The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 761 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 16

Chapter 761 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 16
What the middle-aged man said was really too swearing. If he could really do this, it would be impossible for him to end up in such a wake-up situation now, so what kind of things he can do, there is already a Very obvious previous omens.

It is impossible for him to do what he said, and there is no way to get revenge by taking out the person who played him a lesson, because he doesn't know who that person is at all, and he doesn't know that person Where is it, and I don't know how to find that person.

So these words of his are nothing more than empty words, and the result has already been obtained from these words.

Jiuxuan reported to the official, threw the middle-aged man in, and told all his crimes by the way, and the results of the middle-aged man were all noticed by others. It has nothing to do with Jiu Xuan.

Jiuxuan is really not a good person, and he didn't even think about being a good person. For anyone who wants to calculate himself, he must calculate it again, and double the calculation, otherwise, this game is really bad. What's more, it's too boring, and the calculations I'm enduring are too unnecessary.

Jiuxuan didn't know the news he wanted from the middle-aged man, but it is absolutely impossible to give up what he wants to know, and he doesn't need to care about who is the real behind-the-scenes arrangement , because it will appear soon.

Because the reason why he asked the middle-aged man to take the lead was to make sure whether Jiuxuan had martial arts cheats, or where the martial arts cheats were kept, so he would definitely come over to check all these again next time.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to wait quietly, and waiting for this thing is also a very simple thing, just find a place to drink tea or eat, and you can wait caught.

Jiuxuan definitely doesn't need to hide his figure, and he has to reveal his whereabouts to everyone. Even the most ordinary passer-by can definitely see Jiuxuan's figure. In this case, if that person wants to It is also a very simple thing to inquire about.

However, Jiuxuan was indeed an idler who never wanted to hide himself in the mountains and forests from the very beginning. He always walked around casually, looked casually, ate and drank casually.

There are many places I passed by, and I met a lot of people on this road. Although none of them were injured too much, there are a few people who can always talk. After all, there will always be some people with more lively personalities. , and people with a more lively personality will naturally greet some people, which is nothing but a normal thing.

Jiuxuan's personality can also be considered lively, so when he meets some people who are a little more pleasing to his eyes, he will say a few more words, after all, this world is too boring.

If you stay on this face all the time, you will definitely get sick from boredom. After all, without him on this face, all you can do is chat with some unimportant people, and you can talk to people on the way. It is also a very rare thing to say a few normal words.

No matter what kind of journey Jiu Xuan is on, he has always been alone, so speaking is naturally a very difficult thing.

(End of this chapter)

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