The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 229 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 27

Chapter 229 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 27
Mu Qixian didn't care about it anymore, since they were already fully confident, if he said anything, it would be an interruption to them.

Mu Qixian left alone depressed, while Jiu Xuan and Rong Hanbei started the real hunt at this last moment.

The drum sounded at the end of the hunt, and all the people who participated in the hunt went to the camp. The most exciting moment came next, and those female relatives who could not enter the hunting ground at the camp were very concerned.

"Second prince, 17 pheasants, 16 hares, and two crows."

"Su Yu, 18 pheasants, 36 hares."

"His Royal Highness, an elk! Plus an eagle!"


The finished hunting results are still being reported as the final statistical results, and the most worthy of discussion now is naturally His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

After all, it was an eagle, and it was the most difficult prey to obtain in the whole hunting. It was completely whimsical to want to take down the eagle, but His Royal Highness got it, and he also took down an elk while taking down the eagle.

Whether it is civil servants, military officers or female relatives present, it is very clear how difficult this is.

Those princes, those sons of princes and nobles are nothing compared to the prince.

The smile on Bei Mudi's face at this moment is really impossible to hide, and everyone sitting under the stage naturally wants to laugh with Bei Mudi.

But not all of these smiles are fake.

After all, Mu Qixian is their highness the crown prince, the most important king for them in the future, and the one who can keep them safe all their lives.

His Highness the Crown Prince's current behavior is really not weaker than that of Emperor Beimu back then, and there is even a faint tendency to surpass it.

It's just that no one dared to mention this.

"Shizi Rong, Zero."

"Princess Xuan, four elks and one eagle!"

At the end, his voice trembled a little, but he couldn't help but increase his voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes really turned to Jiu Xuan at the same time.

Obviously, everyone's eyes were on Rong Hanbei at the last moment, because many people silently believed that the first prey in this hunting must be the eldest son Rong Hanbei, but they did not expect the final result It turned out to be zero.

Rong Hanbei entered the hunting ground and also came out of the hunting ground. This is a fact that everyone has seen, so the only explanation may be that he slept in it?
Although this guess is too exaggerated to be believed, it seems to be the most suitable guess at the moment.

Otherwise, how could it be zero?

But now everyone doesn't care about this matter anymore, instead they only think about the fact that Jiu Xuan's prey is ranked first now.

It was so unexpected.

There are not one or two people who want to watch this good-for-nothing princess. It is no exaggeration to say that almost everyone sitting here at this time is thinking about watching Jiu Xuan's good show.

But now they really didn't see the good show they expected at the beginning, but something that can be called a good play happened.

This useless princess really got the No. 1 prey as she said before entering the hunting ground? !

Then these princes of the Northern Kingdom and the descendants of the princes and nobles, are they all trash?

What a joke!The Northern Kingdom has always been the head of China, and there are countless small countries as vassals. Naturally, there are a lot of young talents here, and now even the prince has lost to a useless princess in everyone's eyes.

It's just a joke!

(End of this chapter)

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