Tomb Keeper

Chapter 38 The Little Brother's Cry

Chapter 38 The Little Brother's Cry (1)
Yang Huzi's words moved us all a little.The joss sticks were all lit respectfully, and incense was also placed on the whole chicken and fish offerings. Yang Huzi knelt down in front of the grave respectfully and said, "My lords, my son Yang Shishi pays homage to you."From now on, you are my parents and I am your son.I live at the foot of the mountain, and I am with you every day, parents, my son kowtows to you now.

Yang Huzi was already in tears when he said this, and kowtowed three times to the grave on the ground.Then, he stood up tremblingly, and while taking the paper money from Ye Zi to light it, he shouted to me, Da Xu, set off the firecrackers quickly.

I ignited the three strings of big firecrackers hanging on the tree in an instant, and the crackling sound immediately covered the grave in smoke.Most people think that a person without children is very lonely, but now I understand that a person without parents is truly lonely.This is like a plant, the life of a plant without seeds is complete; but the pain of a plant without roots, floating in the air, no one can feel.

Coming down from the mountain, Yang Huzi's face was already full of joy.We sat around and had a great lunch.Yang Huzi also drank some wine with everyone, but he didn’t drink too much. When I wanted to pour him wine again, he covered the wine glass and said, “I can’t drink it anymore. I will drink what my parents don’t agree with. More hurt the body.

Continue to rest in the afternoon, because such festive events are not festive enough without a full day's rest.Leaf went to the attic.I know what she likes is either sleeping or reading.Poet Feng also went back to his room to work on his high technology.I was sitting in the yard with my dumb brother, because at this time the clouds in the sky had cracked a few times, and there was a glare of light shining down, which made people feel comfortable.Yang Huzi sits at the door of the main room and smokes a leaf wrapped cigarette. Sitting there, he can see the courtyard door and at the same time hear the phone ringing inside the house.

I sat in the yard and secretly watched Yang Huzi's movements.I don't think he will sit there all the time, he will go out, or go to the village chief or go to the town. He is the leader and should be busier than us.

The reason why I want Yang Huzi to leave is that I have decided to take a hoe up the mountain this afternoon, and then turn into that yin house and dig three feet in the ground where I found the hairpin.I have to do this quickly, because I have already told Ye Zi about my turning into the private house, even if she is a double agent and keeps it secret for me for the time being, but nights are long and dreams are many, the plums buried in the ground may be transferred after a long time.

Yang Huzi didn't leave, he just sat there and smoked leaves slowly.At this time, Lianzi suddenly stepped into the courtyard gate. This was her first visit to the cemetery. Could it be that she is looking for me urgently?I stood up to meet her, but she asked me with a smile, is the leaf there?Seeing that I was puzzled, she said, she agreed at home last night that she could lend me the book.My nervous heart relaxed, and I pointed to the attic and said, she is in the room.

Lianzi didn't come down for a long time after going upstairs. I think it's normal for women to talk a lot together.At this time, Yang Huzi finally stood up. He stood on the edge of the steps for a while, as if thinking about something, and then walked straight to the courtyard gate.

I believe in the saying that opportunities come by waiting.After sitting for a while, I guessed that Yang Huzi had gone far away, so I went to the tool room by the courtyard wall to pick up a handy hoe, carried it on my shoulder and walked out of the courtyard gate.Only the dumb and my younger brother can see my actions. The dumb can't gossip about me, and my younger brother is basically dumb.

I went up to the cemetery, and the oblique light from the clouds made the tomb more three-dimensional, like a black and white picture with high pixels.I was a little nervous and my heart was beating fast.I think if I can dig up Meizi's bones, half of the secrets here will be solved.I thought of the perpetrator of the Meizi incident. In any case, Yang Huzi would be a link in this chain of crimes.Although his life experience is sympathetic, and the fact that he worshiped his parents is touching, but the person who put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha does not mean that he has never played with the butcher's knife.

Soon, I saw the yin house on the hill.I think I should throw the hoe in first, and then climb over the wall myself; and do the same when I come out.It's just that if the bones are dug up, I haven't thought about whether I should bring them out or hide them somewhere first.But there is no need to think about it first, if you dig it, you can talk about it later.

I climbed the hill, and when I was just approaching the wall, something unexpected happened. From the corner of the wall, Yang Huzi suddenly came over, my God, I only thought he should go to the town or the village chief’s house when he went out Why didn't he think that he could go up the mountain to do such a simple thing?It can be seen that when a person has a certain desire too strong, the judgment of others will be mentally retarded.

When Yang Huzi saw me, he was obviously very surprised and surprised.He said, what are you doing?Also carry a hoe.I hurriedly said, you let us rest, but I am used to doing things, and I can't stay idle.Sitting in the yard, how boring... I deliberately gossip for a long time, this is to try to explain my behavior with something while talking.Of course, my thinking came out when I was prevaricating, and I went on to say that not far below, there is a tomb that has been blown by wind and rain, and a large part has collapsed. I found it when I visited the tomb a few days ago. Yes, but I didn't bring a hoe, so I'm going to build it up today while I'm free.

