Xianwu star

Chapter 491

Chapter 491
As the sky darkened, Wang Zheng and his party returned to the entertainment city after they went out to film. After hearing what happened in the entertainment city, Wang Zheng's face clearly revealed an expression of surprise:

"I expected that the Phoenix clan would take Feng Ming'er back, but who was that person who attacked Kong Fan? With the abilities of Brother Li and Brother Pang, they couldn't force him to show up?"

In a spacious room, the core personnel of the entertainment city gathered together.

Di Shitian frowned: "That person is too strong, the two treasures are both pinnacle spiritual treasures, and they even have the hope of advancing to Dao artifacts. It is definitely not easy to have such a family background."

Madam Hu also frowned, you must know that the Fox clan is the best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and at this moment such an inexplicable thing happened, Madam Hu couldn't help but not use her brain. ,

Pang Jie heard that: "That person was hiding in the dark, and he used Lingbao to attack abruptly. He didn't use his own supernatural powers. Presumably his supernatural powers are very special, so special that others can guess his identity."

Li Ruofeng nodded: "I scanned the void with the true eyes of the stars, and only found a space opened up by the power of the five elements, but the technique is really mysterious. I just spied there, and that person immediately Found.

Speaking of which, I seem to have seen that person's exercises in the classics of the sect, but it shouldn't be..."

When Pang Jie heard the words, his expression changed, and he asked tentatively: "Brother Li, you mean the ancient times..."

The two were so mysterious, Xiaoqing couldn't stand it any longer, she pouted and said with dissatisfaction: "What can you two be so mysterious about?"

Li Ruofeng glanced at Xiaoqing apologetically, and then began to explain seriously:

"The ancient period was the most prosperous period of our human race. The First Dynasty dominated the world, and it can be said that both worlds of immortals are under the control of the First Dynasty.

At that time, among the royal family of the First Dynasty, there was a supreme method called the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Wonderful Realm Jue.

This decision comes from the meaning of heaven and earth, and it is actually a supreme way to divide and unify the five elements.

The eight wilds correspond to the eight directions, and also represent the different biases of the five elements. "

Wang Zheng, who had been frowning all the time, was moved in his heart, and asked tentatively: "You are skeptical, the way that person cultivates is the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Wonderful Realm Art?"

Pang Jie nodded, and added: "That's right, although he didn't use the method of the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Wonderland Art, but the two spirit treasures are similar to those recorded in the classics.

It is said that there are several benefits of practicing the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Wonderland Jue. One is that the magic power of the five elements is mysterious and abnormal, one is that one can gather the body of the heavenly man and the Taoist at the fifth level, and the other is that those who practice the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Wonderland can have both Nine natal magic weapons! "

When Wang Zheng heard this, an undisguised look of surprise appeared on his face: "Nine real-name magic weapons? Such an exaggeration?"

Pang Jie nodded again: "That's right, for an ordinary person to nurture a magic weapon with his real name, it is already very exhausting to combine his own skills with the principles and artistic conceptions on it.

But these Eight Desolation Heavens and Humans are absolutely different. The nine natal magic weapons can be said to be completely forged for the exercises themselves.

According to the records in the classics, the nine natal magic weapons are the Eastern Green Light Needle, the Western Heavenly Sword, the Northern Xuantian Seal, the Southern Lihuo Ding, the Northeast Mintian Banner, the Southeast Chunyang Lantern, the Northwest Youtian Dharma Robe, and the Southwest Zhutian Pagoda. , and the five elements treasure wheel of the central heavens! "

"So..." Wang Zheng stroked his chin, his eyes flickering: "The golden giant sword is very likely to be the Western Tiandao Sword, and the cauldron burning with Nanming Lihuo is very likely to be the Nanming Lihuo cauldron?

But isn't it?If it is a sneak attack, it is obvious that treasures such as the Dongfang Green Needle are more suitable..."

When Li Ruofeng heard the words, he interrupted and continued: "So, there is only one possibility. That is, this person has not yet fully refined the nine magic weapons of his real name. It may not be able to stop him.

It's just strange that, as the royal method of the first dynasty, the Eight Desolation Heaven and Man Art should have been cut off in ancient times, so why did it reappear today?
Moreover, what enmity does such a person have with Kong Fan?You must know that Kong Fan used to..."

Listening to Li Ruofeng's analysis, Wang Zheng's expression changed, and a figure flashed in his mind.

Kong Wushuang!
At least among the people he has come into contact with, Kong Wushuang has a relatively deep hostility towards Kong Fan!As for the others, although Feng Ming'er has many admirers, such a powerful person would never do such a thing.

"But shouldn't it be? It is said that Kong Wushuang is practicing the Five Elements Heavenly Demon Dafa handed down by the Peacock Demon Sage."

The change in Wang Zheng's expression attracted everyone's attention.

A smile appeared on Di Shitian's handsome face: "Director Wang, is there a suspect?"

Wang Zheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shook his head: "I don't have any goals. After all, Brother Li and Brother Pang don't know about the lineage of the school. How could I, as a director, know."

Wang Zheng didn't express the suspicion in his heart.Because he knows that it's useless to say it, it will only make these people fall into a dilemma.

It is true that the Zhaixing Pavilion and the Zixiao Holy Land are first-class powerful forces, but the Peacock Clan is also not weak and has an extraordinary background.

If these people were from casual cultivators, Wang Zheng wouldn't mind pulling them along to study countermeasures.But both their identities and backgrounds are doomed, they can help with some things, and they can't help with others.

Therefore, Wang Zheng didn't say anything.Some things, you just need to be clear in your heart, but speaking out will make people embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Wang Zheng suddenly changed the subject: "Okay, it's enough for the soldiers to cover up the water and the earth. There is a big formation of Liangyi Mochen to protect him. That person is less than the fifth level, and he will definitely not dare to force the formation."

Seeing that Wang Zheng didn't want to say more, everyone consciously avoided the topic. They saw Li Ruofeng sized Wang Zheng up, a little surprised: "Brother Wang, what is your level of cultivation?"

Wang Zheng smiled indifferently: "You guys will know what you need to practice in the future. By the way, the new show Love Defense is about to start. How are your preparations going?"

Pang Jie shook his head and smiled wryly: "Catch the ducks to the shelves, I don't know if I can do it."

Madam Hu winked and said, "Of course my family is fine."

Kong Fan was quite normal. Although he was a little nervous, he still nodded and said, "Director Wang, there shouldn't be a big problem on my side. It's Senior Yanyue..."

Wang Zheng waved his hand: "Senior Yanyue, don't worry, you'll be fine. Since everyone is almost ready, then..."

"Then I announce that tomorrow night I will start recording the first episode of Love Defense!"

(End of this chapter)

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