Chapter 524 Let me do the task again 9
After all, Jiuxuan is not the only person who completes the task on this plane, there are many people from other planes who also come to this plane to complete the task, so those people must have many stories.

If those people can tell stories to 007 like himself, then he will not have to worry about having no stories to listen to, and he can hear many very novel stories every time, and he will never repeat them.

Jiuxuan told 007 what he had already thought about what he should do before leaving.

Because Jiuxuan knew that what he was going to do could definitely fulfill 007's smallest wish.

007 is actually quite miserable, and their task assigners in this series are all quite miserable.

Because these numbers are only numbers, and the assigners who don't even have a real name are just tools created by this world to allow them to issue tasks.

No one will care about their feelings at all, even when they die or are in a bad mood, no one will care, because it doesn't matter at all, for those who created them Not the slightest bit of importance at all.

In fact, Jiuxuan is not a person who will make his mood bad because of these small things, and will care about these people. Jiuxuan can be said to be cold-blooded, but he will still do these things. It's just because of touch.

Jiuxuan told 007 one story after another, telling all the interesting things that happened, and also added the appropriate tone, telling the story vividly, just listening to the story The description can make up those pictures in the brain.

007 is not a greedy person either. After hearing two stories, he no longer asked Jiu Xuan to tell a story. After all, he also had tasks to do, and Jiu Xuan also had tasks to take on.

No matter who they are, it is absolutely impossible for them to tell or listen to stories all the time, because everyone has something to do, and if they don't do it, it will have a huge impact on themselves.

Jiuxuan smiled and said, "007, let me tell you something."

Although 007 did not have human emotions at the beginning of the setting, but after getting to know so many human beings, he was gradually influenced, and gradually developed human emotions, but he was not very familiar with it, but he knew that when someone followed him Be sure to listen to yourself when you speak, and smile if someone you like.

007 raised a big but silly smile.

"Okay, you talk and I listen."

Whether it's 007 or any other task issuer who has a task to issue, they all have this kind of voice with the sound of a mechanical system. This kind of voice also makes them less human and more mechanized.

Jiuxuan sat on the side and took off his chin, and said all the words he wanted to say.

"Anyway, you must be clear that I will leave in the future. If my tasks are completed relatively quickly, it should be in the near future. After all, I have completed a lot of tasks, and the points are not enough. Less, anyway, the day before I leave will be soon."

"I know you like to listen to my stories, but I certainly can't tell you all the stories in a flash, after all, storytelling still takes time."

(End of this chapter)

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