The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 748 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 3

Chapter 748 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 3
But this task doesn't seem to be so easy to complete, because even now I haven't received the complete task, I just know that I have to wait on this side for a while.

Seeing what the real mission is is to solve the final mission in one step, so that you can go to the next counter, and you can also get a piece of soul fragment that belongs to it when you go to the next plane. The progress is naturally much faster.

Jiuxuan is waiting here like this. After all, there is nothing else to do besides waiting for the task or completing the task. But if you keep waiting like this, it will naturally be very boring, so why don't you just Have you come here to watch the lives of the most ordinary people?

Jiuxuan was tired from sitting, so he changed his posture and yawned, and continued to sit and look at the people walking back and forth on the road. Although it seemed very boring, it was the most interesting thing for them. Interesting thing about it.

In fact, the most interesting things for everyone are different, so even if you don’t understand what others find interesting, it’s not important, because others don’t need you to care about their thoughts, because everyone They are all different, and everyone's ultimate goal and what they want to do are naturally different.

If it is a person who looks very different from any direction, then there is no need to continue to get along, because that will only make both of them very painful, and it will also make both of them very helpless.

So it's better to break the relationship as soon as possible, because only in that way can both of them be very happy and give them the best possible consequences.

"Guest officer, hello, do you still need tea?"

Xiao Er also came up at this time, and she still had a smile on her face, but this can be regarded as a folk custom here, because everyone has their own tasks that need to be completed, so everyone has their own tasks. Work is very serious.

For example, the smile on Xiao Er's face, isn't this the smile that everyone has on their face?Even if it is an occasion where you don't want to laugh, but you have to laugh because of the occasion, Jiuxuan will often do this, but he doesn't like this kind of thing very much.

But everyone probably doesn't like this kind of thing, because everyone wants to show their truest side, but if they want to keep their truest side all the time , it is really very difficult to do.

Because there are really too many things in this world that will limit everything you once wanted to do, and revealing your truest side may be among them.

Jiuxuan really doesn't like the kind of self who has a smile on his face, but it is a fake smile, but in many cases, there is no way to stop all this, because all his tasks are to let himself go Doing such a thing, so how can you refute it?

But after smiling, I don't feel that there is anything unacceptable, because everyone will learn to accept and learn to change themselves, all of which are caused by the world Forced.

(End of this chapter)

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