Chapter 20

Yang Tuiguan had some worries in his heart and slapped the gavel: "Li Buqi, are you the proprietor of Baiyuzhuang Tofu Shop?"

"Hey, why do you have to ask this question clearly? Why don't you even give me a chance to pretend?" Li Buqi replied with slander in his heart, "Not yet."

A subordinate official had long told Li Buqi that he was the proprietor of the tofu shop, because the contract had just been signed when he bought the tofu shop a few days ago, and many people remembered it.Therefore, Tuiguan Yang waited for Li Buqi to answer "yes" before asking, but Li Buqi said "not yet", which made Yang Tuiguan furious and believed that Li Buqi was teasing him.So Yang Tuiguan said in a deep voice: "Yes, it is, and if it is not, it is not. What do you mean it is not yet?"

Li Buqi looked into Yang Tuiguan's eyes calmly: "Because I signed a contract with Daxiangguo Temple, this shop will be mine after five years. Now this shop is the capital of Daxiangguo Temple!"

"Great Xiangguo Temple? Oh, I was careless." Yang Tuiguan involuntarily broke out in cold sweat, and glared at the dumbfounded subordinate standing beside him.As an official from the Kaifeng government, he was overconfident if he wanted to challenge the Daxiangguo Temple.

Li Buqi said: "Exactly. I signed a document with Daxiangguo Temple, and the steward of Xiangguo Temple went to Kaifeng Mansion to file the documents. You can ask the steward of Xiangguo Temple about this matter, he is outside."

In the face of Daxiangguo Temple, Yang Tuiguan did not dare to trust him, and hurriedly ordered witnesses to be summoned.The steward of Daxiangguo Temple came to the court to prove that Li Buqi had indeed signed a contract with Daxiangguo Temple to buy shares with the secret recipe.This master has been in Kaifeng Mansion all year round, and everyone recognizes it, so naturally he can't fake it.Officer Yang Tui gave the subordinate staff who had told him a hard look once again.

After talking about the shares, the chief said loudly again: "Officer, all the masters in Daxiangguo Temple have eaten the tofu made by Brother Li for a few days, and no one has noticed anything unusual, even if I have eaten it for a while, there is nothing wrong with it. Officials, please be careful! If officials want this secret recipe for making tofu during the trial, please don’t disclose it for the sake of our temple.”

This time, there was a big uproar in the hall.It was originally Gao Li Buqi, but now it has become the Gaoxiangguo Temple. The common people are guessing how the officials in the hall should be tried. Only You Wen's face is ashen. It's really treacherous, if you have a secret recipe and don't make money yourself, why do you partner with Xiangguo Temple?

Li Buqi was proud of himself: I didn't expect that, I'm not stupid!
How about a secret recipe?It's much more stolen by others.The officials of the Song Dynasty could make a businessman without a background go bankrupt if he made a class match or a purchase. Besides, there are local ruffians like Niu Er who follow him all day long. Who would dare to do business without finding a strong background?
Officer Yang Tui was also depressed—you tell me the secret recipe, and if the secret recipe is leaked in a few days, Daxiangguo Temple will have to suspect me, and this blame cannot be blamed.So he pretended to say: "Okay, you all stand aside." Then he turned to the plaintiff: "Ms. Xu, tell me how your man died after eating tofu?"

Unexpectedly, the woman was trembling and speechless, Yang Tuiguan had no choice but to raise his voice and ask again: "Mr. Xu! Tell me how your man died after eating tofu!"

The woman was terrified: "I won't sue, I won't sue!"

Yang Tuiguan, who already felt that there was something tricky in it, was not easy to push the boat along, so he could only say: "Mr. Xu, this case involves human life, but you don't want to sue if you don't want to."

When Li Buqi saw a woman, he only looked at Niu Er.Then he reminded loudly: "Your Majesty, since this woman is so frightened that she can't speak, wouldn't it be the same to let the witness say it?"

Official Yang Tui had no choice but to say: "Witnesses for the plaintiff, tell me how the man who suffered the crime died."

