Xianwu star

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

When holding hands is rejected, normal men will have two reactions.

The old driver didn't change his face and heartbeat, as if nothing had happened, talking and laughing happily, looking for the next opportunity to try.

As for the pink and tender newcomers, they will only look confused, embarrassed, and apprehensive...

Kong Fan is obviously the type of pink newcomer.

His palm was blown away, Kong Fan didn't even think about anything else, subconsciously looked at Feng Ming'er, for fear of offending Feng Ming'er.

However, what catches the eye is Feng Ming'er's beautiful face that has regained her senses but has some Xia Fei's cheeks.

Looking at Kong Fan calmly and clearly, Feng Ming'er smiled like a flower: "Let's get to know each other again, Feng Ming'er of the Phoenix family."

Kong Fan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reflected: "Uh...Kong Fan, he's an...actor under Director Wang, right?"


Feng Ming'er looked at Kong Fan's stupid look, and couldn't help but smile: "You are still similar to Kong Fan in my memory, by the way, Wang Zheng's side..."

When Wang Zheng was mentioned, Kong Fan immediately reflected on it, and quickly said: "Director Wang is one against four. Even if he is very talented, he may suffer a loss. Let's go back and let them stop."

Feng Ming'er nodded: "Alright, then let's go back first."

Saying that, the two of them turned into light and cut through the sky at the same time, and flew towards the place where Wang Zheng and the four geniuses fought.

If Wang Zheng were here, he would definitely sigh helplessly, he is still too young, such a good opportunity, take this opportunity to have a meal, watch a movie, and then do his best!

However, there are pure benefits, it can only be said that each has its own merits.

On the other side, the war regardless of consumption is still going on.

In terms of physical body, Wang Zheng is not inferior to ordinary beasts. In terms of martial arts, Wang Zheng is still strong at least within the third rank. In terms of defense, Wang Zheng has a causal transformation and an indestructible golden body. In terms of spirit, under the enchanted state, ordinary soul attacks basically ignore ...

In terms of battery life, there is infinite true energy stored in the Demon Sealing Armor.

Therefore, this battle was extremely fierce. From the very beginning, I just wanted to test what level I was in Zhongzhou, but now everyone is really fighting, and the battle is getting more and more dangerous.

Everyone is covered in blood, the original mountain is no longer there, replaced by a huge deep pit.

In the deep pit, the five people were panting, but they continued to use their methods, their figures were intertwined, and the huge explosion could be heard throughout Xinghang City...

At this moment, two rays of light pierced the sky and stopped above the deep pit.

Feng Ming'er and Kong Fan stood side by side, appearing in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zheng wiped the blood of different colors on his face, then grinned, took the time to give Kong Fan a thumbs up, and then turned his backhand with the Seven Great Limits!

As for the four geniuses, their faces sank into the water, their gazes looking at Wang Zheng devoured each other, and the terrifying power almost vented out without a bottom line.


High in the sky, looking at the five people who were already desperately fighting, Feng Ming'er gave a cold shout with eyes full of evil, and then the power of the phoenix burst out all over her body. The looming phoenix phantom froze between flapping its wings!
Even if there is a powerful attack that can break through such a blockade, if the phoenix feathers droop, everything will be disillusioned.

"All stop."

Feng Ming'er frowned, and with a thought, the phantom of the phoenix screamed and turned into a rain of light, swaying and falling on everyone's bodies. Visible to the naked eye, the wounds on everyone's bodies began to heal rapidly.

The power of the phoenix is ​​unparalleled in vitality, and it can turn life into death, attacking invincible!

In front of the fourth-rank Tianjiao, even if Wang Zheng and the others were far more powerful than the same rank, they would have to be forcibly stopped by Feng Minger, who was in peak condition, alone.

"Miss Feng Ming'er, being famous is worse than meeting her."

Knowing that Feng Ming'er made a move, this fight would not be able to continue, Wang Zheng simply sat down on the ground alone, looking at Feng Ming'er and Kong Fan winking in the sky.

"Hmph, Director Wang is really better known than meeting him. Not to mention the unparalleled layout, the combat power has reached the level of Tianjiao!"

Feng Ming'er frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Wang Zheng's methods.

On Kong Fan's side, because of his frankness, Feng Ming'er admired him even more, but a lot of dissatisfaction was transferred to Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng smiled nonchalantly, glanced at those geniuses whose faces were sinking like water, and was delighted in his heart.

"Hmph!" Sensing Wang Zheng's smug gaze, the four geniuses collectively snorted coldly.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and a crystal-clear monster that looked like a sword and Zhou came through the void. It was the Feng family's Return to Ruins sword boat!

The sword boat broke through the void, and a figure appeared in front of the sword boat. Looking at the tragic battlefield, the man's face was obviously stunned.

"Hmph! Why did you come here!" Seeing the middle-aged man, the young man of the Feng family burst into anger and questioned mercilessly.

"The abbot of Jinshan Temple invited me to sit down for a while, how come..." The middle-aged Feng family obviously lacked confidence. In this situation, a fool would know something bad.

"Useless trash! Go back and settle accounts with you!"

Hearing that Jinshan Temple was in charge, the youth of the Feng family knew that this piece of trash in his family had been plotted against, and he didn't know the north, south, east, and west.Immediately, he snorted coldly, intending to settle accounts after the fall, as for here?He can't afford to lose that person.

"Miss Feng Ming'er, Feng is a little embarrassed today, and Miss Feng Ming'er laughed at her. Now that Miss Feng Ming'er comes back just in time, why don't you go back to Zhongzhou on the Returning Sword Boat with Feng?"

The true energy circulated, and all the filth disappeared, and the young man of the Feng family asked with a warm smile again.

And Feng Ming'er shook her head unobtrusively: "Thank you brother Feng for your kindness, but I plan to return to the undead volcano on my own, so I won't trouble brother Feng."

As soon as this remark came out, the four geniuses immediately felt that something was wrong.

But at the moment when Feng Ming'er was in front of her, they naturally couldn't do anything to harass her.After looking at each other one by one, they looked at Wang Zheng and Kong Fan fiercely with eyes that could eat people, and then said goodbye to Feng Ming'er one by one.

Four hits and one failed to take down a single Wang Zheng, and Feng Ming'er saw herself and others in a state of distress. Their self-esteem no longer allowed them to stay here any longer.

As for whether Feng Ming'er and Kong Fan will take advantage of this gap to develop further, it can be judged from the distance between Feng Ming'er and Kong Fan.

Although Kong Fan is currently more successful than them, it is only a little bit.

Of course, if they knew that Kong Fan had kissed him before, they would be very desperate...

In the blink of an eye, the four great geniuses all left in despair.

In the devastated battlefield, there were only three people left.

Wang Zheng, Kong Fan, Feng Ming'er.

(End of this chapter)

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