Chapter 539 Let me do the task again 24
Jiuxuan didn't deliberately look up to see which roommate came in, but he already knew who she was from the person's voice and words.

"Oh, I really didn't mean not to answer your call just now, it's just because my phone happened to be out of battery, so it turned off before I could answer your call. It really wasn't intentional."

The phone was hung up, followed by another call.

"It was my mother who called me just now. My mother told me to go to bed early and not be too tired, so what you heard was that I was on the phone, not calling someone else. Oh, it's so much better. I know you are I'm caring about others, so I don't blame you."

The call hangs up and another call comes shortly afterwards.

"Oh, I thought you forgot about him. I didn't expect it to be so late and you were still calling him. It seems that he has a very important weight in your heart? I'm very content with that, and I won't Ask for nothing else."


The conversation was still going on, and Jiuxuan didn't know who Pan Jingru was talking to in these phone calls, but he was able to confirm the identities of those people.

Jiuxuan feels that this scene seems a little too familiar now, he seems to have taken over the task of torturing scum like this, and the points seem to be very few.

As a result, such a person does not appear in his mission, but appears in a place that can be seen in the mission, which is a bit of a coincidence.

Jiuxuan didn't want to meddle in other people's business, because all he wanted to do was to improve Shen Man's grades. It seemed that there was no need to care about whether he had a boyfriend or not, or what relationship he had with other people.

But Pan Jingru didn't seem to intend to stop, and the time was still talking non-stop, and she also hung up several calls during this period, but after hanging up, the calls continued one after another.

Time keeps going down like this, and time keeps going along with this movement.

Jiuxuan couldn't fall asleep at first, but now he couldn't fall asleep even more after hearing such words one after another. He only felt the buzzing in his ears was very noisy.

Jiu Xuan didn't want to make things too embarrassing, so he said something in a low voice.

"Keep your voice down, I want to sleep."

Pan Jingru's voice of answering the phone stopped instantly, and she raised her head to look at Jiu Xuan on the bed, but for some reason, she suddenly made her voice louder.

"Oh, Boss Li, you really misunderstood. My roommate was talking to me just now and asked me to speak in a lower voice. She didn't mean to quarrel with me."

"Boss Li, don't be angry. You don't have to go to great lengths to come here because of my roommate. I can handle it myself. I can just go out now. There is no need to be angry about my roommate. She just wants to I'm just protecting my throat."

"Hey? Really? Boss Li, thank you. He really likes that bag. How about I go find you tomorrow?"

Jiu Xuan: "..."

This is not only a scumbag, but also a dramatist.

After such a toss, Jiuxuan finally felt a little drowsy, and he didn't intend to open his mouth to smash his drowsiness, so he didn't open his mouth, and walked slowly into his dream with his eyes closed.

Jiuxuan felt that it was a bit miserable for him to spend so much trouble in order to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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