Tomb Keeper

Chapter 19 Disaster

Chapter 19 Disaster (2)
I looked at Ye Zi with complicated emotions. She and I looked at each other for a few seconds, then turned to look at the graveyard.Suddenly, she cried, look over there, what's going on?
I looked up and saw a string of headlights coming towards the graveyard, and there was the roar of cars and motorcycles.

In the dark, Ye Zi had already sat beside me, and leaned against me tightly, like a frightened child.I hugged her with my arms and said loudly, don't be afraid, it may be a night car.On our cemetery, no one wants to come here except us and the ghosts all over the mountain.

Leaf stood up and said, let's go into the house.

Back in the house, Ye Zi closed the door leading to the platform, then opened another door and said, you go back to the house to rest too, it’s late at night, hurry up and sleep for a while.

I pushed out the door under Ye Zi's repeated persuasion, and when I saw her close the door, the lights in the room were turned off immediately.There was darkness outside the door, and this way of ending the party made me very uncomfortable, as if when listening to a music record, I was listening to the cadence and interest, and suddenly the shell or the power cut off.

I walked down the attic in the dark and kicked something at the bend in the stairs.I reached out and touched a plant.This is a flower pot where the leaves are placed here. I bent down and smelled the faint fragrance of flowers, which was similar to the scent I smelled on her hair when I hugged the leaves for a short time.

The scene with Ye Zi that night made my heart flutter.I tossed and turned like fried fish in bed, hoping to let those scenes continue in my dreams in the second half of the night after I fell asleep soon.However, things went against my expectations. Just when I was about to fall asleep, the courtyard door rang outside, followed by a dumb cry of "Yah Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dumb" was mixed with the groaning of Poet Feng.

What happened?I turned over and got out of bed and ran downstairs, and saw Poet Feng sitting in the main room, with clotted blood under his nostrils, and the mute squatting next to him, rubbing his waist and legs non-stop.Ye Zi and Zhou's mother also came. Poet Feng looked at everyone and said, I was almost beaten to death by them.

It turned out that half an hour ago, Poet Feng, who was watching the night, suddenly saw a lot of flashlights climbing up the cemetery from the foot of the side mountain.Is it a grave robber?No, grave robbers dare not be so bold.Just as Poet Feng was standing there full of suspicion, the group of people had already approached him. Seeing the menacing look of these people, Poet Feng instinctively backed away, while the smart dumb had already run and jumped and disappeared into the grave went.The group yelled goodbye and let him run away, and rushed forward.Poet Feng was pushed to the ground by them and suffered a lot of punches and kicks.Poet Feng shouted loudly while struggling, if you dare to mess around on the graveyard, disaster will come to each of you.Unexpectedly, the shouting worked, and a voice said, let's go.So, the group immediately retreated down the mountain.Before leaving, someone pointed to Poet Feng and said, "Xu, I'll let you off this time, if you try to make trouble in the future, it will kill you."

This matter is very clear, the second brother Luo must have sent someone from his factory to take revenge on me.Because first, I frightened him on the cemetery with thatched grass; second, I stood in the way of Ye Zi when he was entangled with him, and walked away from him holding Ye Zi's hand.Poet Feng suffered for me, and I feel very sorry.

The next morning, I said to Ye Zi, no, I have to go to the village chief.His son was so arrogant and unreasonable that the graveyard was about to be overturned.Ye Zi thought for a while and said, it had to be like this, otherwise everything would be messed up, and we would not be able to explain to Yang Huzi when he came back.

I immediately called the village chief's house, and a woman answered, her voice was as thin as a gossamer, and the girl's appearance when she sent me to the gate of the courtyard flashed before my eyes.She said that the village chief had already gone out to handle errands and would not be home until evening.

That night, just after dark, I went to the village chief's house.After walking for about half an hour, I saw the wall and red-painted gate of the village chief's house.But at this time the door was open, and there were many people around the door, as if they were watching the excitement.I approached and looked in from the crowd, and saw that the house and yard were brightly lit, and a man with the appearance of a Taoist priest was sitting at the door of the main room, chanting, with cigarettes swirling in front of him.Soon, someone brought a big red rooster in front of him. He picked up the rooster, wiped it with a knife, and then carried the rooster's feet upside down into the house, turned around and came out again, holding the rooster upside down. The chicken walked across the yard and walked towards the gate. Where he walked, the bright red chicken blood dripped all the way.After the chicken blood dripped down, the Taoist returned to the front of the room and sat down, closing his eyes and meditating again.

At this time, the village head came out, added a lot of scented wax in front of him, lit it, took two steps back, and sat down beside the Taoist priest.I was thinking that everything should be over, but the girl came out of the house. She walked up to the Taoist priest, knelt down and kowtowed on the ground through the incense.The Taoist stood up and led her into the house.After a while, the girl screamed somewhere in the house.Immediately, both the Taoist priest and the girl came out and walked across the yard towards the gate.Walking slowly, the girl is in front and the Taoist priest is behind.The Taoist priest had a small bag of rice in his hand. As he walked, he grabbed it and sprinkled it on the girl.A voice from the people watching the fun outside the courtyard said, okay, okay, all the ghosts have been sent away.Afterwards, the spectators dispersed one after another, and soon I was left alone at the gate of the courtyard.The village head was bowing his hands to thank the Taoist priest in front of the house, when he turned around, he saw me.

