Chapter 59
Li Buqi was released, Gao Zunyu and the others couldn't wait any longer. "Brother, now we are proficient in bow and horse. We have learned a little bit of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", and we have also learned a lot of etiquette and great music. Should we teach those poor people a lesson?"

Li Buqi asked: "Do those poor people still keep talking about the ancestral system?"

"That's right! We've provoked them so much that they love to suppress us with ancestral control."

Li Buqi said: "Okay! Since you think it's okay, let's do it. Let those poor people know how powerful the ancestral system is."

"Brother, talk about how to do it. Brothers also know what to do."

Li Buqi said: "You go to provoke them to play a game with you, and it shouldn't be difficult to tell who is the gentleman, right? The specifics should be like this..."

Gao Zunyu laughed so hard that his jaw almost fell to the ground: "Brother, this strategy is brilliant. This is attacking the shield with the spear of the son. I don't know what the poor people say about the ancestral system. The matter of stimulating them to bet on the game is left to you. Let's do it, brother just wait for the good news."

Four days later, although the weather in May was already very hot, the front of the four schools was crowded with scholars just after the morning hour.The Four Schools is a national school that accepts the children of officials to study. There are already a large number of scholars. In addition, the noble children have already spread the news that they will decide who is a gentleman in front of the Four Schools. This has attracted a large number of scholars in the capital. Everyone came to cheer, and the square was so crowded that it couldn't get through.

Mr. Ren and Mr. Zhang were both there today. Mr. Ren couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Buqi appearing in the crowd of noble children, and asked a companion to give him some instructions, and the companion hurriedly went to the back of the four schools to call someone .

Li Buqi saw that the sun was already rising, and it would be hotter when it went down, so he asked Gao Zunyu to go to fight according to the arrangement.Gao Zunyu walked out of the crowd and shouted loudly to the civil servants on the opposite side: "It's getting late, are you ready for the competition?"

The literati just elected Cui Xianliang and Zhang Zhen, who are known as celebrities in the capital, as the leaders, so the two walked out of the crowd with square steps, saying: "How can you prepare for an ignorant person? You just let the horse come over here." , more than poetry, or more than learning, we will accompany you! And I will invite the professor of the Imperial College to judge, and I will definitely convince you."

Gao Zunyu couldn't help laughing when these literati really thought they were still playing with words: "Okay, then how about we compare the six arts of gentlemen in "Zhou Li", rites and music, and the number of imperial books?"

As soon as these words were uttered, there was a silence in the square immediately.Although it is true in "Zhou Li" that the six arts are the basic skills for cultivating "gentlemen", that is, nobles, but where are there any real nobles these days?There are really few people who can play these six arts well, so in fact, mastering these six arts is no longer the criterion for judging a gentleman. Who would have thought that the nobles today are better than the six arts?

Cui Xianliang and Zhang Zhen also stared wide-eyed.Originally, with the arrogance of literati, if they knew these six arts a little bit, they would definitely be able to do it without saying a word, but the sad thing is that they really don't know a few of them.

Books are the profession of literati, but not all of Xungui's families do not read, and writing a good handwriting is still necessary, so literati may not be able to overwhelm Xungui in this aspect of books.

The literati in the Song Dynasty have not yet completely degenerated to the point where they are powerless. Many of them can shoot hard, and the level of infantry is not low, so they may not be afraid of nobles in shooting.

It can also be compared in this "number". Although arithmetic is no longer valued by orthodox scholars, there are always a few people who study mathematics.But when it comes to the other three items, I'm full of tears.

Let’s talk about rites and music first. Commoner families, such as Zhang Zhen and Cui Xianliang, have never seen this thing before. Even if they are not high-ranking officials, they will never see what the instruments used for national sacrifices and great music look like.But the nobles are going to participate in the national large-scale etiquette, at least they have seen it, how can this be compared.

Let's talk about this "royal".Not to mention that most literati from ordinary backgrounds don’t have cars at all, and even if they had cars, they would not drive them.That's something that servants do, and literati generally don't do it.And this "imperial" is not just about being able to drive, there are also names, namely Minghe Luan, Zhushuiqu, Guojunbiao, Wujiaoqu, and Qinzuo. Even the academics of the Imperial College are arguing about how to do it. No one can figure out the specific situation.Furthermore, there is a lack of horses in Song Dynasty, even if there are many people who can't ride horses and gallop.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Gao Zunyu grinned to the base of his ears: "The "Zhou Li" stipulates that a gentleman must have these six skills. Don't you people who think you are a gentleman don't know it? Then please step down, both of you. Let those who consider themselves gentlemen come."

