Tomb Keeper

Chapter 23 Who said the real chapter?

Chapter 23 Who Speaks the Truth? (4)

After a while, the woman also came out with a basin, and then dried the clothes on the rope outside the house.I walked over and called out, Suying, let's hang the clothes.From Poet Feng, I know that the woman's name is Suying, and the child's name is Panpan.I called her by her name as soon as I opened my mouth, so that it seemed more like an acquaintance.

When she recognized me, she froze for a moment and said, Are you looking for me?I said no, I went out for a walk and came here.

Suying breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately moved out a bamboo chair from the room for me to sit on.She said rest your feet.It's too hot in the room, sit here and cool off.It can be seen that she is an easy-going and hospitable woman.

I asked, why didn't I see the child?She said, you are asking about Panpan, I have already sent him to grandma's house.This child clamors to come and play with you every day, and everyone in the village says that this child is bewitched.Think about it too, what place is not fun, why not go to the edge of the graveyard?No way, send him to grandma's house for a period of time, just like breastfeeding a child.After a while to pick him up, maybe he forgot about going to the graveyard to play.

I said, this matter is not that serious, what kind of evil is in a five-year-old child, it's okay to play by the graveyard.

She said, of course you don't feel anything when you stay there for a long time.But if something happens to this child, what can I do?Her father never cared about this house, so I was so worried.

I asked about the situation of the child's father, and she said that he was engaged in sales in Brother Luo's factory.Not long ago, the factory set up an office in the city, so he lived in the city and spent less time going home.Someone in the factory told me that they are engaged in sales, and when they invite people to drink, they are accompanied by women. Alas, why do men want to go home when they are away like this.But I can also think about it, because many women in the village are similar to me. It is fate to stay at home and be a widow.

Speaking of this, she glanced at me and said, it's better for you and Ye Zi to work together, and they will be happy after marriage.

I was taken aback, what are you talking about, Ye Zi and I are getting married?

She laughed, why, you still want to hide it from us?Village head Luo has already talked about this matter at the village committee meeting.You don't know, I'm still a member of the village committee, so I know everything about the meeting.The village chief said that the cemetery is our neighbor, so when you get married, the village will even send gifts to congratulate you.After the news came out, someone in Murakami said, this is all right, after the thatched ghost and the vixen get married, many little ghosts will be born.After the village head heard these words, he severely criticized the people who spoke, and those people dared not speak anymore.

I realized in my heart that all of this was the village head's plan to save his son. No wonder his son didn't come to pester Ye Zi recently, nor did he send anyone to cause trouble on the graveyard.From the perspective of this common interest, I should not expose the propaganda of the village chief.So I told Suying that Ye Zi and I were planning to get married, but it was still early.But, why do people here say Ye Zi is a vixen?
Suying said, alas, this is all nonsense, in fact, Ye Zi is a pretty good girl, right?

It can be seen that this woman, Suying, has no malice towards Ye Zi, but why does Ye Zi guard her against her and investigate her?I can't figure it out.

I asked, since some people say that Ye Zi is a vixen, there must be some reason for it, right?

Suying said, if you want to talk about the reason, it may be because there are very few such beautiful girls who come to the graveyard to work, so Ye Zi was watched by many people as soon as she came here, and some people said that she had changed.Not long after Ye Zi came here, I went to your hospital once. It was said that there was some kind of disease that year, and the higher authorities asked to strengthen the epidemic prevention. Masks, all cottages must be disinfected once.Of course, your place is no exception. As a member of the village committee, I took three disinfection personnel to your place. When I was about to arrive, I saw Ye Zi playing with a black cat at the gate of the courtyard, but when we entered the courtyard , but there was no one there.Standing in the courtyard and shouting, went upstairs to look for it, but there was no one.I had no choice but to ask the disinfection personnel to perform disinfection first, but after the disinfection, no one showed up.The epidemic prevention was very strict at that time, and the superiors required each house to be disinfected and signed by the owner for confirmation.Fortunately, Zhou's mother came back from shopping at this time, and she said that Yang Huzi and the others had gone to the cemetery, and it was Ye Zi who was on duty in the yard.Zhou's mother also helped to find Ye Zi, but there was still no one, so she finally had to ask Zhou's mother to sign, but she couldn't read, so she stamped her handprint on the disinfection sheet and finished.When I got down and I told some people about it, some people said that maybe the disinfectant can make the vixen appear, so she ran away.

Suying glanced at me at this point, as if she was afraid of offending me, and she explained, what I mean by this is that some people say that Ye Zi is a vixen, which may be caused by some trivial things.But I never take these things to heart. There are things like ghosts and spirits if you believe them, but if you don’t believe them, you don’t have them, so I would rather not believe in them.Of course, I didn’t dare to underestimate my son’s strange behavior, so I sent him to his grandma’s house for a while to let him forget about the graveyard. Don't believe it if you don't believe it, and believe it if you should believe it.

Listening to Suying's words, it was completely dark before she knew it.I got up to leave, and before I left, I said, last time I talked to your son outside the courtyard gate, you pulled him up and left, and told him that I was a thatch ghost, do you still think so now?Suying smiled embarrassedly and said, the village chief said it was a misunderstanding between you and his son.It's okay, I'm going to treat you as a ghost, dare to talk so much to you tonight.

