Chapter 245
Although the approach may be a bit silly, it is not impossible, after all, there is nothing you can't do to find him.

He changed into a black leather jacket, which is more neutral, and it can be seen that Ye Jiuxuan is not a person who likes this type of clothes, because he didn't even remove the hang tag.

Although Ye Jiuxuan didn't like it, Jiuxuan liked it.

Jiuxuan didn't ask Ye's driver to deliver it, but came by himself, because if the driver delivered it, it would definitely reach Ye Wen's ears, and then some unnecessary and annoying things would happen , so it’s better to come by yourself.

And Jiuxuan didn't have any special liking for this KTV, and the reason why he came here was only to find Nanlin.

It's just that even Jiuxuan doesn't know if he can find Nanlin here, but there is one thing he might not let go, after all, he is still too far away from him now, so he must get closer.

Jiuxuan didn't order a box, after all, this is not a party, and she wants to watch the door next to see if anyone comes in.

I ordered a glass of wine casually, it didn't have the strength, but it tasted pretty good, Jiu Xuan held the glass of wine with his chin in his hands and looked outside.

I didn't care about playing with my phone anymore. After all, I have more important things to do now. I can't play with my phone and forget about important things.

After all, mobile phones are not very interesting, and there is nothing worth wasting time to play more.

And the reason why Jiuxuan sometimes holds the mobile phone is just to check some information, just like Zha Nanlin just now, but this time it is sad that no useful information can be found, only those few words, But do not know true or false.

So Jiuxuan didn't pin his hopes on the information found on the mobile phone, he could only do it himself, after all, isn't there a saying that you can get enough food and clothing by doing it yourself?
So Jiuxuan firmly believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will definitely be able to "encounter" Nanlin, even if the chance is small, he still has to try.

It is indeed the most popular KTV in City A. The people who come here are either rich or expensive, and men must be accompanied by beautiful women.

For such a phenomenon, Jiuxuan is no stranger to it, after all, he has seen many such scenes in the planes he has conquered.

These things are actually very common. After all, even men without money can check, let alone rich men.

Of course Jiuxuan didn't care about these things, but he felt a little bit wrong for those little sisters or big sisters.

What can I do if I meet a scumbag?I can only abuse the scum.

But some little sisters just can't think about it, and they always want to throw themselves on the scumbag with righteousness, hoping that the scumbag can change his mind, look back at them, and then get back together with them.

However, there is really no need to place hope on such scumbags. You have to give them a hard meal and then get rid of them. Never think about letting them be with you again, because that is the worst thing you can do to yourself. of abuse.

Jiuxuan felt that he might not be able to control the scum breath in his body. These scumbags really wanted to abuse them, but it seemed that they couldn't waste time on these things.

And Jiuxuan also felt that if he was doing that, he would not be liked by those little sisters, because the little sisters around these scumbags seemed to be willing.

After Jiu Xuan looked at it seriously for a while, he was very sure.

Yes, that's right.

These little sisters are all willing. If you really do it yourself, it will destroy their good deeds, so let's forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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