There was a commotion among the servants, and even the several Imperial College instructors looked constipated.Ritual and music are too complicated, and now they are handed over to special officials of etiquette and music, and even they, the Imperial Academy's teachings, have only a half-knowledge.They also don't know how much these noble children understand the rituals and music, and they don't dare to speak casually without knowing the details.But there are always people who can't see it, and a scholar jumped out.

"Although these six arts are the way of the ancient kings, but now the rites and music are handed over to the officials of ceremonies and music. Where can we and the common people see them? Everyone knows that I lack horses in the Song Dynasty. Even this imperial art can only be learned by rich and noble families. If you insist on comparing the six arts, aren’t you deceiving our family to be poor?”

What he said immediately aroused the sympathy of those poor scholars, and many people shouted: "That's right! They just bully me and others if they have money in their families!" "Is money a gentleman?"

When the humble scholar shouted, the scholars from the official family also booed.Anyway, there are so many of them, and they can suppress the noble children with their loud voices.

In the past, Gao Zunyu would have been timid, but today he was confident, just smiled and watched the literati jeering, until their voices became a little quieter, and then shouted: "You are so chaotic, what a mob! Even anyone who comes out to speak is recommended How dare you consider yourself a gentleman when you do things like this? What a joke!"

At this time, Cui Xianliang and Zhang Zhen came out again after discussing with others and said: "Don't talk nonsense! I was elected by everyone! We are all from poor families, and we are not as rich as yours, but you are more wealthy than you." Ritual and music are nothing but tricks to bully others. Who can say that a poor family cannot be a gentleman?"

Gao Zunyu said: "But the six arts of a gentleman come from the "Zhou Li", and the master said, 'I am so melancholy, I follow the Zhou Dynasty', then the six arts of a gentleman are the ancestral system for Confucian scholars. Could it be that the two don't study Confucianism, or do they say that they don't need ancestors? system?"

Confucian students pay attention to "righteousness and obedience". If you admit that you don't study Confucianism or don't want ancestral system, then your future will be over.Neither of these two big hats could stand up, and the two scholars were stunned by the question.

Literati think that they are the most powerful. When Cui Xianliang and Zhang Zhen couldn't think of words, they were extremely dissatisfied. They immediately stood up and shouted: "A gentleman should have noble morals, and specific skills are secondary!"

Gao Zunyu said: "The master said that the sage king educated his subjects with rites and music. People who don't know rites and music dare to say that they have been educated? If such a person is a gentleman, it is not a joke! The sage taught, the Confucian patriarchal system is no longer necessary?"

Today Gao Zunyu was brilliant, no matter what reason you have, he insisted that the six arts of a gentleman are the ancestral system and cannot be changed, leaving a group of literati with nowhere to speak, even the Guozijian's instructions dare not speak easily.For decades, whenever he had a chance, he would mention the glorious history of his verbal battle against Confucianism. For him, this was more worth showing off than his numerous military exploits in the future.

Of course, the literati will never give up easily and just insist that the nobles bully the poor and will not let go. If this debate continues, there will be no conclusion. Seeing that it is almost noon, both sides are slumped in the sun, and the Imperial College instructors hurriedly came out to declare for everyone health for a while.

After all, literati are numerous and powerful, and it is too difficult for them to admit defeat.But on the other hand, if the literati cannot gain an overwhelming advantage, they will lose.In the future, warriors can deny that literati are gentlemen because they don't understand the six arts, and level the two sides to the same height.In addition, based on the urine nature of literati, it is estimated that they will not give up when they are fired up. Maybe some radicals will make some moths. Li Buqi is just waiting for someone to fall into the pit.

Now that the expected effect has been achieved, Li Buqi also recalled the parched Gao Zunyu to withdraw his troops.But at this moment, Mr. Ren suddenly came out from the crowd opposite: "Li Buqi! Taking advantage of the gathering of literati in the capital today, let's explain your matter of Mr. Wen Chao!"

PS: It was recommended on the Internet today, let’s celebrate, there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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