When I got back to my residence, the courtyard door was closed.I was surprised by the closed courtyard door. It was not long after dark, so it should not have been closed so early.I knocked on the courtyard door and yelled, only then did I hear Zhou's mother cough and come to open the door.I asked, what's the matter with closing so early?Zhou's mother said that it was Ye Zi who told him to close it.

It turned out that when it was just dark, a man stumbled in and yelled when he walked into the yard, "Honey, I'm back!"Mother Zhou walked over and asked, who are you looking for?The man said to Zhou's mother, who are you?How dare you come to my house.At this time, Zhou's mother smelled the man's alcohol smell, and recognized him as a villager nearby, so Zhou's mother shouted at him, "Damn you!"This is the cemetery management office, who is in charge of the cemetery. Is your home here?When the man heard this, he immediately woke up half drunk, glanced around, and ran out.After Ye Zi heard the movement upstairs, she asked Zhou Ma to close the courtyard door.

I'm relieved that closing the yard gate wasn't about me.When I called the door just now, I had some doubts, worried that Ye Zi had discovered my whereabouts, so he closed the door to warn me.

Once upstairs, I headed straight for the attic.This is the plan I came up with on the way back.According to my work in the past few days, the doubts about Ye Zi have not been solved, but have become bigger.About Meizi's life and death, about the investigation of Suying, about her teasing cats at the gate of the courtyard and then disappearing suddenly, etc., etc., I must conduct a frontal fire reconnaissance on her again, and try to break through one or two things in one fell swoop, so as to find the gap in the truth of the matter Just opened it.

I knocked on Leaf's door.I said it was me, and she said in the room, what's the matter?I said to see if your illness is cured.She still said through the door, well, thank you for taking care of me.This sentence was very polite, but after hearing it, I felt chills in my heart, because her tone of voice was cold, and it was the first time I heard her speak to me like this.I froze for a moment, then continued to bite the bullet and said, open the door, shall we chat?The voice in the room is getting colder, there is nothing to talk about, go back to your room and rest.

That night, I slept in bed not only worried, but even a little scared.What happened to the leaves?Did she follow me to Suying to get to know her?But she was still in the house when the drunk entered the hospital after dark, and it was impossible for her to follow me from the time point of view.If she sits in the house and knows I know her outside, she's a real vixen.

Late at night, I became confused and dreamed that a child's face was looking at me from the tip of my nose.I woke up, thought for a while and explained, this is the experience of Luo Erge's subordinates on the graveyard, and has nothing to do with me.After turning over and falling asleep, I had a second dream. Meizi, who had been hanged to death, was following me. Her two eyeballs were protruding, and she chased me and said, wait for me.I woke up with a start, my chest still pounding.At this time, I heard a meow, and in the skylight of the window, the black cat was standing on the sill of my half-opened window.This cat has never disappeared at night, how did it jump up to my window tonight?I got up and turned on the light to send it away, but after turning on the light, I turned around and saw that the cat had disappeared.

I turned off the light and continued to sleep, with an ominous feeling in my heart, wondering if a catastrophe was imminent.I didn't dare to continue to sleep, and lay on the bed with my eyes open until after midnight.Suddenly, I heard footsteps on the roof, and I knew it was the leaves on the attic moving in the house again.She must be in the scarlet pajamas again, preening in front of the mirror.At this moment, the courage of the special forces returned to me, and now I don't care so much, I should rush to the attic, call the door or break in, I want to grab her wrist on the spot, and take a closer look at this person's peace The leaves are no different.

I went up to the attic with all my courage, and I didn't step lightly, but stomped the stairs loudly with all my strength.

However, when I walked up the last flight of stairs, I was dumbfounded.I saw the door of Ye Zi's room was wide open, and there was no light in the room. At that time, I felt that I was facing a ruin or an open tomb.My legs went weak all of a sudden, but I still moved towards the door firmly.The skylight from beyond the terrace made the room half-dark, and there was no one on the bed or at the table.The door to the terrace was also wide open, and I saw a man sitting on the terrace with his back to the room.I mustered up the courage to walk across the room to the platform, and I could already tell that the person sitting with her back to the room was a woman.I took a step forward and said, Ye Zi, what's wrong with you?The door was also wide open.When I finished speaking, I could clearly see that the person sitting here was dressed in black, and his face was also black.What are these leaves!I screamed and wanted to run, but my legs were so weak that I couldn't move a step.At this time, I heard a hoarse voice saying, I am Meizi.You don't know me. I'm new here.Come closer and let me see you.As she spoke, she stood up and turned to face me, and stretched out a hand to me stiffly.

I must have fainted at that moment, because I don't know anything about it after that.When I woke up, I was already lying on my bed, and Poet Feng and Ye Zi were guarding me.I asked very weakly, what's going on, am I having a nightmare?Poet Feng said, it's not a dream, but who knows what you do in the attic in the middle of the night?Ye Zi said, your screams were so frightening. I heard the screams right outside my door, so I quickly opened the door and saw that you had fallen unconscious on the corridor, and it was Poet Feng who came up and carried you back to your room.

I still wanted to speak, but my whole body was so weak that I lost the energy to speak.In a daze, I heard Ye Zi saying to Poet Feng, let him sleep for a while, and ask Zhou Ma to boil some herbal medicine for him tomorrow morning, Zhou Ma knows what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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