Chapter 516 Let me do the task again 1
mission base
Jiu Xuan leisurely sat by the side waiting to take over his task.

Jiuxuan really didn't know why he was so unlucky. Originally, he took over his own task and completed his task in the fast-traveling world, but he actually transmigrated to such a plane where he needed to complete the task.

But fortunately, people on this side like to chat, at least they won't make me feel too boring, and the tasks are not so mentally handicapped, so I won't be too boring if I let myself complete them.

In fact, Jiuxuan is quite afraid of being bored, because if no one talks to him all the time, he will feel very lonely and boring. He already felt that doing tasks on these planes is meaningless. If there are a few people who talk to themselves, it is really too lonely.

"Jiuxuan? Where's Jiuxuan?" 007 scratched his head and shouted loudly.

Jiu Xuan patted the dust off his body, and ran towards 007.

"Here, what are you calling me for?"

007 is one of the emissaries who posted the mission in this face. He has a very cute baby face. Whether he speaks or not, he always wears a big smile. He looks like the future A smile was engraved on his face.

"Yeah, of course I'm looking for you to continue chatting. Didn't you just tell me a story? Now that I have time, all the tasks that should be released have been released. You can tell me the story now."

Jiuxuan pinched his eyebrows helplessly: "I think you may have forgotten one thing. I am also a fast-traveling raider. I also need to do tasks now, okay buddy?"

007 scratched his head in embarrassment, but he still refused to let go.

"But but... I really like the story you just told me, but you haven't finished telling me, I really want to listen to it, can you wait a little longer to pick up the task, and tell me now Would you like to tell me the story?"

Jiu Xuan: "..."

Sure enough, this plane is so weird, not only this fast-travel task assigner likes to listen to his own story, but every task assigner likes to hear his own story, and they are the kind who don't give up.

"You... I said why are you so gossip, isn't it just a very common little thing, that can't be regarded as a story, it's just something I've seen, why do you like it so much? Don't you have any Have you ever heard gossip?"

007 showed an aggrieved expression, he didn't seem to like his situation very much.

"Of course, I really haven't heard gossip, because I can only stay here, I'm really poor, can you tell me that story for the sake of me being so poor, as long as you Tell me this story, and I will never pester you to tell me a story after it is over."

Jiuxuan: "...Are you sure? How did I remember that you said that yesterday? It seems that you said that the day before yesterday? It seems that you said that the day before yesterday, right?"


So embarrassed that the doll's face showed a very embarrassing expression, 007 was usually put on his face by Jia Xiao Rong, and he never stopped, but now he changed his smile to an embarrassing one His expression couldn't change at all.

(End of this chapter)

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