Xianwu star

Chapter 450 Listen to Mom's Chapter

Chapter 450 Listen to Mom

Who is Super Invincible Fei?
This question made the audience stunned. They were so absorbed in the singing that they had no time to think about who Super Invincible Fei was. Now that Wang Zheng reminded them, all the audience became curious in an instant.

The audience was full of noisy whispers, discussing who Super Invincible Fei was!

Even the four experts of the jury were curiously communicating with each other.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zheng smiled slightly: "Today, we will have six singers competing on this stage. The one who wins in the end will be the King of Singers tonight. To become the King of Singers, you have the opportunity to choose whether to reveal yourself or not.

If you want to know who Super Invincible Fei is, let him be the King of Songs! "

"By the way, the choice of singer king is not decided by me, but by you and the judges! The way to decide is very simple, just vote!"

In a suitable situation, Wang Zheng cleverly explained the rules to the audience. After giving the audience some time to digest, Wang Zheng smiled and said:

"However, if you want to become the king of singers, you have to ask our next contestant if he is willing. Next, please..."

The second contestant came to the stage. This time, with the previous super invincible flying as a foreshadowing, everyone became curious about the identity of the second contestant.

The second masked contestant appeared on the stage. Her mask was quite strange. It was a colorful mask with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. There was a net on the head, and the whole head was wrapped under it, even the neck was covered. Can't see!She took a few steps and was already standing in the middle.

The beautiful woman in Zhaixing Pavilion said speechlessly: "How can you guess! You didn't even show your hands!"

The Great Sage Swallowing Heaven shook his head and said, "It's a pity that you can't use your spiritual sense to check, otherwise I will definitely be able to guess it."

There was also a smile on the dumb servant's face: "It's meaningless to use divine sense? Not only can we not use divine sense, but we also have to prevent others from using divine sense."

Monk Jingxin always had a smile on his face: "It feels a little familiar, but I still don't know."

The same was true of the jury, and the audience was even more curious.

There were even quite a few powerful and obscure spiritual senses protruding out, but not to mention the ubiquitous barriers in the entire entertainment city, the four members of the jury were there alone, and the spiritual senses could not be effective.

"Who is it?"

"Codename gentle mother?"

"It seems to be a senior, but who is it?"

Inside, the atmosphere was hot.

In the audience, Wang Zheng took care of many aspects.

Wang Zheng: "Lighting?"

Gaffer: "No problem"

Wang Zheng: "Air seat?"

"Number 1 is okay"

"Number 2 is ready!"

"It's all ready."

Everything is ready.

Wang Zheng nodded, "Okay, all departments pay attention, wait for the player's signal!"

On the stage, Gentle Mom finally got ready and made a gesture.

Then, the lights projected and the music sounded.

The music is playing, and the melody is very playful!

Gentle mother closed her eyes and shook her head, obviously immersed in a cheerful rhythm.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the singing voice came out all of a sudden!

"Children, do you have a lot of question marks?"

"Why, are others watching the sunset there?"

"But I'm learning to read and speak to the exercises?"

"Others are playing games, but I'm leaning against the wall and reciting my broken skills."

"I said I want a big spaceship."

"But got an old armor."

In an unusually brisk, almost narrating singing voice, the melancholy of a naughty child was sung by the gentle mother, and everyone swayed to this rhythm unconsciously.

The stories narrated by the singing also reminded many people of their childhood.

I also have many question marks, why others can play, I have to practice hard.Why do others have so many good things, but I don't.

Thinking of such a scene, the childishness that has disappeared for many years, many people unconsciously smiled slightly.

And the name of the song is also displayed on the big screen.

listen to mom

Lyricist/Composer: Wang Zheng

Sung by: Gentle Mother


On the audience stage, everyone clapped their hands with a simple and brisk beat.At the same time, many people were discussing the identity of Gentle Mother in low voices.

The eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman in Zhaixing Pavilion are full of sympathy and appreciation: "The child should not be too old."

Monk Jingxin said with a smile: "Yes, it should be the time to be naughty! So the current song in this song is what mothers say to their children."

"But who is it?"

"There are too many famous people with heirs to guess."

Under the stage, Yan Ruyu looked disdainful, but listening to the discussions around him, he really wanted to tell everyone loudly: "That's my mother!"

But he couldn't say it, so Yan Ruyu's expression was a tangle.

But then, Yan Ruyu's expression changed, he in the dark suddenly became deep.

Because, the next song sang into his heart.

"When you grow up, you will start to understand this passage, hum"

Gentle Mother's style of music remains unchanged, but the theme of the lyrics suddenly changes from the mother's perspective to the child's perspective.

"When I grew up, I began to understand why I ran faster and flew higher than others. In the future, everyone will read the comics I drew, and everyone will sing the songs I wrote."

Then the theme of the lyrics changed again, switching to the perspective of a bystander without any hesitation.

"Mom's hard work is not for you to see, and the warm recipes are in her heart. Hold her hand as often as you can, and sleepwalk together while holding hands."

It is obviously the same tune and style, but what is shown is the inner drama of the three people.And such inner drama undoubtedly resonated with many people.

"I...I miss my mother."

"Yeah, now that I think about it, my mother really gave me the best."

"What to do, I want to cry."

Yan Ruyu pursed her small mouth, and did not disdain any more.

On the judging table, Monk Jingxin clasped his hands together: "My Buddha is merciful."

The Great Sage Swallowing Heaven sighed, not knowing what he thought of.

The singing continues, and the audience continues to be moved by the story brought by the lyrics. It is obviously a brisk song, but it is so moving.

