Chapter 61 The Lolicon Emperor

"My lady, Li Buqi has written a new poem." Xing'er ran up to the Xiulou with the poem copied by Mr. Chen and said softly, "It's spread outside."

Zhao Min didn't make a sound, reached out to take the paper, opened it, and read aloud: "Don't let go of the green hills, and the roots are in the broken rocks. Thousands of times are still strong, and you can let the east, west, north, south wind!"

After reading it, I couldn't help but read it again before giving a comment: "He is writing about himself, so proud of his character. This poem is indistinguishable from that "Ode to Red Plum". Zhong Bo, I want to come to the capital and sing it again."

Xing'er looked at the bright eyes of the lady and was full of pride, and the last bit of hope in her heart was shattered, so she could only mutter: "Why can't Li Buqi be more handsome?"

Zhao Zhen also read Li Buqi's poems written on the fan and praised them greatly, and was also very interested in the clump of bamboo growing among the rocks painted on the other side of the fan.This painting Li Buqi is copied by Zheng Banqiao, using freehand brushwork.The freehand brushwork in this era has just sprouted, so it is normal for Zhao Zhen to feel novelty.Seeing the fresh painting method, the emperor aroused his interest, and asked Li Buqi to discuss painting techniques with him after seeing his concubine's illness.

Li Buqi was very unwilling to take on this job of seeing a doctor, what the hell was that he was taking the blame for the Tai Hospital.Even the imperial physicians couldn't find the cause of the disease, how could Li Buqi, a graduate of the Department of Chinese Medicine, take care of the second knife?But if you don't come, you can't do it. The emperor has already spoken, so don't pretend to be afraid that the emperor will be unhappy.

After hanging out with nobles for a long time, I learned a lot about Zhao Zhen's dark history.At the beginning when he was painting the portraits of the concubines, Li Buqi wondered why Zhao Zhen's lolicon's illness was so serious. After learning about these black histories, he realized that there was a reason for it.

Zhao Zhen became emperor at the age of 12, but lived in the shadow of the queen mother Liu E until the death of the queen mother. It is estimated that the psychological shadow is too large, which caused Zhao Zhen to treat everyone with the characteristics of the queen mother Liu - strong and controlled Luscious, talented women are deeply wary.Therefore, neither Zhao Zhen's first queen, Queen Guo, who was born in the general family, nor the current Empress Cao, who was born in the general family, cannot be liked by him.

Naturally, even if the woman Zhao Zhen likes is no longer a lolita in age, she must be the type who is weak and caressing.But this also determines that the women Zhao Zhen likes are all of the weak type.The emperor himself is weak, and he likes weak women, so the lack of offspring is a natural thing.

But the concubine who asked Li Buqi to see a doctor today is a special case, she looks very healthy.It's just that she has a headache from time to time, so she always shows a delicate posture, maybe this is the reason why Zhao Zhen can accept her.

After listening to the symptoms described by the imperial doctor, Li Buqi asked Cui Meiren a few more words, and only comforted Cui Meiren to maintain a happy mood and exercise moderately.

When Cui Meiren went back to rest, Empress Cao asked, "Li Buqi, does Cui Meiren's headache matter?"

Li Buqi quickly bowed and replied: "It's hard for me to say, it shouldn't be too important." When he spoke, his eyes wandered, and the queen immediately said to the people in the room knowingly: "Except for the imperial doctor, you all go down first."

After everyone retreated, Empress Cao asked, "But what's wrong with Cui Meiren?"

Li Buqi said: "I dare not say anything about this matter. But there is a possibility that a blood vessel in Cui Meiren's brain grows differently from ordinary people. It is precisely because of this difference that Cui Meiren often suffers from headaches. Now Cui Meiren is happy. There are some changes, so the headaches are more frequent. This difference is from birth, so no medicine will help."

The three remaining imperial physicians were visibly relieved.They took a lot of medicine but they couldn't relieve Cui Meiren's headache, which made them Alexander.

"What are blood vessels?" Empress Cao asked hurriedly.

Li Buqi rolled up his sleeves and showed Empress Cao the veins on his arm: "Human blood flows in tubes, and these tubes are called blood vessels. Blood vessels are all over the human body, and there are also in the brain. Think about it in Cui Meiren's brain." There is an abnormality in the root vessel, which causes the blood to stagnate easily, so it causes a headache."

Empress Cao was surprised: "Can you see people's brains?"

"No. This is also what I heard from others, and the situation of Cui Meiren is my guess."

"What's the danger in that?"

"I heard that some people with this disease have a safe life, and some don't know when the abnormal situation will collapse and endanger their lives. Everyone is different and unpredictable."

"Is that so?" Empress Cao took a deep breath and asked, "How to prevent that abnormal collapse?"

The matter of blood pressure is incomprehensible to people of this era. Li Buqi can only say: "Don't exercise strenuously, don't get angry or anxious, and eat lightly."

Empress Cao dared not call the shots in this matter.Cui Meiren is pregnant with a child, if something goes wrong, the emperor will suspect her - she can feel that the emperor is always wary of her intentionally or unintentionally.So she quickly said: "So you have to report this matter to His Majesty in detail."

That's for sure, Li Buqi turned around and reported his judgment to Zhao Zhen.Zhao Zhen also found it unbelievable, but obviously he couldn't understand the seriousness of the problem, so he turned the topic to painting after asking if it would have no effect on the child.

Li Buqi reckoned that although the emperor remained calm, he might wonder in his heart whether Li Buqi could not find the cause and was making alarmist remarks.

Coming out of Da Nei, Li Buqi went to Washizi to the east of the imperial palace after revealing himself to Jiang Zuojian.Everything is sold here, and when Li Buqi is free, he will come to look around to see what new gadgets are available, so as to understand Da Song's technical level.

Walking around, I passed a stall selling bronze wares, and I happened to hear the stall owner recommending his bronze drums to customers: "Look at how well this lid fits with this opening, and how round this lid is. This is my secret method." The polished ones are not as round and smooth as other houses."

Li Buqi usually doesn't pay attention to such copperware shops, because they are not very useful, but since this person boasts that he has secret methods in his family, he has to look at them.

Randomly picked up a copper pot and opened the lid to take a closer look. It was surprisingly round, and the three flat and four not round things that were common in the Song Dynasty were completely two rounds.

This kind of circle is different from the circles made by hand by skilled craftsmen, and can only be made by machines.What a long-lost feeling.

Li Buqi beckoned to the stall owner, and the stall owner in his forties hurried over: "Which one do you like, sir? The goods here are all the best. You can choose whatever you like, and you will be satisfied."

Li Buqi looked at no one around and wrote a novel: "Your goods are worth nothing. I want to ask you whether the secret law was invented by you or someone else. You tell me, and I will let you make a lot of money."

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is the guest officer just looking for me?"

Li Buqi said solemnly: "My name is Li Buqi. I know that your esoteric method is probably to fix a pole on a shelf, put a millstone on the head of the pole, and shake the pole so that the millstone can polish the copper utensils. But I I'm not interested in your idea, I'm interested in who came up with it."

Li Buqi knew that he had guessed right when he saw that Zhang Zhang opened his mouth wide and looked like a ghost. "Tell me who came up with this method, and I can make him rich, and you will benefit as well."

After repeatedly confirming Li Buqi's identity, the stall owner finally decided to take Li Buqi home to meet his father.As soon as he entered the yard of his house, Li Buqi saw a young man and an old man operating a machine to polish copperware.And although this machine is extremely crude, it is definitely a lathe.

PS: As a foreshadowing, Da Song's future depends on that beauty Cui.

(End of this chapter)

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