Chapter 536 Let me do the task again 21
"Because learning this thing has never been a matter of wanting to step up to the sky in one step, because not everyone has the talent for learning."

"But these are not important. As long as you work hard, you will be able to achieve a reward for your hard work. These are all remarks that can be referred to."

"Then let's set a small goal today. Just memorize the knowledge points on this side. You don't need to think about other things, just put them aside. Take your time, everything can be done." Take your time."

Jiuxuan turned over the side of the note, placed it in front of Shen Man, and spoke softly.

Jiuxuan just told Shen Man about his learning method. Although the effect is slow, it is very useful. It will definitely be of great use to any student who wants to study hard and improve his grades.

Jiuxuan couldn't force Shen Man, because if he forced a student with bad grades and a lot of pressure to improve his academic performance quickly, it would be forcing the student to die.

Shen Man is such a student who is under a lot of pressure. Not only the teacher is asking her to study hard, but her parents are also asking her to study hard, and she also knows very well in her heart that she must study hard, otherwise she will have no way out in the future.

Although Shen Man really wanted to improve his studies, even if he wasn't number one, even if he only made a slight improvement.

But in Shen Man's class, it was very difficult for her to advance one place, because No. 2 from the bottom also firmly protected her position, and she did not fall to the bottom one.

Shen Man clenched his fists tightly and saw all the knowledge points that Jiu Xuan said just now that needed to be remembered. This fist was not clenched to vent his anger, but to control his mood.

Be sure to treat learning with the most stable mood, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

For so many years, as long as Shen Man has a place to learn, she must be the bottom of the list, but she doesn't want herself to be the bottom of the list all the time. Condition.

Shen Man didn't know why he didn't even have the slightest ability in his studies, no matter how much effort he used, no matter how long he used it to no avail, he still couldn't escape the fate of being the last one.

Shen Man's parents also found many tutors for Shen Man. Although they filled up all the free time, they still didn't improve.

Shen Man is already number one from the bottom, so it is impossible for him to drop again in the ranking. The drop is only the score. Originally, he could still get two digits in the test, but he can only get one digit later.

Now that Jiuxuan has walked out of Shen Man's house, he will definitely not go back to bother him to study hard. Fortunately, Jiuxuan has another identity in this respect, that is, he is a student at school, otherwise he doesn't know what to do now. Where to stay.

The relationship between Jiuxuan and the students in the school is not too close, and the relationship with the roommates is not too close, only when necessary, he will nod or say a few words, other times he will not talk to anyone people communicate.

Of course, these situations didn't just happen to Jiu Xuan alone.

(End of this chapter)

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