Song Dynasty Cannon Fodder Counterattack Record

Chapter 301 Da Song's First Run

Chapter 301

At the beginning of June in the fourth year of Zhiping, the urgent report of the defeat of the Song army in Hebei reached Bianliang, and the capital shook.If it was in the past, the common people would be terrified by the fiasco that happened hundreds of miles away from the capital, but because the Liao army had not reached the city of Bianliang after all, they would only scold the emperor and the prime minister for their incompetence in teahouses and restaurants. Take a look at the martial arts of Li Buqi and Zhao Sheng, master and apprentice.But this time is different. Although Qingyuan Academy's "Practical School" newspaper did not report the fiasco in detail in order to avoid panic, several old-school big newspapers represented by Guozijian will not slap their own people in the face, and have briefly reported the actual situation of the fiasco. However, the newspaper boom in the past few years has spawned many tabloid newspapers in the capital, and they reported this fiasco with embellishments for the sake of sales.There are some speculations in these reports, but these ordinary people who used to be melon eaters are determined to take action.

This presumes that the battle is defeated, not only will Yan Yun not be able to get it back, but the imperial court will also pay a large amount of military expenses because the Liao Kingdom took advantage of the situation and invaded Hebei. In the future, there will be no money to repay the national debt. If they fail, those who deposit money in these banks will not only not get interest, but they may not be able to protect the principal.

The people of Shengdou may not care about whether the war is won or lost, and they may not care about how much money is in the treasury, but they must pay close attention to their own money. Panic immediately spread among the people at an extremely fast speed.The impatient people decided to go to the bank where they saved their money and ask. When they went to the bank gate, they saw a long queue of people, all of whom wanted to withdraw money.

The survival wisdom of ordinary people is to follow the crowd, even if they can't run ahead of others, they can't let others fall behind.Seeing so many people busy withdrawing money, I was afraid that it would be too late, the bank would run out of money, and my own money would not be withdrawn, so I immediately and resolutely joined the team of withdrawing money.Those who were still watching saw more and more people waiting to withdraw money, panicked and joined in. In less than a day, there was a large-scale run in the capital.

The more people there are, the slower it will be to handle business. When people get together, they will have to chat with those they don't know.

"With so many people, I don't know when it will be our turn. Brother didn't even kill a pig today? Just wait here?"

"Why are you killing pigs at this time? I'm afraid I'm going to earn money instead of spending money. Why don't you take out the money in the bank and keep it with you? If the situation is not good, run to Shaanxi."

"Huh? Why? Did my brother think that the Liao people could reach the capital?"

"Why can't you? Didn't you hear those officials say how powerful the artillery of this dynasty is? Once it is fired, it will be destroyed for ten miles, and it is easy to blow down the city wall. They dared to attack the Liao Kingdom with such a sharp weapon. Otherwise, they would not have the courage of Li Daguan. , and without the ability of Li Daguan, who trembled when he heard about Liao Kingdom a few years ago, where did he have the confidence to regain Yanyun? But this defeat means that all the soldiers, armor and luggage have been lost. Then those firearms are also lost. In the hands of the Liao people, do you think the Liao army can reach Bianliang?"

Now everyone gasped.Someone immediately said: "Oh, I still remember that when the troops were sent out, they brought ten 'Sky Cannons' that could smash the city with one shot. If they fell into the hands of the Liao people..."

Some people wondered: "How could a 50 army be defeated with such powerful weapons?"

The pig butcher pretended to be mysterious and said to the people around him: "There is a technician from the military inspection department living in the alley of my house. He said that the more powerful a weapon is, the more complicated it is to use. Only those who know how to use it can use it. Powerful. It’s like my pig-killing knife. If I go down with the knife, I will definitely stab the pig to death. If you take it, I’m afraid not only you won’t stab the pig to death, but it will make the pig anxious and bite you.”

Someone said, "Yes. No wonder Mr. Li wants to set up a military training school. Unfortunately, this military training school has been abolished. You expect those sour people who can only write poems and lyrics to wield knives and guns, but you don't expect the sun to shine from the west. Come out."

Immediately, someone sighed: "It would be great if I taught Li Daguan early to preside over the Liao."

Someone immediately retorted: "Don't you see if today's officials and ministers will allow Mr. Li to make meritorious deeds? It's already at this time, and I don't see Mr. Li or the one from Muqin's house coming out and letting a bunch of nerds lead the army." , I'm afraid the Khitans will really hit Bianliang."

While talking, the people behind suddenly became commotion, and everyone asked what happened.After a while, news came from behind that Li Daguan's family was packing up their belongings and was going to Guangnan to avoid chaos.

