The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 783 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 38

Chapter 783 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 38
The young man used the greatest strength when he said this sentence. If he was asked to shout another sentence with such a loud voice, it would be a joke, because he did not have such strength at all. After all, people can't control their state when they are most nervous, so it is very difficult to speak.

What's more, if you say it with the loudest voice, is this even a joke?It is simply impossible to do it, but the young man is very clear about his current state, after all, he is not a fool.

If it was a fool, he would not have come to grab this martial arts secret book, but it is impossible to end up like this, so all this seems to have a very clear ending from the beginning .

And it is also controlled by the real person behind the scenes. It seems that the person behind the scenes is really an extremely powerful person, and he can even calculate all of this.

Jiuxuan really wants to know the person behind the scenes very much, because I always feel that all these methods are too interesting, and it really doesn't seem like people on this plane can do it. If it is really If a person on this plane does something, then that person must be able to go to a higher height, and carrying it on this plane is completely wasting his life.

But Jiuxuan has such an idea, not because of how much he cherishes his talents, let alone wanting to have any transaction value with the person behind the scenes, but because he wants to meet the person behind the scenes sooner, after all, interesting things must be done quickly It's more interesting to discover, isn't it?

"I know who the person behind the scenes is, and I also know where the person behind the scenes is, and I even know the function of the martial arts secret book you hide, so can you listen to me now! "

When Jiu Xuan heard these words, he was finally willing to stop, but the expression on his face was more interesting, and it was even more eerie than before.

Jiuxuan turned around and turned back: "Oh? Did you say it so early? I thought you would wait a while before you said it. It seems that you are not such a hard-boned person. I haven't done anything yet. I’m already so subdued, but it also saves me a lot of things, which is worthy of praise.”

"Didn't you just say that you know who that person is? Then you should tell this, maybe I will let you go, isn't that what you said just now? Now put this How do you feel when I return the words to you?"

This young man was really anxious and angry, but the fear in his heart was the emotion that occupied the largest range.

"I do know, but if you don't let me go, how can I take you to find that person? I just want to get your martial arts cheats. I don't want to treat you at all. What to do, but you ended up using such despicable means to fix me in place!"

Jiuxuan shrugged indifferently: "Just now you said you were going to do something to me, so I will do it to you, okay? Otherwise, why do you think I put you in place in such a leisurely manner? I didn't As boring as you imagined, you are really too self-indulgent, you are not qualified yet."

(End of this chapter)

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