Chapter 545 Let me do the task again 30
But Lu Di himself didn't know how to find the direction, and he didn't know where he came from. Now he could only keep talking in circles in a hurry to brainwash himself.

But this brain can't be washed away, because those things just hit him too hard, and they were things that Lu Di had never thought of before he came here.

Lu Di really didn't dare to think about how he would recognize his sister by mistake, and he would definitely not recognize his sister by mistake, as his mother had already said just now, the one he found now must be his sister.

Because my mother was referring to this place just now, but why did my mother suddenly say that this sister is not her own sister?Maybe it's because my mother doesn't like my sister, so I tell such a lie. Is my mother lying to me?

Naturally, Lu Di knew his mother very well, and it was worth affirming that this was the place just now, and he also saw his sister at a glance, so this sister must be his sister.

The reason why my mother said that this sister is not her sister must be because my mother doesn't like her very much, so she told such a lie to deceive herself, but as long as I bring my sister to my mother, my mother I will definitely like my sister.

Lu Di brainwashed himself over and over again in his heart. Even with this method, he still didn't mess up his own brain. It's really easy to mess up people's minds by going around in transit.

"No, sister, don't worry, I will definitely not mistake you, you must be my sister, let's go find my mother now."

Jiu Xuan: "..."

This child is really stupid and kind of cute. It seems that he really misunderstood himself, otherwise his mother would never have called the phone call just now.

Jiuxuan could hear his mother's helplessness from Lu Di's mother's words. Although the helplessness was suppressed a lot by anger, that helplessness could still be easily transmitted to Jiuxuan's ears.

Jiuxuan is fine now, in order to make Lu Di give up, in order to let him know that he is not his sister, so he can only follow Lu Di.

Later, his mother will definitely be able to explain all this clearly, so it is considered a good thing to go by himself, and it is not a waste of time. It can also turn this cute child's brains around. A good practice.

Lu Di really took Jiuxuan to find his mother, and walked very fast, as if he was very anxious to make this matter clear and clear.

If he didn't figure it out, he might not plan to stop.

Lu Di finally found the direction he came from just now, and also found the car he was sitting in just now, opened the door, then pushed Jiuxuan to the door, and spoke to Jiuxuan with a smile.

"Sister, don't worry, my mother definitely recognized the wrong person just now, you are definitely my sister, because I saw you at a glance, so sister, you must be my sister, all this is the fate between siblings .”

Jiu Xuan: "..."

No, it's probably just that you're blind or something's out of your mind.

(End of this chapter)

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