Chapter 561 So I Was Crazy 10
What Jiuxuan said this time directly involved the Lin family. It seems that everyone really doesn't like the Lin family, the rumored Miss Lin who has been living in a mental hospital since she was born.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have such great malice towards a girl, and such a young girl?
Jiuxuan just glanced at the man who spoke, and didn't give him too many eyes, but the man felt cold all over.

Although I was afraid, I felt that what I said just now was not wrong, because this young lady of the Lin family should have died in the first place, she was just a mental illness, why did she stay in this world?It's all about causing trouble for other people.

If it turned out to be a mental illness, then this life should be completely deprived, because mental illness has no right to live in this world.

Because mental illness is a kind of person who should die from birth. If they live in this world, it will be a waste of air, a waste of resources in the world, and a threat to other people's lives.

Jiuxuan naturally knew what this newcomer thought about his end, after all, these people all wanted to die.

Because their own mental illness is the kind of person who should die most to them, and if this mental illness lives in this world, it is the biggest hidden danger to them.

And it's like a fishbone stuck in their throats, although it hurts, it's hard to remove.

Although Jiuxuan is mentally ill, he is the only child of the Lin family, and even the eldest lady of the Lin family. Even if everyone hates Jiuxuan and wants Jiuxuan to die, they are not qualified to do so, and there is no such way.

No matter when Jiu Xuan goes out, he always brings several bodyguards with him, and today is the minimum time to bring only two bodyguards.

But these two bodyguards are all professional level, even if they face dozens of people, they won't be at a disadvantage, and they will definitely be able to protect Jiuxuan well.

And no one has the ability to gather dozens of people to deal with two bodyguards, because they will definitely attract too many things before they reach their destination.

In the end, it will definitely end up being broken up, because it is impossible for anyone to allow evil things to be done in this fair place.

Although the identity of Miss Lin's family sounds very worthy of everyone's envy, because everyone knows what the status of the Lin family is.

But this Miss Lin family is not happy at all, because she is a neuropathy, and she is a neuropathy hated by everyone, no matter how noble her status is, so what?It is simply impossible to be liked and cared by anyone.

"Shut up for me, don't think I don't know what kind of person you are, what kind of person you are, all of us are clear, no matter how good you pretend, even if you have seen the disease for many years Can't hide the fact that you're a psycho."

"Because no one can solve the mental illness, and no one can be sure that the mental illness can be completely cured. Even if you have been cured for so many years, you are still a mental illness. Isn't it still a mental illness when you come out? Bodyguards following?"

(End of this chapter)

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