Chapter 551 Let me do the task again 36
"You tell me what you think about me. That's not wrong. After all, you are very concerned about this matter now, but if you think a little bit normal, even if it's just a little normal, it's absolutely impossible for you to think of such a thing. Weird situation."

"Do you think the people you are talking about are as idle as you? Let me tell you, you must not waste other people's time, otherwise they will probably beat you uncontrollably. In your current situation, you really deserve to be beaten up." , so that I want to hit you."

It's not that Lu Di's mother didn't say such things just now, but Lu Di couldn't listen at all, and always felt that what he knew and understood was the most real thing.

Lu Di still wanted to say something, but he had already fainted, and he couldn't even utter a single word before he fainted.

Lu Di's mother's eyes widened in fright, but fortunately she was sensible, so she knew that she must not shout at this time, otherwise it would definitely cause some unnecessary situations.

Jiuxuan caught the fallen Lu Di, handed him to his mother, and let him have a good rest, so that he wouldn't need to talk about a lot of stories and make up a lot of possibilities here .

"Well, Auntie, I'm sorry, I may have been a little heavy just now, it may take a while for him to wake up, but during this time he can have a good rest."

But Lu Di's mother didn't blame Jiuxuan. Instead, she was grateful for Dade's continuous thanks, which was even more serious than the continuous apology just now.

"It's okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, this kid Lu Di really misses his sister, but he doesn't know where his sister is."

"I finally found it, but I didn't expect to be recognized by him. I'm really sorry. I wasted so much of your time. Didn't it delay your class?"

"If it delays your class, why don't I explain the situation to the teacher just now, otherwise you may be punished."

Jiuxuan shook his head: "It's okay, I don't have class in the morning, I only have class in the afternoon, so I'll go first, goodbye."

Lu Di has to sleep well for several hours from now to the next, and it is absolutely impossible for him to wake up, because Jiuxuan tapped his sleeping acupuncture point, if he wakes up on the way, it must be someone who unlocked the acupuncture point .

Jiuxuan would go to make up lessons for Shen Man every week, that is, to give her homework as agreed before, and there were no accidents during this period.

And Shen Man's grades are also slowly rising. Although the rise is very slow, they are still improving. Not only is she very happy, but her parents are also very happy.

After all, the college entrance examination is coming soon. If you don't study hard at this time, then you will really have no hope when the college entrance examination comes.

Shen Man's grades slowly increased like this, and finally he directly rose by ten places in the next monthly exam. Although the teacher questioned him about cheating, there was still nothing suspicious even in the re-examination.

Shen Man has really improved, but what the teacher did is worth studying carefully.

It would be unfair to the decision if even one student's progress would be considered cheating by the teachers.

Jiuxuan gave Shen Man all the most suitable learning methods he had used before, and the task was completely completed.

The task that Jiuxuan should do on this level is also completely completed, because the points have already been obtained 1.

(End of this chapter)

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