The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 793 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 48

Chapter 793 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 48
Because this door looks really small, and it doesn't seem like it's specially designed for people to go in and out. It seems to be a door that was picked out by someone, maybe it's for running back and forth from the mountain or down the mountain. .

But running back and forth is definitely not because of the things that need to be dealt with in the sect, but because of some things of his own, so he opened such a side door.

This boy is still only able to open his mouth to speak and walk on two legs, he can't do anything else, and his posture is still in the same position as before, as if he wanted to attack Jiuxuan, which really attracts attention force.

However, he had already attracted a lot of attention on the way here, because of this posture.

This boy is also a disciple of Shuiling Mountain, so many of the disciples of Shuiling Mountain know this boy, and they also greet him, and they are still looking at Jiuxuan, as if planning to launch an attack in the next second.

"Chang Hui, what is the situation? Would you like us to help you?"

"Chang Hui, do we need to tell Master the current situation here? I feel that the situation seems a little bad."

"Chang Hui, didn't you practice hard in Shuiling Mountain? Why did you go outside? And what's the matter with your current knowledge? Could it be that you want to attack us?"

"Chang Hui, what are you doing? If you don't say anything, then we will report to Master directly!"

Jiuxuan can probably guess who this master is, after all, he already knows everything about this face.

The master these disciples are talking about must be Gu Xin, and he is also the head of this Shuiling Mountain. There should be only one person who can be called this by these disciples.

And Chang Hui may be the name of this young man, and this young man and Gu Xin may be the relationship between apprentice and master. Then Chang Hui is really a guy with a good cultivation base. After all, the apprentice who is in charge is always better than other disciples. The cultivation base is better, isn't it?
But Jiuxuan really didn't think how powerful Chang Hui was, and felt that he was really expensive, because he had already taken him down without using [-]% of his effort, and he was still in this awkward posture. But he didn't seem to feel ashamed. Could it be that he felt that he could still escape from Jiuxuan?
Jiu Xuan looked at these disciples quite interestingly, but he didn't introduce himself, and he didn't say what his purpose of coming here was.

The expression on Chang Hui's face became more and more ugly, and what he said this time also vented all the anger in his heart.

"I'll take her to see the master, get out of the way!"

The voice of the last four words is much louder than the voice of the half sentence just now, and all the anger is contained in it, but this seems to be a normal thing.

Although there may not be much distinction between disciples and disciples, there will always be a slight gap between the head disciple and the disciple of an ordinary elder, just from this identity. .

After Chang Hui uttered these words, those who spoke just now also stopped, but there are still a few people who spoke with irony from the beginning, still did not stop their words, but Still intensifying his opening.

(End of this chapter)

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