Chapter 3
Relying on the skills learned in the military training before crossing the university, Liu Zhiwei, um, no, it was Li Buqi who walked through the mountains with a bow and arrow in his hand.In the morning, in a mountain stream, he shot four fish that were more than one foot long with an arrow, and ate two of them raw.

At the foot of the mountain, the army of the Xixia people passed by one by one, and there were still Yebushuai, but fortunately no one searched the mountain.In the evening, he ate two more fish raw and squinted on the mountain for a while.Another morning he finally saw Deshengzhai.

Obviously the Xixia people once surrounded this place, but the military flag of the Song Dynasty is still flying high on the city wall.At this time, there was no living person outside the wall of the village. Song Jun just closed the gate of the village tightly and did not send anyone out to check.The trees within a mile around Deshengzhai were cleared away, and there was a dead silence in the open space. This silence clearly concealed danger.But knowing that there is danger ahead, Li Buqi has to rush through it.

This is a Song person's body, and it is impossible to reach the level of robustness of Master Bei.He has been fighting on the battlefield for a day, and he has walked fifty or sixty miles of mountain roads, and he is exhausted.Moreover, he had already been frozen for two nights on the barren hills, and the clothes made of silk and satin were not enough to keep him warm. If he continued to wait outside the city, he would freeze to death.If you want to survive, you can only die and live later.

Li Buqi walked half a circle around Deshengzhai, and found the best route without seeing Xixia cavalry.Then he took out two arrows and bit them between his teeth, took out a few more arrows and held them in his hand, and held the bow in the other hand, then jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the wall with his cat on his waist.

As expected, when he ran more than 100 meters, the alarm clapper on the wall of the village had already sounded, and two war horses rushed out from the woods not far away to chase him quickly.

The horse's hooves pounded the ground, and Cong Buqi didn't even turn his head. Because he was very familiar with horses, he could judge the enemy's distance by ear while paying attention to maintaining a lateral running relative to the enemy.An arrow with carved feathers swished past Li Buqi.Li Buqi continued to run, when the second carved feather arrow stuck in front of his feet, he suddenly stopped and turned around, half kneeling on the ground, the arrows in his hand spilled on the ground, leaving only one arrow in his hand.

Bending the bow and nodding the arrow, the cold light from the tip of the arrow enveloped the Xixia people who had already put the arrow on the bow.The distance was less than twenty steps, and Cong Li Buqi could clearly see the eyes of the Xixia people who were wide-eyed with fright.As soon as he let go, the Xixia man threw the bow and arrow with both hands, but he didn't fall off the horse immediately, and the horse continued to charge towards Li Buqi.

Li Buqi quickly rolled to the right, and the horse's hoof stepped over the edge of his helmet.He stood up and bowed his bow again.

Another Xixia man felt threatened and leaned on his horse.Li Buqi directly shot an arrow under the horse's tail.That is where the horse is most sensitive. The Xixia horse rolled to the ground and threw the rider out.Li Buqi jumped up and rushed over in three or two steps. Before the Xixia man recovered his sanity, he swung his big fist and punched him lightly on the temple.Then he picked up the Xixia man and put it on the Xixia horse that stopped because the owner fell off the horse, jumped on it himself, and beat the horse like flying straight to the side of the ditch outside the Desheng village.

From the place where the two Xixia people rushed out just now, several horses galloped out again.But Song Jun on the wall of the house had already raised his head and shouted: "Who are you? Where are you from?"

Li Buqi yelled: "I am Li Buqi, who is under General Ren Fu's tent, and I just escaped from Haoshuichuan. Let me enter the stronghold quickly!" In order to let the Song army on the city move faster, he had to raise his own value .

But the soldier shouted: "I can't take the lead in this matter, I have to wait for the village master to come!"

bird!When the village master comes, I will let the Xixia people chop it up!

