Chapter 259
Jiang Chengche sneered, the rebuttal was really fast enough, and it completely lost the hypocrisy before, and now it is the most authentic attitude.

"Ye Jiuxuan, I really didn't expect you to be such a person. Originally, it was just to break off the engagement. Because I like you, I didn't want to break off the engagement with you, but I didn't expect you to pour such dirty water on me now, really. I'm so disappointed in you."

Jiu Xuan lowered his head and didn't speak again, but gently squeezed Nan Lin's fingers.

Although it is only the first time that the two meet in this face, and they only know each other's name, this tacit understanding has been cultivated in their bones for thousands of years, and they can easily understand what the other is thinking. What, and what do you want the other party to do.

Jiuxuan didn't want to talk anymore, he was asking Nanlin to speak.

Jiuxuan felt that he had such a big backer, wouldn’t it be too stupid if he didn’t use it, anyway, he was just attacking the plane now, the backer must be used, and this backer is still him, he would be very happy if he used it .

"Nanlin, Jiuxuan's boyfriend." Naturally, this was said to Ye Wen, because it was the self-introduction of Jiuxuan's boyfriend.

Ye Wen didn't understand the situation at first, because what Jiu Xuan and Jiang Chengche said was completely different.

And Jiuxuan had already talked about breaking the engagement a long time ago, but today he suddenly brought a strange man back to Ye's house.

No matter how you look at it, Jiuxuan looks like this traitor, but Jiuxuan said something just now.

So Ye Wen is really at a loss now, and he doesn't know who to trust.

But Ye Wen was frightened by Nan Lin's self-introduction, and didn't dare to say a word.

He, he, who did he say he was just now?

In a trance, Ye Wen felt as if he heard the word "Nanlin", but he didn't know if it was his auditory hallucination.

Jiang Chengche was still talking aggressively just now, splashing the dirty water of Jiuxuan, but he was also stunned after Nan Lin introduced himself.


This little white face said he was Nan Lin?

What made Ye Wen and Jiang Chengche stunned at the same time was naturally such a seemingly ordinary name.

But this name represents too much meaning, so it is quite normal for them to be stunned now.

But Jiuxuan was the only one among these people who was not surprised when he heard this introduction, but the smile on his face was more obvious.

Because of the second half of Nan Lin's sentence, Jiu Xuan was very happy.

He has now clearly stated his relationship with him in front of others, and also stated that he is his girlfriend.

Jiuxuan felt that it was not unusual for him to think like this, and to be so happy.

Because in the idol dramas she had watched before, girls would be very happy when they heard the boy they liked announce that they were his girlfriend.

And Jiuxuan is exactly such a feeling now.

This feeling is really strange, but it's not strange, it's just that I like it, and because I like it, I feel that this sentence is very important.

Many people should have felt this way. It is very special and wonderful, but it is very important.

Jiuxuan hugged Nanlin's arm, then walked up to Ye Wen, and shouted cheekily: "Dad, Nanlin is my boyfriend, can you stop getting married?"

(End of this chapter)

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