are not worthy.

He said this, very long ago, before, after all, it has been so long that Jiu Xuan almost can't remember clearly.

And even though this sentence has been said for a long time, Jiu Xuan can still remember it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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