The village chief walked out quickly, pulled me to a place farther away from the courtyard gate, as if he was afraid that I would step into his house.We stood under a tree, and the village head asked, why are you here?I then told what happened on the graveyard last night.Hearing this, the village chief sighed angrily and said, "This unfilial son is really killing me."Last time he talked about the matter on the cemetery, I thought he was right, so I asked someone to ask you to interrogate him, but in the end he brought all the ghosts from the cemetery to my house.Now that he offends the grave like this again, I really don't know when he will be taken away by ghosts.

The first half of what the village chief said made me feel very uncomfortable.I said, village chief, you have to make it clear that you sent someone to arrest me when I was at your house last time.If I brought the ghost of the mountain to your house, you asked for it.Besides, as the village chief, do you still believe in ghosts?
The village head said, I don't blame you.It's my fault, my obsessed son.However, since the last time you were in my house that long, the house has been haunted.Originally, I didn't believe in ghosts either, but recently the room where you were locked up with piles of rubbish often made strange noises at night.Also, in broad daylight, my wife was at home alone, and when she entered the house from the yard, she suddenly saw a naked man coming out of the utility room, which scared my wife to turn around and run into the yard, not daring to enter the house .No way, I invited a Taoist priest to exorcise the ghosts tonight. The Taoist priest said that the ghosts on the graveyard hid in my house and attached to my wife.Didn't you see that Taoist just threw rice on my wife to send ghosts?
I was shocked, what?That girl is your wife?

The village head said, she is my wife, is this false?No matter how you make a fuss like the people in this village.Yes, I'm almost 60, but love has no age limit, right?You've heard it when you're watching TV.I married this daughter-in-law five years after my wife died, and I don't think my wife will blame me for being underground.

I have nothing to say. 60 years old is right, but the relationship with other people is certified, who can control it?So I got back to the topic, your son went to the graveyard to mess around and got hurt, what should we do?The village head said, well, I have to go to see the injury first, and I will pay for the medical expenses.My son, since I got married and moved to the factory, he doesn't want to listen to what I say.I told him to run the factory well, so he drank all day long and bought an air gun to shoot birds.I said it's okay to hunt birds, but don't go to the cemetery to hunt birds. He went to the cemetery and fell in love with the woman on the cemetery, and he still beats people up to now.How about this, Daxu, you go back first, my son should be taught by me, I have my own way to make him behave.From now on, I guarantee that your place will be safe and sound.

Although I don't know how the village head used to tame his son, but at this point, I have achieved my goal.And the village head added, I will call a doctor to come to treat Poet Feng's injury tomorrow.

When I returned to the cemetery in the dark, Ye Zi was standing at the gate of the courtyard, as if waiting for me.I told her about the results of the negotiation with the village chief, and Ye Zi was very satisfied.Now, she said, she could live a quiet life.After finishing speaking, she looked at me and added, if you want to chat tonight, you can come to my place.My heart beat a few times immediately, and I looked at Ye Zi again, she was very calm, and there was no strange light in her eyes.I realized right away that she was doing this only as a reward for me doing something.I felt sore in my heart, so I blurted out, forget it, there is no time to chat, Poet Feng was injured, didn't the tomb patrol day and night fall on us?
Seeing that I was so depressed, Ye Zi thought for a while and said, let's suspend the night patrol for a few days.What about tomb robbery is what the company headquarters said fiercely. I have been here for more than a year, but I have never seen such a thing happen.It's just that when Yang Huzi comes back, it's fine if he can't let him know about it.

I cheered up all of a sudden, not because I stopped watching the night, but because this decision meant that Ye Zi really wanted to chat with me.I said, I'll go to Poet Feng's room to visit him first, and then I'll come to your place.In fact, I have seen that Poet Feng's injury is not serious, but he was injured for me, and I have to take care of him more to make sense.

I entered Poet Feng's room, and he was resting quietly on the bed.I asked him about his injuries, squeezed his waist, and asked him to move his leg joints. I also asked him if he felt like vomiting after being beaten.After questioning, I was convinced he had only suffered a superficial injury.I don't know where the above knowledge came from. Maybe a person who has lived for a long time will always learn something from here and there.After paying attention to him for a while, I found that his desk is full of electronic components of various shapes, and there is also a micro-processing machine.I asked him what you are doing, and he said, when I was working in Shenzhen, I was a technician in an electronic and optical instrument factory.I love these things and play around with them when I'm free.I was surprised that Poet Feng still understood these things. I praised him and said, you are high-tech.I'm an illiterate scientist. When I was at home, not only was the TV and computer broken, but I couldn't help it. Even if the lights were out and the wires were short-circuited, I had to ask someone to fix it.Poet Feng said, this is very normal, interlacing is like a mountain.You work in a hospital, you can see that you are very good at injuries.I faltered and said yes, then got up and left, because I didn't want him to ask me about medical matters next.

I stepped up the stairs to the attic.The leaves were waiting for me, and I had a blissful giddy feeling as I went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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