Niu Er knew that the Daxiangguo Temple was an imperial temple, and the biggest moneylender in Tokyo City, the head of the Zhiku Bank, didn't think much of the Daxiangguo Temple.Niu Er made up his mind to get out of this matter as soon as possible, and rolled his eyes: "I waited for the neighbor of Mrs. Xu, and only heard her say that her man would not be successful after eating the tofu from Baiyuzhuang, so I helped him carry his body to Kaifeng Mansion." Tell the officer, there are too many facts that I don’t know.”

Unexpectedly, this completely frightened the woman, and she shouted: "How could you not know? Didn't you tell me to sue the government? You also said that you have taken care of everything, so you don't need me to speak, why don't you know now?" gone?"

Niu Er hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, we just look at you pitifully and help you. How can we know about your family?"

While talking, he winked.But that woman was a coward, so she remembered to shout: "You are a slave, what should you do?"

There was a commotion here, but Yang Tuiguan was secretly happy, so that Xiangguo Temple didn't have to come up with a secret recipe to check whether it might kill someone.He slapped the gavel: "Mr. Xu! What's going on, tell the truth! Otherwise, I will have to punish you for false accusation!"

The woman quickly shouted: "Master, it's none of my business! It's my man who borrowed money from him because he was sick, and now the interest has rolled to five guan, so I really can't pay it back. He came to my house yesterday and said that I should pay him back." He has taken care of all the lawsuits in the yamen, so I don’t need to talk. Afterwards, he forgave my family’s debts and burned and buried the silver for me, otherwise he would force me to pay the debts. I was so forced that there was nothing I could do.”

Now the people hearing the trial outside the hall suddenly became chaotic, and they all pointed to Niu Er: "So it's this guy!" "So it's a false accusation!"

Officer Yang Tui pretended to be furious, and slapped the gavel fiercely: "You scoundrel, you actually instigated others to make a false accusation! Say it! Why did you falsely accuse Li Buqi!"

Niu Er saw this situation, no matter how hard he was to deny it, he was still a bachelor, he gritted his teeth and knelt down: "I saw that the tofu shop made a lot of money, but I was very angry, but I didn't know that it was the capital of Xiangguo Temple, so I thought of making a false accusation .”

What Niu Er meant was to take the matter on himself, even if he was convicted, as long as You Wen said a word, he would leave Kaifeng Mansion alive and kicking in a few days.Niu Er's subordinates were all gangsters for many years, and they understood what the eldest brother was thinking, so they also confessed according to what Niu Er said.Sure enough, Yang Tuiguan immediately announced that the facts of the case were clear, and sentenced Niu Er and others to be beaten fifty times in court, assassinated in Cangzhou, and Xu's flail, which was falsely accused, was displayed to the public for ten days.Li Buqi and others were released in court.

The steward of Xiangguo Temple asked Yang Tuiguan to compensate for the loss in the shop, and Yang Tuiguan ordered Niu Er to pay for the compensation.

Niu Er and the others were dragged to the front of the hall to beat the board in front of the hall. Although the sound of spanking was heard, and the beaten screamed like pigs being killed, Li Buqi also knew that tall people like Niu Er often went in and out. The hob meat in Kaifeng Mansion has familiar tolerances, and nine times out of ten, it looks bloody and bloody when it comes down from the board, but in fact it can run and dance in a day or two.But Li Buqi now disdains to make a fuss about the false accusation and kill Niu Er.

After watching the spanking, the people who watched became uninterested and prepared to leave.Officer Yang also picked up the gavel and patted it: "Retire."

At this time, Li Buqi gave a cold smile to Juwen, whose face was completely dark, and suddenly walked to the center of the lobby, his dantian depressed, and shouted loudly: "Slow! Li Buqi, a grassroots man, wants to sue Niu Er and that tolerance officer surnamed Luo for blatantly instigating people's hearts. Slander the late emperor! Let the officials decide!"

PS: Thank you Lin Zhongliyou for your recommendation vote. Please cast your precious vote to encourage the author. If you hit a wall, you must dedicate the best article to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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