Xianwu star

Chapter 429

Chapter 429
Monk Shoushan looked at the middle-aged man without any trace, and found that the middle-aged man, like him, was a third-level cultivation base, except that the Zhongnan man was a third-level Jindan stage sword cultivator, and he was a third-level sword cultivator. A first-class Buddhist warrior.

I saw that although the man's figure was ordinary, standing there, he looked like a sword of ice with a murderous intent!Holding the Guixu sword boat in his hand, his aura is even more terrifying!
"The Feng family in Zhongzhou is a family of sword cultivators, but they practice the Tao of Xuanming True Water! It can be called the top line of sword cultivators in the water system. The Guixu sword boat is the treasure of the Feng family..."

Information about Feng's family in Zhongzhou flashed through his mind quickly, and the smile on Monk Shoushan's face remained unchanged:
"It turned out to be Taoist brother of the Feng family, but the poor monk has poor eyesight. But brother Tao can master the Guixu sword boat, this status is probably not ordinary."

Knowing that Guixu Jianzhou cannot be handed over to a third-order being to control, at most it is only borrowed, but the monk Shoushan still has a face of flattery and envy.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man was very happy with such flattery, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist flattered me, Feng is just temporarily controlling the Guixu sword boat."

"That's really rare..."

The monk guarding the mountain gave a sigh of relief, and then his expression changed to look hesitant: "Brother Dao must have some important mission to take charge of the Guixu swordboat and come to the Northland. Is this poor monk disturbing Brother Dao?"


The middle-aged man curled his lips. The No. 1 of the younger generation asked the family to pick him up with the Guixu sword boat for no reason. Is this also a task?
Thinking of how No.1 was treated in the family, the middle-aged man was a little unconvinced.In addition, talking in detail with a famous person in Zhongzhou like Monk Shoushan, he was still flattering himself in his words, he was really very useful, so the middle-aged man smiled indifferently and said:

"It's not a big deal, it's okay to delay some time."

The monk guarding the mountain let out a long breath, and said with a sigh of relief: "That's good, otherwise the poor monk will be guilty. The poor monk and the Taoist brother hit it off right away, why don't you go to the poor monk's Jinshan Temple?"

Go to Jinshan Temple?

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately hesitated.

In front of countless pilgrims, being respectfully invited in by the abbot of Jinshan Temple, with the legendary Guixu sword boat in his hand, is naturally a matter of honor.

But... if you delay that matter...

"Left and right are just picking him up. I've come all the way here, I've given this young master enough face. Just let him wait for a while, anyway, it's just picking someone up..."

After thinking about it in his heart, the middle-aged man laughed loudly: "Since it is the master's invitation, Feng Mou naturally wants to reward him."

The monk guarding the mountain clasped his hands together and bowed slightly: "Brother Dao came to Jinshan Temple, it really made Jinshan Temple flourish. Brother Dao, please..."

"Haha, I want what I want, I dare not invite you..." The middle-aged man laughed, his posture was very chic, and he had the attitude of a master in the world.


Outside Xinghang City, Feng Ming'er and his party had arrived on a high mountain, but the young man surnamed Feng who had been smiling all the time was no longer smiling, instead he was frowning and looking at the sky at this moment.

"Why hasn't Guixu Jianzhou come yet? Could it be that something happened, or are those people behind the scenes?"

At this moment, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and even the other geniuses realized that something was wrong.Only Feng Ming'er, who had something on her mind, didn't notice anything strange about these people.

At this moment, all the geniuses suddenly moved their hearts at the same time, and looked at the distant sky!
I saw a five-color escaping light flying towards the top of the mountain. The escaping light and five elements circulated, and each other interacted with each other.

However, at this moment, they didn't have the heart to admire the light, because the familiar aura had already told them the identity of the visitor—Kong Fan!
"Sure enough, I can't sit still!" The geniuses looked at each other, and secretly became vigilant in tacit understanding.

And Feng Ming'er first looked at the Dunguang in surprise, but at the next moment, she didn't know what to think of, and she became a little guilty and nervous again.

The light pierced through the sky and flew towards the top of the mountain from afar.

The geniuses looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.If you shoot directly, you will definitely annoy Feng Ming'er.If he doesn't make a move, who knows what the grandson will do next?
Just when the geniuses hesitated, another terrifying aura erupted in the sky.

The aura seemed positive and evil, but there was an infinite sharpness hidden in it.

Feeling the terrifying sword intent, infinitely cold, like the way of heaven, the young man of the Feng family who always had a sunny smile on his face was the first to reflect it, and he looked solemnly at the sky.

In that terrifying sword intent, although he didn't feel the special energy like his Feng family's Xuanming sword art, the pure and indifferent sword intent made him, a genius of a family of sword repairers, startled.

Almost without hesitation, driven by the pride of being too talented, the youth of the Feng family also erupted with his piercing sword intent, confronting the indifferent aura that came rapidly from the sky.

"Feng Family's Xuanming Sword Art?"

In the sky, an indifferent voice sounded, and in the next moment the voice was overbearing out of nowhere: "I want to see if it is the Feng family's Xuanming Sword Art Senhan, or my sword is overbearing!"

Accompanied by this almost domineering provocation, a bright sword light lit up in the sky, wrapped in the power of the stars, turned into a terrifying meteor, and fell towards the youth of the Feng family!

Sword Meteor!
One of the three swords in Yunshi Jue, the sword shines like a shooting star, and it is as powerful as a thunderbolt falling from the sky, which is breathtaking.

The sword light came surging, and the heaven and the earth seemed to tremble under the power of the falling meteor.

"It's a warrior, not a swordsman."

Sensing the visitor whose aura changed drastically in an instant, the young man of the Feng family murmured to himself and judged the identity of the visitor. The next moment he took a step forward, tapped his finger, the infinite cold light flickered, and the world instantly turned into a forest of cold Hell, the entire mountain was instantly covered in silver!

Thousands of Xuanming sword qi soared into the sky, even in a hurry, the youth of the Feng family still erupted with terrifying power!

However, under the sword shooting star that has been accumulated for a long time, the methods of the young people of the Feng family have been defeated steadily.

The meteor crashed on the top of the mountain, shaking the entire mountain, creating countless cracks like spider webs.

In the crack, a masked figure in black stood proudly, and the terrifying sword intent emanated from him.

Everyone wanted to see through this person's identity with their spiritual sense, but they found that there seemed to be an invisible force field around this person. When their spiritual sense entered, everything disappeared without a trace.

All attention was focused on Wang Zheng, after all Kong Fan had not arrived yet.

Seeing that Kong Fan was approaching, Wang Zheng sneered, and his sword intent once again became as cold and ruthless as the Dao of Heaven, covering all the geniuses except Feng Ming'er!

(End of this chapter)

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