The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 721 I want to protect him next door 29

Chapter 721 I want to protect him next door 29
Jiuxuan spent the entire vacation like this with him. Although he met his parents several times during this period, he didn't say much, but it can be seen that his parents are indeed Don't care about him.

Zu Hui knew that after Jiuxuan and Lin Shishen stayed together to study, she was in a good mood, and she didn't make any obstacles at all, and she always wanted to send Jiuxuan to the next door so that Jiuxuan could study hard , and also said that we must make good friends.

It was really easy for Jiuxuan to stay with him, and no one wanted to stop him, and he even wanted to tell everyone with gongs and drums, and wanted to continue all this, so he felt really happy. I am very happy.

A holiday time passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the beginning of the school season, and the students all returned to the school city from all over the world, because the beginning of school always needs to be busy, whether it is collecting books or handing in homework, it takes a long time. It takes a few days to handle it well.

Although Jiuxuan and Lin Shishen are in the same grade, they are not in the same class, and they are not on the same floor, so if Jiuxuan wants to find him, he has to go upstairs, but there are only ten minutes between classes If you want to keep looking for him, it seems that you will always waste your time.

But Jiuxuan doesn't care about wasting time, as long as he can see him, that's the happiest thing, what else do you care about so much?

Jiuxuan originally thought that he had to wait until he finished receiving the book to find him quickly with the book, but he didn't expect that Jiuxuan didn't leave the book in a hurry, but stood beside him, as if he planned to wait until he got all of this He didn't leave until he was done.

Jiuxuan showed him a big smile. During this holiday, the relationship between the two has been cultivated very well, and Lin Shishen remembered everything.

Yes, Lin Shishen thought of everything, which is the happiest thing for Jiuxuan, even if he lives forever, it will not make Jiuxuan feel happy, but if he thinks of himself, it will make Jiuxuan feel happy. I was so happy that there were fireworks above my head.

"Why are you here? Don't you go to your class?"

Although the two of them are not people on this face, they have already regarded their own identities as their own, and have a very strong sense of substitution. Now they are also doing these students who are no different from everyone else. .

It's just that the two of them know much more than everyone on this face, and their temperaments are naturally different, but acting skills can play a big role at this time.

Even if these things will reveal something, the two of them will still hide their minds, and will not let others see anything wrong.

Lin Shishen gently rubbed Jiuxuan's hair, his voice was as light as his movements: "I want to be with you, but I don't want to leave you."

Jiuxuan smiled again, and rubbed his hair. Lin Shishen's hair was very soft and if Jiuxuan wanted to rub his hair, he would always bend down slightly so that Jiuxuan could touch it without tiptoeing. arrive.

"Then wait until the college entrance examination is over, we will take the same school and then the same department, so we can stay together forever."

(End of this chapter)

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