There is no flaw in my saying this.There are too many graves here, and it is impossible for Yang Huzi to know the condition of each grave, and it is common for the graves to partially collapse.

Yang Huzi said "um", you are quite diligent, why, you want to visit here again after finishing your work?

I hastily nodded to admit it, and said, everyone who comes here wants to come and have a look at such a majestic private house.

Yang Huzi immediately darkened his face and said, besides visiting, there are people doing sabotage, come and take a look with me.

Yang Huzi took me to the corner of the wall, pointed to the eaves on the wall and said to me, did you see it? The glazed tiles on the eaves are missing a large piece. I don’t know if they were smashed by stones or trampled on the wall. .

I was taken aback.When I climbed over the wall that night, because it was too dark, I didn't know that I had stepped on the cornice.Now I am looking at the defect, and deliberately said to myself, some urchins down the mountain are too annoying, and they come here to beat birds with pebbles.

Yang Huzi gave another "hmm" and didn't answer my words. I don't know if he agrees or doubts.

My exhumation plans have suffered a major setback.Lying in bed at night, I made two self-examinations in my heart. One was that I acted too hastily and lacked a thorough plan;

After the review, I was still flustered.Because I understand that Yang Huzi is not the kind of person who can be fooled at will.He saw me twice by the wall of the shady mansion. Can my sweet words really make him not suspicious?If he really has insight into my intentions, it will be very dangerous.The most important thing now is to nip his suspicions in the bud, but this is the most effective thing to do from the side of Ye Zi.For example, when Yang Huzi told her that he was suspicious of me, from her point of view, Da Xu, I understand, is just curious about ghosts. He may think that empty graves are easy to live with ghosts, so he couldn't help but go to the wall to have a look .Thinking of this, I realized how important it is to have a good relationship with Ye Zi.I sat up from the bed, it's not dark yet, I want to sit with her right now.If Yang Huzi expressed doubts about me to her tomorrow, then she would know how to respond.

I got out of bed and was about to go out when I heard an explosive cry.I went out, and the crying came from the room of the younger brother and the mute.I knocked on the door hastily, and it was the dumb who opened the door, and my younger brother was lying on the bed crying bitterly.This is an uncontrollable and hoarse cry. I asked the mute, what's wrong with him?The mute gestured and said, I don't know.At this time, Yang Huzi also came, and then Ye Zi also ran down from the attic.Only the door of Poet Feng's room was closed, and I really admired his deafness to the outside world and his state of inactivity.

Yang Huzi asked loudly, little brother, what happened?
The younger brother yelled while crying, I hate my father and my mother, they ruined me, I am finished, my whole life is finished!
Everyone was at a loss.Ye Zi walked over and patted him and said, what happened to your parents?
The younger brother sobbed and said, since I was a child, they only knew that I should study and do my homework, and they locked me in the house to study on Sundays and holidays.They didn't let me touch anyone, and I sneaked out to play once in a while, only to find that I couldn't even speak with others, and I didn't dare to speak.

The younger brother burst into tears again after speaking, and continued to shout, I am finished, I am finished, my whole life is finished!
Yang Huzi was puzzled, grabbed his younger brother's arm and said to him, why are you crazy!Parents want you to study, what's wrong.It is your own disappointment that you did not enter the university, and it is your own choice to guard the mortuary and the tomb.If you don't want to work here, leave tomorrow!If Manager Xue hadn't introduced you, I wouldn't have asked you to come here.What do you mean a lifetime is over? What you kid said doesn't make sense.

The little brother stopped crying suddenly, he turned around and took Yang Huzi's hand and said, I'm not saying that working here will be over for the rest of my life, I just think of the past and feel uncomfortable.I am willing to work here, Uncle Yang, please don't tell me to go.

I saw the earnest eyes in my younger brother's eyes when he said "Don't tell me to go", and I couldn't help but think of Ye Zi's state of staying here instead of going to the city.Staying on the grave is so important to a person, which can only be explained by the secrets hidden in this person.Ye Zi has already given an explanation with her life experience, so what about my little brother, why did he show such sincerity for staying in the graveyard when he was crying so hard that he was about to lose his reason?

The turmoil came and went quickly, and the small building quickly returned to silence.I didn't want to go to Ye Zi's place again, because my little brother messed up my emotions.Maybe the long dark night is just for people to remember.In the dark night, people will think of many things, including their own life, like watching a movie.The younger brother lost control just by looking at it.So, what about the rest of us here, Yang Huzi, Ye Zi, Feng Poet, Dumb, Zhou Ma, and me, will they suddenly cry like a wolf howling one night.Everything is possible, because this is a cemetery, and the wind on the graveyard can easily blow in through the window.

It was late at night, and I heard the sound of the floor above my head. It was Ye Zi who hadn't slept yet. She was the last person to sleep in this building.

(End of this chapter)

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