The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 294 Master, what do you think of me? 22

Chapter 294 Master, what do you think of me? 22
The smile on "Qing Xiao"'s face was really obvious, and he didn't care about Jiu Xuan's eyes wishing to execute him Ling Chi, but seemed to find it very interesting.

He said something jokingly: "Oh? Then you might as well give it a try, but I think you don't seem to be willing to do anything to my body? Are you guessing right?"

"Qing Xiao" guessed correctly, even if Jiu Xuan now knew that this body had nothing to do with Qing Xiao, and this person was not him, but he still couldn't do it, because he didn't want to hurt everything that belonged to him. .

And "Qing Xiao" naturally saw through Jiu Xuan's thoughts, so Jiu Xuan is now at an extreme disadvantage, and will be easily controlled.

But Jiuxuan will not allow this situation to continue to develop, what he has to do now is to stop it.

"Qing Xiao" hadn't waited for Jiuxuan to speak, but for some reason he suddenly laughed twice: "Tsk tsk, otherwise I'd better not play tricks on you, it seems that you really like Qing Xiao, if that's the case, That has something to do with me, maybe they will become family members in the future."

Jiu Xuan frowned, he didn't understand the nonsensical words said by this unknown person, but it definitely had his own meaning.

"Qing Xiao" seemed to be in a good mood all the time, so no matter what he said, there was a visible smile on his face.

"Qing Xiao... At the end of the day, he and I really have something to do with each other. After all, he is my elder brother, but he doesn't seem to like my younger brother very much, but it doesn't matter. I like him."

elder brother……

younger brother……?
Jiuxuan's pupils dilated slightly, naturally because of hearing such words.

Jiuxuan was not sure whether the person standing in front of him just now had been dropped, but he had such a guess.

So now it seems that he has been transferred, or...

The two people who seemed to have completely opposite personalities before were just the latter's pretense.

"Qing Xiao", no, it should be said to be his younger brother now, and his acting skills are really good.

The smile on "Qing Xiao"'s face finally subsided when these words came out, and it was almost invisible now.

He licked the corner of his lips dangerously: "Heh, I look a lot like him, don't you? So you didn't recognize that I wasn't him, did you?"

He seemed to be very concerned about Jiuxuan's answer, because when he asked this sentence, there was an obvious light of expectation in his eyes.

Jiu Xuan was a little confused.

She didn't know if the portrait she thought was his was the person in front of her eyes or Qing Xiao from Lord Yunshan.

Jiuxuan still remembered that when he first saw that portrait, he felt that he was too silent in that portrait, and that kind of silence could be glimpsed only through the portrait.

He has never been a person of few words, he will make himself happy, and he will not keep a cold face all day long, and he will have a lot of emotions, and he will not keep those emotions in his heart. Say everything, whether it is happy or uncomfortable, everything will be said.

So now it seems that the person in front of him is the real him, and his previous cognition was completely wrong.

At this moment, Jiu Xuan didn't know what reaction he should use to face the person in front of him.

According to my current thoughts and guesses, it seems that I should smile at him.

(End of this chapter)

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