Chapter 37

A carriage stopped across the street from "Wuweifang", and the curtain hanging on the window was lifted, and Zhao Min looked at the foot shop opposite through the window screen.From the outside, this foot shop looks no different from other shops, but before it's time for serious meals, there are already a lot of customers, and there are even people who are waiting for seats at the door, and many of them are dressed in silk.Whenever a new visitor stops at the door, two young girls of thirteen or fourteen will go up to them and ask, "Is the guest officer going to eat? What a coincidence, there are already more than ten people waiting here. What? You want to eat too?" Wait? Well, please hold this number, I will call someone later. Please rest here first."

Myolie asked: "Is this the foot shop opened by Deng Tuzi? Why is it so lively?"

The uncle driving the car reported in a low voice beside the lathe: "This Wuweifang has been open for three days. It is said that the taste of the food in this store is different from other places. What's more rare is that there are so many stir-fried dishes."

Stir-frying has just appeared at this time, and even in Bianliang, there are not many chefs who know how to stir-fry, not to mention the rich dishes.But according to the uncle, Wuweifang has launched more than 20 stir-fried dishes at once, which naturally attracts people to flock to it.There are still visible customers waiting outside, and some customers will send people to Wuweifang to buy vegetables and deliver them after placing the noodles in the main store.

"For more than a month, this Wuweifang has not only run out of ingredients from morning to evening every day, but even the breakfast business in the morning is great. Every day, the food is sold out and some people don't buy it. Some people want to eat his house. The roujiamo came early and waited for you. Little lady, you haven’t seen it. The door opens at five o’clock, and six meat cases are laid out. For porridge, everyone around is vying to buy it, but it’s booming. I don’t know how much money I’ve made in this day.”

Xing'er was surprised: "Then Li Buqi has become a rich man? He also has a tofu shop, sells dolls, and earns so much money for portraits. He will soon become rich."

Zhao Min said casually: "This Li Buqi is really different from ordinary people. I heard that he also presented a method of putting iron shoes on horses, and he was rewarded by the government."

Then she said to the uncle driving the car: "Let's go."

Xing'er looked at the uncle driving the carriage leading the horse in front, and asked a little nervously: "My lady, don't you like that kid?"

"how could be?"

"My lady, you used to call him Dengtuzi, but recently you started calling him Li Buqi."

Zhao Min quickly said, "How is that possible? It's just that now that you know his name, it's more convenient to call him by name."

"Oh." Xing'er was rather delicate, so she was relieved.Who will the lady marry, she may want to be the housekeeper in the past, and she also thinks that the male master of the family is a handsome gentleman, not that fat black man Li Buqi.

Seeing Xing'er looking out of the car again, Zhao Min quietly relaxed, but there was a little turmoil in his heart.Xing'er's question just now made her realize that her attitude towards that apprentice had indeed changed.

The experience of the Mid-Autumn Festival night was so shocking that she couldn't help but think of it often. As long as she thought of the moment when the music sounded, she couldn't help but think of that black fat man with a serious face.Just now she realized that this fat black man had unknowingly occupied a small place in her heart.

However, the dream lover of every lady in this era is naturally a suave, gentle and elegant white-faced scholar who will be famous in Donghua Gate in the future, and Zhao Min is no exception.

Although Li Buqi is really very fond of girls, he is a black fat man, and he can't write a poem, so he wrote a bunch of "long" characters. What's more, he doesn't even have the reputation of a scholar. How can she be a good match for a proud lady.

Zhao Min blocked Li Buqi again in his heart without hesitation.

The mule cart stopped at the gate of Daxiangguo Temple.Every year on Zhao Min's birthday, Zhao Min would come to Daxiangguo Temple to burn incense.Her mother fell ill when she was born, and she prays for her mother every year.Monk Wuzhi is aware of this, so he has already ordered the Zhike monk to inform him when the little lady of Zhao's family comes to burn incense.

The incident in front of the Spring Breeze Tower on August [-]th caused a sensation in the capital, and this made Monk Wuzhi have some hope—if this marriage can be brought together, then Daxiangguo Temple will really have to add another one. It's holy place.He had thought it all over, and when the time came, he would set up a stone tablet at the place where Li Buqi and Zhao Min met for the first time, and engrave the three characters "Marriage Palace" on it.At that time, those idiotic men and women had to come to burn incense sticks?
Wuzhi also knows that Li Buqi is ugly, and his family situation is not good. The young lady of the Zhao family must look down on Li Buqi, but he has seen many people and things in this position, and he knows that the world is impermanent. Has this really happened?It's up to man to make things up to God, anyway, it doesn't cost much, why not give it a try?

So when Zhao Min and Xing'er lit the incense, the great monk Wuzhi appeared in front of them with a smile on his face, clasped his palms together: "Hehe, the lady is here to burn incense again?"

Zhao Min hurriedly saluted, and said in a serious manner: "I heard that the young lady was bumped into by someone when she came to offer incense last time. It's really a sin. To express my apology, today the poor monk will personally accompany the little lady for a tour, so I won't be afraid of being bumped into again. Yes. Now our temple has added a good place, the little lady must visit it when she comes."

Zhao Min hurriedly said: "How dare you work with the master? The servants are terrified."

"Anyway, the poor monk has nothing to do, so I just want to show some kindness to the landlord. My lady, please go this way."

Wuzhi led the way without saying a word, Zhao Min could not save face and had to follow behind, and not long after, he arrived at the hall where he met Li Buqi last time.It's just that the repairs were not completed last time, and the main entrance was not opened, but this time they entered through the main entrance.

Wuzhi pretended not to know anything and pointed to the mural on the wall: "Little lady, please look, this flying sky is very famous now, even Luoyang has people who come here to copy it. It is said that you must see this flying sky when you come to Daxiangguo Temple." .”

Xing'er has already reacted: "Ah, lady..."

Zhao Min didn't want Xinger to say anything, and quickly raised his hand to stop her, saying: "No loud noises are allowed in this solemn place. This painting is really extraordinary."

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't say anything, Wuzhi took the opportunity to chatter endlessly: "Of course. After seeing it, everyone from the Hanlin Academy of Painting will worship Li Buqi who painted this painting as their teacher. The officials even called Li Buqi into the palace. I don’t know, my little lady, this Li Buqi is not only a good painter, but also a learned man. There is nothing that he doesn’t know about the world. He said that a learned old man who traveled all over the world saw that he was not a mortal, so he took his own He imparts all his knowledge. He offered a method of kicking a horse's hooves without seeing the officials, which made the Privy Council and the Third Division all contend for credit..."

Wuzhi rambled about Li Buqi's exaggerated hype, and the women who followed Zhao Min wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. escape.

(End of this chapter)

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