The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 730 I want to protect him next door 38

Chapter 730 I want to protect him next door 38
And this hostility is really serious, it seems that Jiuxuan is willing to give up if he wants to be executed by Ling Chi. Death, but this is definitely not an easy thing to do, after all, Jiuxuan I won't let anyone hurt me.

If Jiuxuan really let any ordinary person hurt him, wouldn't Jiuxuan become a waste that can't even protect himself?If he couldn't even protect himself, what qualifications could he have to protect him?

Although Jiuxuan doesn't care whether he is a lunatic or a fool, or a waste, but if anyone wants to stop Jiuxuan from protecting him, then Jiuxuan will absolutely not let that person go.

Because Jiuxuan is also the most ordinary person with someone he cares about, and now he has slowly developed towards the angle of the most ordinary person, and now it seems that he has really developed quite well. OK

Jiuxuan is not a person who likes to laugh, but he smiled when he said these words, at least he smiled at the person in front of him who he didn't like, but there was really nothing in these smiles A smile looks really scary.

"Student, you are blocking the way."

Jiuxuan knew who the girl standing in front of him was, because she was a student in his class, but she was not very familiar with it, she just knew the name, and she didn't know anything else at all, but she knew it clearly Why did he stand in front of him, of course, with the purpose of letting Jiuxuan destroy everything.

Jiuxuan really wants to destroy everything completely without caring about anything, because in this way, can he be with him forever?

And everyone else has no qualifications to walk to him, and no one can disturb the relationship between him and him, and no one can come in front of him to bother him and do these things. The thing you hate the most.

It's true that Jiuxuan has such an idea, but he doesn't plan to do it for the time being, because this plane doesn't seem to have so many annoying people, there will always be some innocent people.

If even these innocent people are all sent to perish, wouldn't I become a big devil who does all kinds of evil, and a big devil who doesn't understand the reason. I think that although I don't care about these things, I always have to give Everyone is fair, otherwise, this face is really boring.

Although Jiuxuan didn't think about how to make this plane fair and orderly, but he didn't want to disrupt this unfair situation.

Because this situation seems to be the most worthy of joy for everyone, so it is better to let everyone continue to be happy. Doing nothing is the best way to deal with it.

Lin Liwen's appearance is really not bad, but compared with Jiuxuan, it is really far worse. After all, Jiuxuan's appearance has always been recognized as good-looking, even on the plane. The original three points.

"Ning Jiuxuan, I don't want to talk to you about twists and turns. I just want to tell you that you have no qualifications to be with Lin Shishen at all, because you are not worthy of Lin Shishen at all."

(End of this chapter)

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