Tomb Keeper

Chapter 4 Night in the Cemetery

Chapter 4 Night in the Cemetery (1)

I'm going through one of the toughest nights of my life.According to Zihua, if there is any change in my fate, it will happen in this night.Of course I couldn't sleep, so I sat cross-legged on the head of the bed, staring at the locked door and listening to everything around me.The rooms of Mute and Poet Feng have been silent since the door was closed, only Yang Huzi's room made some noises from time to time, as if he was walking on the floor or moving something.Before that, there was the sound of Zhou's mother pouring out the footwashing water in a wooden basin downstairs, and then there was a "bang" sound of closing the door, and then there was no sound downstairs.

I want to see how the cemetery is.Because if something is going to happen, maybe there will be some shadow coming from there first.But the only window in my room did not face the cemetery, and I could only see the courtyard below from the window.The cold moon has been covered by clouds, the courtyard is dark, and the area behind the courtyard door looks even darker. Of course, there is no knock on the door.

When I was a child, I heard many ghost stories, and there were good ghosts and evil ghosts.Now that I think about it, the woman I met, Zihua, was a pretty ghost, because she tried to dissuade me from staying here overnight.Thinking of this, I can't help but be puzzled by this sudden change in my worldview.There may be less than 1% of people in the world who say that there are ghosts, and those who say this must have their own real scary experiences.However, if these experiences were to be told, others would only listen to them as stories, and no one would believe that they were true.I'm becoming the 1% right now, and if I don't survive tonight, I won't even be able to tell anyone about it later.

I believe I can survive.When it comes to wrestling, none of the grave guards here are my opponents; when it comes to ghosts, what am I afraid of? But I am still a little scared, because I just found a red envelope I got in a previous interview a few minutes ago and opened it. Finally, he pasted the small square red paper behind the door.

I gradually settled down.The surrounding area is silent, and there is no such thing as howling ghosts and howling wolves at night in the cemetery described in the novel. No, silence is the reality around the cemetery.

Suddenly, a few knocks on the door startled me, and I realized that I had been confused before.I yelled, who?The voice outside the door said, it's midnight, and it's time for you to apply incense ash.

I froze for a moment, then remembered Yang Huzi's arrangement for treating my foot injury.I didn't take it to heart, but he remembered it clearly and called me in the middle of the night.

I opened the door.There was no one in the corridor. After Yang Huzi called me, he obviously went back to his room.In order not to arouse his suspicion of me, I bite the bullet and went downstairs to the main room to apply incense ash on my ankles.The yard is already pitch black, as if there is an invisible black wall standing in front of you.I touched the door of the main room and slowly pushed it open.There is incense wafting out, like the smell you smell when you enter a temple.I took a step to the left of the door and found the light switch at shoulder height.This was one of the points I kept in mind when I visited the house after dinner.The light was on, and the dim yellow light seemed a bit dazzling because it suddenly turned on in the dark.I walked to the incense bowl above the main room, glanced at the Guanyin Bodhisattva standing in the hole in the wall, and thought that the Bodhisattva would bless me tonight.I lifted up my trousers and smeared a little of the incense ash on my ankles.Almost at the same time, I heard a strange voice in the inner hall of the main room, like someone whispering.I looked up at the side door of the main room, where the ashes and funeral supplies were stored.I felt my scalp go numb, so I raised my legs and walked out. A black shadow was already blocking the door of the main room.I took a step back, and Yang Huzi had already walked in. The beard on his chin was hanging vertically, and he really looked like a goat at this moment.He said, you can't put incense ash like that, it won't work.I was startled, obviously, he had already observed me outside the door.

He took me to the incense bowl, mixed some water into the incense ash with a water cup, stirred it with his hands, grabbed a handful and applied it to my ankles.Then, he wrapped my entire ankle with the gauze he brought.Then, he straightened up and said, that's all right, if you get hurt in the cemetery, you can cover it for three nights with this method.I don't think you are seriously injured. If the Bodhisattva blesses you, you may be able to run and dance tomorrow morning.

I went back upstairs, locked the door, and immediately removed the gauze as quickly as possible, and thoroughly removed the incense ash on my ankle.I felt a little dizzy after coming out of the main room just now, and I knew that this incense ash was mixed with a special toxin.Luckily, it took only a few minutes from applying the stuff to removing it, and while I was still a little dizzy and nauseous at this point, it wasn't going to kill me.At this moment, I thank the female ghost in the car for reminding me in my heart.Thinking of tomorrow morning, I decided to use my tricks and go down to the ground, telling Yang Huzi that my injury was healed.But I'm going to play the fool and convince him that his poison has turned me into a puppet at his mercy.I believe that the gravekeeper, the mute, Poet Feng and the woman named Ye Zi all have experiences similar to mine. I must uncover the truth and rescue them successfully.However, if they are already dead and resurrected things, what's the use of saving them?They will say, we like this cemetery.This result is very possible, because Bai Mei said that she asked Ye Zi why she was guarding the tomb here during the interview, and Ye Zi replied that she liked it.

From this point of view, my adventure may not have a very satisfactory harvest, but at least, I can reveal the truth, and this alone is already appalling.

(End of this chapter)

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