The pig butcher slapped his thigh: "Look, Mr. Li and everyone else can see that it's not easy. Why do we hesitate? Take the money and find a way out!"

Now when people in the capital mention "Li Daguanren", the first thing that comes to mind is Li Buqi.Everyone knows that Mr. Li's reputation is just now, even he is ready to run away, who can not be afraid?
In fact, Li Buqi is not going to leave, because he will stay to preside over the overall situation, but now he can't predict how this matter will turn out in the end, so extra preparation is still needed.So he asked Zhe Yinghui to take the young boys and girls of the family to Shaanxi under the pretext of visiting relatives.However, he did not specifically explain that he would not leave Bianliang, nor did he conceal that the Li family was arranging the itinerary.It's good to cause some panic, let those who sow the fruit taste what they sowed.

The normal operation of the bank depends on confidence. With all kinds of gossip flying all over the sky, Bianliang has become a scene of crowds.No bank has ever encountered this kind of situation. Not to mention that the prepared liquidity is simply not enough to deal with it, even this momentum frightens people.In panic, these banks all made a stupid move, which was to stop paying.

Of course, they have the confidence to do so, because the backgrounds of the twelve large and small banks in the capital are all very strong.After the signs of a run on appeared, the guards of Kaifeng Mansion had already come to maintain order, and when more and more people gathered, the forbidden army suppressed it.In the past, it would be difficult for anyone to cause trouble, but this time it is different.At the beginning, in order to eat up the national debt as much as possible, the twelve banks raised interest rates to collect deposits, and the four banks connected with Li Buqi stated that they would not buy national debt, and the common people withdrew money from those four banks for higher interest. Among these twelve banks, those who have some spare money in Bianliang City basically have money in these banks, and the involvement is too wide.

The so-called law does not blame the public refers to this situation. When these banks stopped paying, the anxious common people began to smash the door and hit the shop. Try not to make a big mess, and don't work hard.Because they are afraid of angering the people on their own heads, and because they also have money stored in these banks.

The shop was smashed open, and the bank's stewards and managers were dragged out.But they are just small people who can't be the masters at all, so the angry people rushed to the owners of these banks, and some believed that the Kaifeng mansion and the officials could be the masters, and went to Kaifeng mansion to beat the grievance drum and Dengwen drum house to beat the Dengwen drum .

Now the whole Bianliang is in trouble. It is not a simple money issue. When Han Qi came forward to speak out and severely reprimanded the people who beat Dengwengu, the people called him a shareholder of the bank and refused to listen to him. They asked the officials to come forward. call the shots.

But can the current officials come forward now?Really can't!After hearing the report that Hebei was defeated and the entire army of 20 troops was annihilated, this man was stunned for two seconds, shouted "Han Qi misunderstood me", then rolled his eyes and fell unconscious, apparently having a stroke.Although Zhao Shu is still breathing in bed now, he obviously won't live for a few more days. It's just that Han Qi and others jointly suppressed the matter in order to stabilize people's hearts, so the people outside don't know.

In the face of tens of thousands of civilians, even though Han Qi dispatched troops from the Imperial City Division, there was nothing he could do.He didn't dare to arrest people directly, and he was still clear-headed, knowing that arresting people would only intensify the conflict.During the stalemate, suddenly a group of eunuchs came out from the palace gate, and the leader was Li Shunju.Holding the imperial edict in his hand, he went to the front of the people and read it aloud: "Edict of the Empress Dowager..."

Han Qi and the others couldn't help but be taken aback by this sound - why did the Queen Mother, who never cared about things, suddenly take action? What was she trying to do?
Han Qi felt a great danger in his heart, and hurriedly ordered people to stop Li Shunju, but the people from the Imperial City Department were obviously instructed, and stepped forward to stop Han Qi's people.Li Shunju had already read the Empress Dowager Cao's will aloud, to the effect that the Empress Dowager and the officials would make decisions for the people, not only to ensure that the people would get their money back, but also to prevent the Liao people from attacking the capital.

Although Yi's decree is sincere, the common people don't buy it.Some leading people asked the queen mother that she was a woman of the generation and was never allowed to interfere in politics. How could her will be counted?Some people questioned why the Queen Mother made the decree and why the officials didn't speak.

Seeing that the people couldn't be persuaded, Li Shunju asked the people to wait for the news quietly, and ordered people to give herbal tea to relieve the heat. Then he turned around and bowed to Han Qi and the others: "My lords, the Queen Mother invites you to come in to discuss matters."

(End of this chapter)

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