Chapter 577 So I Was Crazy 26
Even if there is a lot of experience, things may not be true, let alone what others say, and things that come from other people's mouths will definitely change a little bit.

After all, some people always have a little prejudice, and once those prejudices are added to those words, they will bring the same prejudice to the people who hear these words next, which means that the prejudiced person will will be hated even more by everyone.

In fact, everyone has never seen Jiuxuan do some heinous things. The reason why they think Jiuxuan is a heinous person who let the bodyguards take action directly when there is something unhappy is just because of some remarks.

Because those words sound very real, as if they really happened, so everyone will feel that these things are all true.

And the people who said these words are all standing with me, and they are all good people who think about ordinary people like me.

But these words are not necessarily true, because everyone may lie, and only the truth can not deceive people.

But the facts cannot appear in front of everyone, because only a few people can see the facts, and it is not certain whether the few people who have seen the facts can fully retell the facts.

Because people are selfish, once some things spread through people's mouths, the original meaning will always change a little. These things are inevitable. After all, people are such a very strange creature. There is no way to be fair.

Jiuxuan saw that these people were still very normal without saying anything, but the two bodyguards next to him were already very shocked, and they didn't know what was going on in the current situation.

I didn't seem to do anything, because I was stopped, and Jiuxuan didn't seem to do anything, but just said a few rebuttals, could it be possible to turn the situation around?
But wouldn't the lady refute it when she heard such words before?But why didn't I hear such an apology when I refuted it before?Have you ever seen such a spectacular scene?
Now this scene is really a bit spectacular, after all so many people apologized to Jiu Xuan at the same time, and all of them were very sincere.

Because the sincerity in these words can be heard through the voice and even the tone, this is not a pretend but a sincere apology, which is really not too simple.

Because false apologies can be said casually, as long as you can force yourself, as long as you can act, then you can say false apologies, but sincere apologies are not easy.

Today, the shopping mall is really bustling. From the beginning when the abuse continued, to the current situation of a large-scale apology to one person, it has never happened before.

And many people have already photographed all this, maybe it will become a topic of conversation in the future, but it will naturally spread to other people at the moment, once the gossip spreads quickly, more people will naturally know about it .

Jiuxuan still watched this scene like a bystander, but the phone rang at this moment, and the ringtone of the incoming call seemed very urgent at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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