The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 227 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 25

Chapter 227 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 25
When Mu Qixian said these words, she was completely thinking of Rong Hanbei.

Rong Hanbei's identity is in the middle, no matter which way he goes, it is the most dangerous situation, and doing nothing at the same place is the only protection for him.

Rong Hanbei raised his eyes slightly, with a careless smile on the corner of his mouth: "Of course I want to marry my little princess, so what if it's dangerous? It's fine if we can't solve it."

Mu Qixian now feels that one head is two big. Originally, only Rong Hanbei in front of him had such an idea, but now Jiuxuan also has such an idea. This is really difficult, maybe both of them will die. Go to Huangquan.

Mu Qixian is really worried now, one is his buddies and the other is his sister, how could he not be worried?
What if something happened to him?
Even now, Mu Qixian can think of what happened to Rong Hanbei after he said these words to Emperor Beimu.

The emperor's family has been the most ruthless since ancient times. Whether it is family affection or love, these two things are not comparable to their power and country in their eyes.

If it is necessary to abandon one of the two, then the emperor's family will definitely choose to abandon love and family affection without hesitation, and protect the country they care most about.

Although Jiuxuan, the only princess, seems to be very favored, if Jiangshan is involved, it is really not worth mentioning.

Mu Qixian is very clear about this point, but even if he is clear, so what, he is just a prince, and even a prince does not have the ability to disobey Emperor Beimu's order.

"Solution? Do you know what the relationship between you and Beiguo is? It's not what you said at all. It can be resolved if you want to. I don't know why you suddenly don't consider the consequences, but you really must remember what we once knew."

"Some things are really not something we can hold in our hands if we want to, because the degree of danger of some things is not what we can see from the surface."

"I don't want you to risk Jiuxuan's life with you, because she is my sister, and you are my brother. No matter if any of you have an accident, it is the last situation I don't want to see."

"And it's just a marriage. Which one can't you find? Why are you looking for my sister? I will tell you from the perspective of a bystander, really don't do this, because if you do it."

"The most serious consequence is to destroy the entire Northern Kingdom, make the people displaced, and make Jiuxuan homeless. By that time, how much affection can exist between you?"

Jiuxuan looked at Mu Qixian with a smile, but his tone was extremely firm: "No matter when it comes, the love for him will only be the deepest."

And coincidentally, Rong Hanbei also opened his mouth when Jiu Xuan said this: "No matter what time it is, Xuan Xuan will always be the most important one."

You can give up everything for her, get rid of everything for her, as long as she lives happily, as long as she can live well, there is nothing else to ask for.

Mu Qixian thumped her eyebrows irritably and helplessly.

"Sure enough, people who fall in love are confused and have problems with their brains. It's alright. Now I won't talk to you about liking. Let me tell you very seriously."

This time, Mu Qixian also let Jiu Xuan listen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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