Chapter 269
And everything now is just everyone's guess, because I have a guess, so I will post it online to discuss with everyone, so that there will be faster progress, and there may be even more unknown little things detail.

There was a lot of noise here, but Jiu Xuan was still very happy to find Nan Lin.

The thought of seeing him soon makes him very happy, because there is nothing that can make Jiu Xuan happier than this.

Seeing that he had already arrived at the Nan's Group, Jiu Xuan happily entered the door, but was stopped by the front desk a little bit tragically.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

Looking for Nanlin is not something that is shameful and cannot be told to others, so Jiuxuan is naturally telling the truth.

"Nan Lin, I'm looking for him."

The lady at the front desk was obviously stunned, and then she said apologetically, "I'm sorry miss, you can't go in, Young Master Nan won't see you."

This is the first time that Nanlin has come to Nan's Group, and the front desk and these employees naturally know that they don't want to inherit the Nan's family, so they absolutely dare not change their title.

But also a little curious, isn't Nan Shao the first time to come to the company today?How could he be targeted by a strange but extremely good-looking woman?
The front desk lady was thinking about these things, but Jiu Xuan smiled lightly and spoke.

"Little sister, Nan Lin is my boyfriend."

Jiuxuan's arm was lying across the front desk, while the other arm was resting on the desk at the front desk to support his chin. He winked at the receptionist lady, and when he said this, his voice was mixed with the taste of throwing dog food.

Jiuxuan felt that he might really be bewildered, and he had never wanted to make his relationship with him public in other planes so that everyone would know about it, but in this plane, there was such a thing as before. Never thought about it.

It seemed that he was really coming back soon, so I couldn't help myself.

The front desk lady was obviously stunned by Jiu Xuan's words, the very friendly and apologetic smile on her face just now froze, and then turned into disbelief.

"Ah? This lady..."

The receptionist should be an intern who has just left school, because his face is still very immature, so he is a little cautious when dealing with things and speaking, as if he is afraid of hurting Jiuxuan's self-esteem, so he hesitated for a while before speaking.


"Miss, why don't you go back first, this... Young Master Nan probably won't see you because there is no appointment."

The receptionist also didn't focus on the fact that Jiuxuan said it was a boyfriend and girlfriend, but spoke very tactfully.

Jiuxuan felt that this little sister was extremely cute, but it was only her duty to stop her, so there was no need to embarrass her, so she walked aside and planned to make a phone call.

But I didn't expect that in this elevator, a person came out in a hurry. He looked about 40 years old. Although he was not too old, his hair was so thin that it could be called "nothing".

He walked to the front desk and asked anxiously, "Did a lady come over just now?"

The front desk was a little confused but also a little flustered, because there was indeed a girl who claimed to be Nan Girl's friend who came over just now.

Because of these thoughts, his voice was a little stuttering: "Yes, yes, there is one..."

(End of this chapter)

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