The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 713 I want to protect him next door 21

Chapter 713 I want to protect him next door 21
And to protect him, this is something that Jiuxuan must do, even if Jiuxuan tries his best, he will be well, and no one will hurt him.

However, no one on these planes has any qualifications to touch him, because Jiuxuan can wipe out all those people without leaving a trace.

For some reason, Lin Shishen's parents didn't come back tonight, and they didn't call him to tell him, as if this happened often, but Jiuxuan didn't ask about it.

Because Jiuxuan feels that the relationship between himself and him does not seem to be able to ask these questions. If he asks, it is like interfering in other people's family affairs. This is indeed not something that should be done.

And Jiuxuan is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business, although Jiuxuan is very concerned about his affairs, and he doesn't feel that he is meddling.

But he was very clear that he couldn't say anything in this situation, all he could do was wait quietly to see if he would tell him.

If you don’t know how to tell yourself, then you can only hide this question in your heart, and ask these questions when he thinks of himself, because only in this way can you get what you don’t know today. an answer for .

Zu Hui also called Jiuxuan on the way, and when she heard that Jiuxuan was doing homework at the next door, she stopped nagging and asked Jiuxuan to study hard.

Because parents always hope that their children can play with students with good grades, because in this case, they will feel that their children will be bettered by children with good grades, so they will not stop them Children play or study with high-achieving children.

So Jiuxuan can still sit here until now, which is the best proof, but Jiuxuan does not intend to leave, Jiuxuan wants to stay at his house and never leave, but he knows that he has no reason to be able to stay here.

So I can only slow down my homework writing speed, and treat all the topics that I have already mastered as if I can’t. In this way, I can leave the topics empty for the time being, and I can rewrite them later. You can also find reasons to let him teach yourself to do homework.

Although this approach is really too deliberate, but Jiuxuan uses his superb acting skills that have been used countless times, and the performance is not intentional at all and very just right, as if he really doesn't know how to write those topics , but I am very anxious to know how to explain those questions.

Now Jiuxuan is really thankful that he has experienced so many planes, and he has honed his acting skills too many times, because it is necessary to hone acting skills on many planes.

Because there will always be some special tasks, for example, there were tasks that required acting in the previous plane, because the profession is like that, so Jiuxuan has to do it according to the profession.

In fact, there are not too many tasks that Jiuxuan needs to do, but he just does what he should do according to the things that need to be assigned in the task.

(End of this chapter)

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