The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 754 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 9

Chapter 754 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 9
Jiuxuan clapped his palms, looking quite optimistic: "Tsk tsk tsk, then what else do you want to say, if you have anything to say, then say it all, after all, such words are It can make a good show more interesting, can't it? So many people are watching a good show, and we can't live up to their enthusiastic waiting."

The Elder Scrolls only felt chills all over his body, as if something really interesting had happened, and someone was definitely going to be unlucky.

"Jiuxuan! You must pay attention to your sense of proportion. You must not completely collapse this plane because of some of your actions, otherwise you will receive very severe punishment! Although I I know you don't care about these punishments, but you have to think about him, don't you!"

Jiuxuan felt that he took back the ancient scroll that was chattering in the system world, and didn't want this guy to keep making noises here, so that he would have no time to watch a good show.

"Tut tsk tsk, just shut up, I don't need you to remind me of all this, after all, I still know what I should do, can you shut your mouth, it's really annoying .”

The Elder Scrolls shut his mouth obediently, feeling that if he said something more, it might cause some bad influence, and it would only make him more miserable.

Touching the head that I don't have, it can be regarded as the upper end of the scroll.

"I'm just reminding you kindly. After all, what you have done is so crazy. I feel that you may still be able to do such a thing. That's why I remind you like this, but you don't take me at all. I'm really annoyed if I take the reminder seriously!"

"Then you can continue to be irritable. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. I still want to watch a good show."

The words that this sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl yelled caused many people to turn their attention to the book. Of course, this is the most important purpose of this girl, otherwise she didn't need to make a fuss. isn't it?

Naturally, Jiu Xuan could see the girl's purpose, otherwise, how could he yell that he wants to watch a good show, and take back the nagging and annoying guy like the ancient scroll?

Jiuxuan smiled softly, and took up what the girl said: "But you hurt me just now, but I didn't do anything, and I still have a bag you forced on me now." What about the thing that came in, and I feel that if this thing is brought in front of everyone, everyone may feel that your mind is very vicious, right?"

The girl was chattering non-stop again, and her tone was full of aggrieved bitterness.

"But I really didn't do that. Why did you frame me like this? We just met for the first time today. I really just wanted to pass by here. I really don't know why this happened, but I hope you can really let me go, let's stop entangled, okay..."

Jiuxuan suddenly felt that these words seemed a little familiar, he seemed to have heard them somewhere, and he had already reacted in an instant after thinking about them carefully.

Aren't these words exactly the lines in some TV series on some planes?

(End of this chapter)

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