Xianwu star

Chapter 501 I'm sorry

Chapter 501 I'm sorry

Wang Zheng!

This name is definitely a household name in Zhongzhou, as long as it is not deep in the mountains and old forests, or in the secret valley of the Jedi!
Not to mention, Wanbaoge, which has opened up Donghai's commercial channels because of TV shopping, is doing its best to promote TV in Donghai.Not to mention how much Donghai respected Wang Zheng as a holy land of martial arts.

It can be said that Wang Zheng's face, as long as he walks in any city in the East China Sea, will be spotted immediately, and then fans will gather to watch.

At this moment, Wang Zheng revealed his original face, which naturally made the two martial arts monks subconsciously exclaim.

Seeing the performance of the two, Wang Zheng smiled with satisfaction: "This time, my words are convincing, right?"

The youth of Lieyangmen, as the grandson of the Great Elder, is definitely not stupid.Maybe it was because of unequal information that I made a wrong judgment before.

But right now, as the ordinary man used the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light, and the other one had Wang Zheng's appearance, the young man instantly realized something was wrong.

Thinking of what Wang Zheng had said about Li Yang, the youngest son of Emperor Wu, his mind turned suddenly, and he looked at Li Yang with a cold expression in disbelief.

"The youngest son of Emperor Wu? How is it possible..."

"It is rumored that there are countless top martial arts in the lineage of Emperor Wu, and there is even a direct lineage of Emperor Wu - the Emperor's Heart Sutra. It is said to be the Emperor's Heart Sutra that can control most martial arts!"

"That's right! That's right! Only the Emperor's Heart Sutra can allow a person to perform the cold and weird sword technique at the same time, as well as the domineering Lieyang Sutra."

The young man muttered to himself, already believing in Li Yang's identity.

After all, Li Yang's performance was there.Although Wang Zheng's identity is unknown, the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light cast by his side can definitely prove his identity.

There is no need for such a character, and he doesn't bother to lie to himself!
However, listening to the young man's unbelievable self-talk, Wang Zheng was not happy, and saw him pouted: "Hey, you can't talk nonsense if you have no experience. What do you mean by only the Emperor's Heart Sutra? Did you see that?" Have you watched Fengyun II? Don’t you know what Di Shitian’s signature martial art is?”

Being interrupted by Wang Zheng, the young man suddenly realized that facing a rumored youngest son of Emperor Wu, a proud son of the Eastern Continent, the pride in his heart disappeared.

I saw him respectfully cupping his hands towards Wang Zheng and the others: "Dare to ask senior, how did my Lieyang Gate offend senior? How did I offend Wudi City?"

He believed too much in his junior sister on weekdays, so he didn't associate all this with Zhao Shan at all.

On the other hand, Wang Zheng pointed to Zhao Shan, who had a dull and regretful face, and said calmly: "There is a prince who fell in love with that one, and became a dick to accompany her. But what about some people? Blind eyes, no Know the potential stocks, for the sake of the so-called true transmission of the so-called future, tsk tsk tsk."

"Don't look, that's right, it's your beloved junior sister. I forgot to tell you, before you, she was very close to the prince, um... I guess she did everything except sex."

Hearing this, the young man suddenly turned his head, and the target was Zhao Shan's face full of regret.

Seeing this scene, why doesn't he know the ins and outs?Immediately his face darkened, and he raised his hand to hit him, but he didn't dare to hit Emperor Wudi's youngest son.

In the end, he could only snort coldly and shake his hand fiercely.

And this is, Zhao Shan finally made a move.

Seeing remorse on her face, she ran towards Li Yang with tears on her face.However, although Li Yang is an honest person, he is definitely not stupid. Zhao Shan's performance has completely chilled his heart.

Facing the remorseful Zhao Shan, Li Yang turned around and slashed at the void, the insidious knife aura from the cyan demon knife directly cut an unhealable crack in the void.

There was a strange and sinister aura blooming on the cyan demon knife, which was completely different from its usual ordinary appearance.

A domineering aura of a warrior emanated from Li Yang's body, as if the martial arts of the heavens could be mastered at his fingertips.

Seeing such a scene, the young man believed in Li Yang's identity even more.As for Zhao Shan, she jumped and ran even faster.

However, Li Yang turned around and walked towards the dark crack without even looking at the person he had been thinking about day and night.

"Li Yang, don't leave me alone. I know I was wrong, let's start over, okay?"

"Li Yang, I will definitely only love you in the future."

"Wait a minute!"

"Bastard, I curse you!"

Zhao Shan shouted while running.

And Wang Zheng and Kong Fan, also supported by the photographers who appeared in the void, approached the dark space crack, making Zhao Shan jump into the air.

On the beach, only the young man with a cold expression was left, and Zhao Shan with a remorseful face.

On the other side, among the group of people returning directly to Lieyang City through Shattered Void, Li Yang's body was trembling slightly although his face was expressionless.

Seeing this, Wang Zheng sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "It's time to learn to grow up."

Li Yang took a deep breath and said in a low tone, "Yes, it's time to learn how to grow up."

As he said that, Li Yang turned his head and looked at Wang Zheng with piercing eyes: "Director Wang, although I know you did this for the effect of the show, I still thank you."

Wang Zheng smiled: "I thought you couldn't see it, but it doesn't matter, what are your plans next?"

"Plan? I want to be famous in Zhongzhou! I want everyone to know my name, Li Yang!"

Wang Zheng nodded: "Being famous is a good thing, but don't lose yourself because of the past."

Li Yang showed an ugly smile: "We are both warriors, do you think we will get lost in the past?"

Wang Zheng also showed a smile: "Others don't know, but I know the two of us can't."

"By the way, is there going to be a mosaic in this episode? The mosaic is a way to make Zhao Shan's appearance unclear to others."

Hearing this, Li Yang shook his head: "You can do whatever you want, anyway, she has nothing to do with me."

Seeing this, Wang Zheng patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, it seems that you still need time to heal your injuries."

Li Yang let Wang Zheng pat him on the shoulder, and smiled wryly: "Maybe. By the way, Director Wang, is there a shortage of people in your entertainment city?"

When Wang Zheng heard the words, he immediately beamed with joy: "Quiet, why? Are you interested?"

Li Yang met Wang Zheng's gaze: "Yes, I've said it all, I want everyone to know me."

After a pause, he added another sentence: "However, I will have to wait until I break through to the Grand Master."

Wang Zheng looked Li Yang up and down, and then smiled: "Okay, the gate of the entertainment city is open to you at any time. As for breaking through the Grand Master, why don't we compare who will break through first?"

Li Yang frowned and looked at Wang Zheng whose true energy was not showing, but the five elements' true energy was flowing in his body: "You can't compare to me."

Wang Zheng smiled mysteriously: "That's not necessarily the case!"

(End of this chapter)

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