Chapter 73
According to Zhao Zhen's intention, he wanted to find a few cats to try immediately, but Li Buqi told him that he had to catch some mice first, which would take a day or two, so Zhao Zhen set the time for the experiment to be four days later. Li Buqi first brought people to catch the mice for later use.

At this time, the little eunuch also brought Li Buqi's manuscripts from his value room.Lu Yijian and the others originally thought that four or five copies would be enough, but they didn't expect so many. It took three young eunuchs to carry them.

Ever since Li Buqi and the others confronted the literati outside the four schools of thought, those literati had written a lot of articles, and they wrote the articles for fear that the noble children and Li Buqi would not see them, so they didn't need to copy them, they just copied them. It was delivered with the attitude of "overwhelming you with literary talent".Li Buqi accumulated so many articles without having to arrange for someone to copy them.Hehe, I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon, so opportunities are prepared for those who are interested.

Those literati said that the ancestral system is not working anymore, and the ancestral system must be obeyed. Although the two sides are not talking about the same thing, as long as the ancestral system expresses their stance to uphold the ancestral system, Li Buqi is sure to muddy the water among the people. .

How many literati do not feel that they are superior in intelligence?Once you see that your opinions are not accepted, you will definitely rant immediately. Who made Da Song especially tolerant of literati, so that you won't be punished for your words?I don't know what the situation is when the literati and the slaughter are spraying each other?It must be very good to see each other among literati, but the key is that once they spray each other, they can immediately reveal the defects of the "ancestral system".

It would be better if the husbands were ambiguous on this matter, then some cracks would appear in the monolithic "ancestral system", and Li Buqi would have the opportunity to poach the wall.Although the "ancestral system" is a big mountain, as the saying goes, "As long as the hoe is well swung, there is no corner that cannot be dug." Li Buqi has time.

The three chief executives felt a little overwhelmed when they saw so many manuscripts—you, Li Buqi, are too easy to learn, right?
Zhao Zhen first picked up an article, glanced at it and said, "So it was written by the grandson of Deputy Shushu Ren? I need to read this."

In fact, the key point of Li Buqi has been drawn, that is to say, the situation is different, and the ancestral system is not working well.

The three ministers also picked up a copy and looked at it, Zhang Dexiang almost turned his nose when he saw the author of the article in his hand, it turned out to be his nephew.He couldn't help but glanced at Li Buqi, seeing that Li Buqi still had a harmless expression, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

When Zhang Xianggong was in a dilemma, Lu Yijian had already come to a conclusion: "It's all nonsense! These people should be reprimanded! You should ask Xuezheng how to teach such arrogant people!"

Zhao Zhen asked: "Did Lu Xianggong think it was wrong?"

"I think it is arrogance to question the method of enlightenment of the former kings and the method of the sage's selection of people."

Zhang Xianggong hurriedly gathered his nephew's articles into a ball: "I also think that the people who wrote these articles are very arrogant and must be reprimanded." The two evils are the lesser, and Zhang Xianggong can't care about his nephew's face.

The two ministers agreed, and Zhao Zhen's eyes showed a hint of disappointment: "Oh, if that's the case, then I'll thank the two ministers for this matter. It's just that young people tend to be careless, so just explain the reason to them."

Yan Shu didn't speak, but kept observing the emperor's expression carefully.The flash of disappointment in the emperor's eyes did not escape his eyes, and Yan Shu was sure once again that the emperor had the intention of reforming.

Now it’s impossible to reform without reform. It’s difficult to solve the financial pressure alone. If you continue to search for the people, you will have trouble. The emperor obviously felt this too.Therefore, he thought in his heart that Lu Yijian and Zhang Dexiang were just playing with the arms of the mantis.

He was secretly glad.Lu Yijian and Zhang Dexiang opposed reform, so they would inevitably be taken away by the emperor who wanted to reform.Now that the Liao Kingdom is about to calm down, and Song Xia is also going to negotiate a peace, the emperor does not have to maintain the stability of the court as he did during the war, and he should take action soon.Lu Yijian and Zhang Dexiang were removed, and according to the order, it was time for him to participate in politics.

If the two gentlemen want to reprimand the people who wrote these articles, those literati will definitely not accept it. How the two gentlemen can avoid being drowned by the saliva of the literati is a highly technical task.Fortunately, Li Buqi threw out these articles at this time. This matter can cause headaches for Lu and Zhang. If it is a few months later, it may be a headache for him, the new prime minister.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Li Buqi, and he already had a decision in his heart: "In the past, such things could never reach the emperor's eyes anyway. No matter what happened to Li Buqi, he can't be allowed to stay with the emperor."

Lu Yijian and Zhang Dexiang became worried when they returned to the prime minister's room.The two prime ministers are both old and have been in the court for a long time. They are often impeached as a sieve, and they don't pay much attention to the title of "gentleman". It is inevitable that they are not sensitive to the issue of face.But after asking the ins and outs of the matter, I found that it was really not easy to deal with.

For scholars, face is too important, if you don’t give them face, they won’t give you face, if an official document of reprimand is really sent out, there will be a pen and ink lawsuit.But the matter has come to this point and we can't go back on our word. If we admit that the ancestral system is changeable, what if the emperor takes advantage of the trend to launch reforms?
When the two prime ministers were racking their brains on how to maintain the ancestral system and appease the literati, Yan Shu seemed to say casually: "Li Buqi is a thoughtful person. If he is not young, he can do something. matter."

The two prime ministers exchanged glances: "Yes! In any case, kick Li Buqi away from the emperor first. With an official job, Li Buqi can't just hang around in front of the emperor. When the emperor thinks about it It's not so convenient to call him. Otherwise, I don't know what he's up to."

Zhang Dexiang said: "The imperial army has repeatedly defeated the barbarians, and now we need a strong army most. Since Li Buqi has a way to train troops, let him try it."

Yan Shu reminded, "But he said that the current army can no longer train."

Lu Yijian deserves to be ashamed that Jiang is old and spicy, and he thought about it as soon as he frowned: "He only said he wanted a son from a good family, and he couldn't be too old. Didn't he recruit a lot of Xiang troops in recent years? The newly recruited ones didn't seem to be contaminated. Bad habits, pick those who meet his requirements, make them into a commander, give them the number of the reviewing army, and let him train them first. For the sake of my great Song and strong army, I have to bear some burdens. The three of us will jointly sign How about recommending Li Buqi to train a command of soldiers first?"

Yan Shu said: "The three of us jointly recommend him, even if he is young, no one will say anything."

Zhang Dexiang also immediately said: "Okay, the old man seconded the proposal."

Since Zhao Zhen dismissed all the chief officials of the Privy Council in September in order to show his determination to war, he appointed Lu Yijian to also serve as a privy council officer, Zhang Dexiang as a privy council envoy, and Yan Shu Jiaping Zhangshi.Therefore, these three are now the big bosses of the Privy Council, and their decisions can hardly be refuted by the emperor, so Li Buqi's whereabouts are basically determined.

(End of this chapter)

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