Chapter 575 So I Was Crazy 24
As long as someone scolds him, he must try his best to refute it, otherwise, wouldn't it be too wasteful to let others scold him?

But there are really few people in this world who are really willing to endure other people's abuse of them, because everyone has claws and wants to eradicate all those things that are not good for them.

Jiuxuan's super concentration also shocked many people, because according to the rumors, Miss Lin is not a person who will directly order if someone says something bad about her, or directly make some creepy actions. A lunatic for something?

But why is it that she is not the same as the rumored one?
The current Miss Lin doesn't look like a lunatic, nor does she look like a psychopath who has been suffering from mental illness for more than ten years as rumored, because she is really very normal, but a bit too normal.

Many people have been cursing from the beginning to now shutting their mouths. They don't know what to say, but they still stand where they are, just wanting to see how this matter will end up. .

Jiuxuan still listened to these people scolding him as before, with a faint smile on his face, but this smile feels very distressing now.

Because it is impossible for any person with a normal IQ to allow others to call him a lunatic, but Jiuxuan has heard it for so many years. When others call him a lunatic, even if he has resisted, he has made a statement that he does not like these names. speech.

But no one is willing to listen to Jiu Xuan and feel that these words are still selfishly calling Jiu Xuan a lunatic, calling Jiu Xuan a lunatic who deserves to die and has no qualifications to live in this world.

Hearing such words, no one should feel better, but Jiuxuan has heard these words for more than ten years, and she has not done anything, but she has been abused by people for so many years. . cursed for so many years.

Gradually, the swearing stopped just like that. From the situation where they had been so noisy that they couldn't stop at all, to the current situation where they looked at each other and didn't know what to say next.

Jiuxuan still had a grinning look, as if he didn't use those words at all, and slowly he was a very normal person, and no one had ever said that he was a lunatic.

"Hey? Why don't you talk anymore? The words you said are really nothing, because I have listened to them for so many years. Now that you say it, I have found the familiar feeling before, but it is really interesting. So happy."

If Jiuxuan didn't say these words, it would be better if he said these words, it would really startle the hearts of everyone present, because this is just a teenage girl.

As a result, she has endured so much and now tells them in turn that she doesn't feel bad.

Because she has heard these words too many times, and she has heard them a long time ago, so she doesn't feel that there is anything that would make her feel bad.

Yes, as long as everyone thinks about it with their heart, they will know how much the things they have done and said have dealt a blow to a girl.

It's just a girl who hasn't even seen much of the outside world, so what bad thoughts can she have?

(End of this chapter)

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