"Listen to mom and don't let her get hurt."

"I want to grow up quickly so that I can protect her."

"Beautiful white hair germinates in happiness."

"Angel's magic, warm and kind."

The emotion brought by the singing was absolutely extraordinary. A man who was obviously dressed as a monk of the magic way suddenly burst into tears: "If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not choose to have this level of cultivation, and I will definitely accompany you well."

However, it can be said that all the monks who come here are tenacious. He wiped his tears and his eyes were firm: "I will definitely not let you down. When I return to my hometown, I will let everyone know that your son It’s amazing, it’s a great power!”

Basically, everyone present has a mother. Listening to her words in this song has touched too many people.

Especially those who have left their hometowns and whose mothers have not seen for a long time, each of them is extremely sad and complicated.

Moved by this song, they thought of their childhood.

No matter how poor the family is, my mother will always give me the best she can give me, but I don't understand and am not satisfied.

Even if my mother doesn't know how to practice, she must insist on letting herself practice, because I am her everything and hope.

Too many emotions and memories surfaced at this moment, but many people found helplessly that they had missed it and could not go back.

Such sadness made them even more sad.

Backstage, there were also players with tears streaming down their faces.The appearance in the memory, the appearance of getting old unconsciously, is so distressing at this moment.

On the judging platform, the Great Sage Swallowing Heaven suddenly closed his eyes:

"When I was young, I was also a picky and naughty child. At that time, my mother always taught me not to waste food.

Later, I don't know when, my mother is old, and my mother's health is not good. She, who never wastes food, will also lose rice grains...

This flash, how many years have passed.This seat really wants to go back to the past and be a carefree little snake demon. "

In the auditorium, Yan Ruyu's face was full of tears.

Although he is a bear, he is also sensible.After his father ascended, his mother has been taking care of him.Although he didn't understand many things, he knew that it was for his own good.

The beat continued to follow the rhythm, but everyone was immersed in emotion and memories.

As if she didn't want to see the audience feel too sad, Wen Wen's mother continued to sing, but the style of the song changed suddenly!
The rhythm was well controlled, and the audience didn't feel that such a rhythm change was bad at all, on the contrary, they accepted it naturally!
It is still a switch between the three perspectives of the bystander, the mother, and the child.

"In your future, music is your trump card, use your trump card to fall in love.

well!I don't want to teach you badly, you'd better listen to your mother and fall in love later.

I know your future path, but Mom knows better than me.

You will start to learn from other classmates and write in your schoolbag.But I suggest it is best to write mom.

I will study hard.Studying hard, how could it come out of my mouth.

I don't want you to lose, so I want you to study hard.

The sweater your mother knits for you.You have to keep it carefully, because when Mother's Day comes, I will tell her that I still have it. "

This paragraph undoubtedly has the power to encourage and warm people's hearts, which is different from the previous ones.

This passage is not only moving but also encouraging.

At least, my mother is still there, and the worst is still in the memory.And you who sit here and listen to the song are her most important wealth, hello, everything is fine.

Under the stage, the magic monk's eyes were bright, and this song sang in his heart.

The judging panel, Sage Swallowing Heaven gave a complicated smile, full of free and easy and nostalgic.

Backstage, someone's eyes became firmer, looking at the figure behind the scenes, their eyes became softer and softer.

Yan Ruyu clenched her small hands tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

It seems that the atmosphere of the scene is really touching, and the gentle mother suddenly smiled slyly, and the style of the song changed greatly:

"That's right! I met Li Ruofeng, so you can show off to your classmates that King Pill will be your fellow Taoist in the future.

I can't find the love letter I wrote in my childhood. Don't give it away after you write it, because you will pick it up on the playground in two days.

You will start to like pop songs, because Wang Zheng is preparing to sing "Jiangnan""

The style of the music made everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Shen Du of Wanbaoge slapped his thigh suddenly: "Wonderful, can advertisements be played like this?"

Backstage, a masked man was stunned, what a surprise!
The judges, Da Neng of Zhaixing Pavilion laughed coquettishly, unexpectedly Li Ruofeng appeared in the song.

In the auditorium, everyone laughed even more.

"Senior Wang Zheng is too shameless!"

"It's not just shameless! We all know that Senior Wang Zheng and Senior Dan Wang have a good relationship, but who would have thought that Senior Wang Zheng would write songs like this!"

"Haha, I laughed so hard, but Pill King will be my fellow Taoist in the future, it seems pretty good after thinking about it."

"Pop song! As expected of a pop song, today I guess all the songs will be popular in Zhongzhou!"

The song is over!There are touches, encouragements, and jokes.


Amid long-lasting applause, Gentle Mother stepped down, and Wang Zheng stepped onto the stage again.

"I was really moved. I was moved when I wrote this song, but I was even more moved when I listened to it!"

"However, there is only one king of singers. And today there are six contestants, what do you think should be done?"

Wang Zheng shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, it's up to you to make the decision, and it's you who should be troubled."

"The King of Masked Singer's rules are very cruel. Because it is really difficult to make a choice. But no matter how difficult it is, you have to make a choice.

The competition is divided into two rounds. In the first round, six contestants will compete in pairs. The winner will enter the next round of the song king competition, and a current song king will be selected.

As for the losers, they will still return to the stage in the following competitions!Because even if it fails, you must like him, right? "

"Yes!" The audience responded in unison!
Wang Zheng smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, let's go to the west, let's start the first group of voting!"

(End of this chapter)

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