But fortunately, as soon as the Xixia people leaned against the wall of the stronghold, they greeted them with strong bows and crossbows. The Xixia people did not dare to approach or stop their gallops for fear of becoming a target, so they could only run back and forth and shoot Li Buqi with arrows.Li Buqi blocked the horse in front, and immediately put a Xixia man on him, covering him tightly.Li Buqi yelled to Song Bing on the wall of the stronghold: "Why don't you call your stronghold master?"

"Already called!"

Li Buqi had already turned around, showing a little body from the horse's head, bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot a horse.These Xixia people did not harvest at night, did not wear armor, only bows and arrows and a scimitar, and the horse did not wear armor, so after being hit by an arrow, they were seriously injured and fell down, throwing the rider on the horse to the ground.

After two Xixia men were shot down in a row, the other Xixia men were afraid of losing their hands, so they pulled the rider who fell to the ground and ran away to a distance.After the Xixia people ran far away, they poked their heads out from the wall of the village and asked Li Buqi again who he was and where he came from.Li Buqi quickly talked about his identity and how to escape.The man asked: "Do you know how Rendu (deployment) is now?"

As a fan of the puppet army, Liu Zhiwei knew that Ren Fu was killed in the battle of Haoshuichuan, but Li Buqi should not know now, so he only said: "I have separated from Ren Dushu, and I don't know the whereabouts of Dushu. But the Xia bandits surrounded me The army, fighting fiercely all day long, I'm afraid there will be more disasters than luck!"

That head retracted, and after a while, two ropes were thrown from the wall of the village, and a soldier shouted: "Come here, and tie that summer thief to the rope."

After going up to the wall of the village and having his badge checked, Li Buqi was taken to rest in the village.He ate something, treated the wound, and as soon as he got on the bed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.When he felt someone calling him, he opened his eyes and saw a Song soldier pushing him.

Seeing that he was awake, the soldier said: "Brother, you are awake. The Xia thief has already retreated. The order I just received, Han Jinglue is about to rectify the troops in the Zhenrong army. You should hurry to the Zhenrong army and return to the army."

Now this body mainly reflects Liu Zhiwei's consciousness. It took him a long time to figure out the cause and effect, and asked stupidly: "What time is it now? Why did Xia thief retreat so quickly?"

But the soldier was speechless and said, "You have been asleep for three days! The Xia thief has already retreated. Go and eat something. The people who have gathered in Haoshuichuan in the past two days will leave."

Uh, is that so?
He went out the door with weak feet and got some food from the cauldron.The four or five disheveled soldiers around the cauldron, some of them were injured, looked like defeated soldiers.When they saw Li Buqi coming, they silently gave way to him. Suddenly, a soldier asked, "Are you the one who delivered the order to General Ren?"

Li Buqi asked: "Do you recognize me?"

"Didn't you come here with an order for General Ren? Just after the order was delivered, the Xia bandits surrounded us, and you are still following our command (command) to charge. Your arrow skills are really good. I heard that the people in the village It is said that someone fled to the wall of the stronghold and shot several Xia thieves, so it was you! But I saw you beat Xia thieves off their horses. How did you escape?"

Li Buqi pointed to the big bump on his forehead with a wry smile, and briefly talked about his own experience, which made several people sigh.Li Buqi asked the soldier who recognized him: "How did you escape?"

He sighed: "I and a group of brothers were caught by Xia Thief, and I came here because I took advantage of an opportunity to hide in the mountains."

After dinner, Deshengzhai sent people to escort Li Buqi and the others to Zhenrong Army.After walking for three days to reach the Zhenrong Army, a camp was set up outside the camp to accommodate the scattered soldiers.Soldiers report their rank, position, and unit to the book office at the gate of the camp, and then the soldiers in the camp lead them into the camp for a temporary rest.There are not many returning soldiers now, but the camp gates are crowded with families of soldiers who are looking for their families, and those who desperately hope to escape include their relatives.

Li Buqi also stood in the queue and walked to the door, handed his badge to the book office, and signed up.He was stunned for a moment while reading the book, then handed Li Buqi's badge to a soldier and pointed to a room behind him.After the soldiers ran in, a scribe in a long gown rushed out and shouted, "Take down Li Buqi, who has fled before the battle! Execute the law on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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