Chapter 586 So I Was Crazy 35
At the same time, he sighed helplessly: "Who told you that I was trying to trick you? But it's true that I want to get some information from you, but well, I'm sure I won't use it too boringly." I must use some interesting means, otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for myself?"

But when this man saw the toy snake playing around Jiuxuan's wrist, he jumped back a few meters in fright.

"Ahhhhh! Snake! Snake! Snake! Get the snake away!"

Jiuxuan looked at the toy snake in his hand even more helplessly, and shook it in his hand.

Looking at the man again: "Ah? What are you talking about? This is a toy snake. Is there anything scary about it? It won't bite you anyway. Why are you so afraid? Could it be that you are afraid of snakes? Hey, I seem to know something incredible."

Jiu Xuan said such a sentence with a smile, but this sentence pierced into the man's heart like a poisoned needle.

Horror, it was so terrifying that this man couldn't control his trembling legs at all. In the end, he couldn't control his fear and fell to the ground, unable to get up even if he wanted to.

"Take them all, whether they are toy snakes or real snakes! Don't put snakes in front of me! I'm not afraid of snakes! I just think snakes are disgusting!"

Although this man was very scared, he still knew rationally that if he really admitted that he was afraid of snakes, then he might really lose again today.

But even if this man denies that he is not afraid of snakes, it is useless, because Jiuxuan knows that he is afraid of snakes, so there is no need to ask him if he is afraid of snakes, as long as he knows whether he is afraid or not?
Jiuxuan took the toy snake and walked straight into the house, sighed helplessly, and threw the snake on the ground, but it happened to be in front of the man who was lying down, and Jiuxuan also fell down on the man squat down in front of him.

"Ahhhhhh! Get the snake away from me quickly, or I will yell now!"

It's really funny for a middle-aged man to say such a thing. Jiu Xuan is not a person who likes to tease people, so he didn't make things difficult, and directly stuffed the snake into his pocket.

But the man who was frightened by the imitation toy snake just now still hasn't recovered. Even if he wanted to stand up, he couldn't stand up, and he could only lie on the ground in embarrassment.

Jiuxuan said: "Why don't you tell me who is your behind-the-scenes instigator? I kind of want to get to know him. After all, the methods are really powerful enough. If I miss such a talent, I think I should feel bad."

Jiuxuan didn't care that the man was still lying on the ground, and he was very afraid of provoking him, as if he had told what he wanted to know and the real purpose of coming here today.

But this man was so scared that he couldn't even utter a single word, and he didn't even have the chance to swear at Jiu Xuan, because he was so scared.

In fact, Jiuxuan really didn't know that this man was afraid of snakes, it was just that when he passed by the roadside just now, there happened to be an old woman selling all kinds of toys, and there was a child beside her, who seemed to be living a poor life of.

So Jiuxuan also used the money to buy a toy, there was nothing particularly interesting, so he took this imitation snake.

(End of this chapter)

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