Chapter 242
Although those things and that person are not impossible to say, but the ancient scrolls are reluctant to say it.

"You sing so badly, can you shut up?" The Elder Scrolls couldn't hold back.

But Jiuxuan got worse: "Oh, you don't like to listen to it, that's great. If you don't like to listen to it, I will sing it louder. If this is the case, it might drive you to death. Change the system for me."

The Elder Scrolls:"!!!"

What is it all about!What's up!

How can it be so miserable?Why did you meet such a guy when you were working on the system for the first time?I have been thinking about how to piss myself off all day, are you sure there is such a host?

In the end, the Elder Scrolls still chose not to care about it, because if they care about it, it can only be themselves who will be pissed off, and it is absolutely impossible for Jiuxuan.

At this time, Jiuxuan's thoughts are all about Nan Lin, he is the man transformed by his soul fragments, and he is the hero that this plane needs to conquer.

There are really very few things about Nanlin in his mind, so little that he only knows that there is such a person, and he has never met him.

Nanlin seems to be the heir and only heir of the first family in City A, but the relationship with the Nan family doesn't seem to be very good, so he didn't inherit the Nan family, and this matter is still dragging on.

Just such a piece of news that can shock the entire city of A, and the entire country of A, Jiuxuan only knows so much.

But she can go to investigate the next ones, and she can also take him down while investigating these.

It's just a heart that I have put myself in my heart a long time ago, and it is not easy to take it down.

Thinking of being able to be with him in this face, Jiuxuan felt that the system didn't seem to be that bad, at least there were things that could make him happy, didn't he?

And the task here is relatively simple, isn't it just to teach the scumbag men and women a lesson?

In fact, the so-called Raider hero is just a title, this face still does not have a Raider hero, but he exists.

The little sisters Ye Jiuxuan hated this pair of scumbags to death, but they had no chance to deal with them, so Jiuxuan happened to pass through at this time, and completing what Ye Jiuxuan had not done was a task.

It's just a scumbag, it's too simple for Jiuxuan.

Jiuxuan took the mobile phone and typed in the word "Nan Lin", wanting to see what information about him looks like, and where is he now
I don't know where he is now, so I can't look for him blindly, can I?So I can only check to see if there is any useful information on the Internet.

However, what Jiuxuan found was only a few words, and there was no useful information at all.

Since the phone is useless, Jiu Xuan can only pin the news on herself.

Back at Ye's house, there was a burst of shouting: "Ye Jiuxuan! You rebellious girl, do you know what you did? You actually want to break off the engagement with Jiang's family. Do you know that this is a big deal for our Ye family? How much of a blow?"

This person was Ye Jiuxuan's father, Ye Wen, and what he said was not about why Jiuxuan wanted to break off the engagement, but about his own interests.

However, Jiuxuan knew what Ye Wen was doing a long time ago. After all, these things can be transmitted when receiving memories, because these are not trivial things.

(End of this chapter)

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